Ren'Py - Completed - Ataegina [v1.0] [Kthulian]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Interesting premis and intention but felt like story was all over the place, was hard to follow and gameplay dident add much to it all. graphics where ok but not amazing. overall just felt alittle random. some interesting characters but not enough depth to them.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    [Rev @v0.3.9]

    I like it.

    Art's nice, character models are cute.

    Writing is good. Plot's good, narrative's good, dialog doesn't make me wanna gouge my own eyes out or anyone else's. It's a tad verbose though, some of the talky bits drag on too long and the overall Tits-to-Talks ratio is just a bit on the wordy side.

    Liked the porn, didn't see anything that squicked me. As an ardent corruption fan I have concerns with some of the foreshadowing seeming to threaten "don't be too successful at corrupting, or teh DEWM!" but I'll let that play out in future versions.

    TLDR: found myself wanting more of this to keep playing, always a good sign. Watched~
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    The corruption and progression keep me here. Learning magic and specializing in a certain school is very engrossing.

    There is a plot, but it's clearly written by someone that didn't want to pay a writer, as it's very juvenile. The grammar looks like a text from my dad, and the story is honestly just someone trying, and failing, to integrate an interesting plot into a porn game.

    The renders aren't great. Though there are a few attractive ones.

    Updates come regularly enough.

    All in all, it deserves 3 stars
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    Not bad? would try this again after some more plot!
    idea the 1st (mage like in old dusty books!)
    story the 2nd (try all 3 route)
    but have some troubles, with "good" storyline
    And more mageschool cheks please (for greedy Munchkin ofc:geek:)
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Heroic fantasy game with some sex, not the contrary.

    In the early stage of the game, I was going to rate it no more than 3/4 stars eventhough we can see a commendable effort to create some gameplay.
    The writting was a bit childish, overwhelmed by annoying "hahaha hehehe hohoho", and a plot that made me fear the worst. Also very poor animations.
    However as the game progress, I changed my mind little by little, the story was deeper and more complex than I thought, the dialogues improved a lot, and the sex scenes... well not that much but it's not a big problem.

    --- Chara Design : S-
    They are quite unique in term of looks, be it humans or other races, lot of work on creatures as well, overall it is well made.
    Regarding personalities, well...sometimes they seem dumb, and a bit too quick on sex drive. Most characters are superficial, but at least the important ones seems to have received a better work on their personality, especially bredita and anya. The devils are not bad either.

    --- Story/Background : S-
    Although it was very childish like at the begining, we realize quickly that there is a lot of work and research to create a fantasy background which makes sense. And the ataegina world is pretty interesting afterall. Good work. The writting is getting better with time.

    --- Sex/Animations : B+
    Not great. The renders are ok, but the animations are clearly not the strong point of the dev. Also the scenes lack erotism, the field of view is often not the best. Overall it is pretty mild...even when it is supposed forced/rapey

    --- Gameplay/Contents : SS
    A great effort to make a unique and complex gameplay for a game of this genre. It works well in my opinion. I tried both evil and good route, after playing one route, we can easily guess what the other route will be more or less but it is still a nice feature to enjoy a different approach even if it doesn't change everything (at least at v0.3.8)

    There is still room for improvement for many things, but it is hard to not give 5 stars for the great effort to make a different game with real gameplay

    My rating system : SS : 6 stars / S : 5 stars / A : 4 stars / B : 3 stars / C : 2 stars / D : 1 star
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is very unique... I love my power fantasy stuff with a bit of story but this game does it right, the learning curve to learn magic and the customization you get for spells, the process to get more power I really just have to appreciate, and just for that reason it deserves a 10/10 from me. I hope other upcoming adult future fantasy games take notes from this game.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    I don't usually review games, but this one is truly a gem. Developers have done an excellent job of balancing story, combat, and sex. I have personally supported the developer, and you should do the same if you like it.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is very interesting and has a lot of potentials. An interesting and well-written story with many other games references that I like ( Skyrim for example, one of my favorite games ever). I’m glad and grateful there’s no grinding for stats and money, no unnecessary free-roaming/sandbox, no repetitive scenes. Thanks!
    Writing is good, It's understandable and simple, well done!
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    To be honest we need more games like this. It offers a way to ake the character feel like your own with skills and kama without the tedious grinding othere games have. I cant wate to see how it plays when it's finished.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Very good game and interesting concepts. Hope the creator continues in this manner. though confined to a renpy format, this game expands on it to give the player greater choice. Sure enough, one may enter the game for *cough* obvious reasons. but as you delve into it, you find that the game carries more and provides an actual story with cool characters and the like.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    I assumed this would be another pervy fantasy adventure but oh boy how wrong I was - this is a novel.

    If you are those people who like fantasy adventures this is pretty much the best game you can have. The graphics are not the best but the plot and characters are.

    Note that this game is beta(?) and I played 0.36 version and it was very entertaining. I can foresee creator adding much more material and quests in future patches, hell you can easily even double the content and game would still be interesting.

    I deeply recommend this game to everyone. Definitely 5 out 5.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    This was super promising I'll really look forward to the full release.

    I enjoyed the world and the characters, I liked that you could corrupt characters and also choose a light/dark path for yourself ... hopefully the magic system will be a bit more fleshed out (I beat everything just by casting armoured skeleton over and over again) - or if it's not there's not much need for the battles could they just have them play out automatically in different ways based on which magic schools you've gone for.

    But yeah I loved the world, want more, the only real downside is it ends before we really get stuck into any good stuff.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    One of my top five favourite games on this site. Interesting and sometimes funny story and characters. You can be a good guy, bad guy or take neutral path which must be very time consuming for the developer. Beautiful females. Although I am still waiting for the fun with the elven princess :) Good battle system. I always look forward for the next update. I guess that honest rating would be 4.5 stars because it never blows my mind (like two other games which I according to the review rules cannot mention) but because of the fantasy theme I give 5 stars :) I hope that developer keeps up a good work so far he trully deserves a support.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    I just started with this one on the newest update. The renders and story are crisp, and clean. I didn't encounter any bugs, but came across a couple of typos. Nothing major, or story impacting. I played both routes, because why not? Great story and character development. I'm interested in seeing where this goes. Keep up the great work
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    This game should get more love, it's really great and it tries to actually have three real story paths! I think I love games with some real divergence in choice and this one delivers so far!

    I am really looking forward to seeing more updates from this developer!
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    I loved it but the game ending was way sudden after meet lust then in elf turf then meet the archmage in the throne room i belive then wala the credit scene showed up! which disappointed me big time and i really really did want to see more but now i gotta change up some stuff for now i'll start out fresh then see if i can change that if not oh well thats that and bye bye
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    This is the first game I ever felt inspired to review because this is easily one of the best unfinished adult games on this website. It has quality graphics, music and sound effects, a combat system, and multiple routes based on moral alignment. That being said, it is still quite clearly unfinished as of version 0.3.6. Like someone else said on their review, it feels like there should be more early and midgame content. The plot seems to rush by quite quickly without it. Some suggestions:

    1. There could be scattered books across the island (and possibly even abroad) to collect and donate to the library for money and relationship points as hinted by the librarian.
    2. There could be an exp system for leveling up skills and place to grinds for exp fighting frost spiders (maybe through the secret route to the mountain), skeletons (random encounter in the graveyard or elsewhere?), various summons (through our mage mentors?), demons/imps (through demon hunter training?), or anything else. I like how the current system doesn’t require extra grinding to progress through the plot, but I’m sure there will be people that want to grind just to have more magical options available to them anyways.
    3. There could be other repeatable content with the various characters around the college or anywhere else to build up relationship points or corruption points.
    4. There could be a way for us to finish the earlier quest with the lumberjack BEFORE being thrown into the next stage of the game after the battle with the giant demon.
    5. Less important but maybe we could have harder battles (it seems like spamming level 5 attacks will win every time?) and do something that rewards necromancy over other skills? As it stands, there is no objective reason given by the game’s combat system to believe that the evil route grants more power, so it is somewhat harder to believe in the plot rationale for various mages being tempted down this route.

    Items 1-3 would all allow people to pace themselves. Items 4 and 5 are more bonus and might add less value in terms of pacing, but I would find it very satisfying. All in all though, I loved this game and will eagerly look forward to updates.

    This has been edited to elaborate on my review and to include version number.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Honestly, it has a unique story and battling system adds more flavour in it. Its a huge plus that choises you make actually matters in the game. İnteresting characters and half open world. I think if it given more freeroam encounters , it would be better.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is very interesting and has a lot of potential. Right now it feels like there is a lot of content but after 2 playthroughs I ended up realizing it is kind of the opposite. I'm sure that will change in time but right now the pacing feels off. You are always going to do something and the only downtime is when Mida shows up pretty much.

    Besides the pacing, the game is very interesting but if no work is done on the earlier content the game will have a rough start in my opinion. I think there needs to be more build up before they toss you in the deep end on a bunch of crazy missions. The evil playthrough also seemed even more barebones which is unfortunate.

    Anyways, even in spite of these major issues I really enjoyed the game and hope to see it grow into something great.

    Bare in mind I really like the game and my criticism is hopefully taken lightly and in a good way.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    Really good 9/10 wold recommend. it has a bit of content for everyone with 3 quite separate (yet connected at key points) but imo equally good stories. This game doesnt force you to grind, and is just an over all entertaining game.