At the moment the Game is easy.
Little hint:
Search places:sometimes aso grass or flowers, bench and so on.
Next day I think they reactivated so search all again (you gain exp when you are succesful).
Knowledge with notepad you can use for your skills.
At the end I was Level 7 (3,2,3,3). I have not the best armor (T Shirt you can find it) and I have aso only my knife (you can find it).
2 Rare Books and a rare Mineral I have at the end.
Equip your inventory.
I buyed only armor (later in the Game available).
When you take a nap you have full HP/MP so don´t waste your healing items.
Not on all places I have success with searching.
When you speech is high you can get more money/or items from NPC. My was to low so I don´t know what I miss.