Ren'Py - Completed - Babysitter [Final v0.2.2b] [T4bbo]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Despite having bad endings this is still one of unique games here , it's realistic aproach which may not be palatable to everyone , otherwise game would get much better rating overall.

    Story that doesn't use popular formula always is refreshing and there is quite a lot aspect of game following it , there are many determining choices that can affect endings, I think this is the way every game should be.

    Sometimes it can be complicated to know in which path MC is , otherwise Babysitter is an exceptional game.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    I have tried to play this game several times and just can't get into it, but remember, 3 stars is average so nothing wrong with it, but nothing that really wows me.

    The renders and dialogue are good and even the story is solid. I like the NTR aspects of it and the girls are all attractive. I just get frustrated in the beginning by making choices that cause the game to end. I tried to stay polite with the niece and was never rude to her, but I still got the "Stop being as ass" ending. I don't mind having early endings but these endings are basically "You are not making the choices the dev wants you to make" and it makes me wonder why there are choices at all. I mean, what's the point? If the dev wants the story to go a certain way, then write make it a kinetic novel. Why bother with choices at all?

    Don't misunderstand, the dev is talented and am looking forward to seeing what they do in the future, and there were parts in this game I really loved, but at the end of the day, I can't give it more than an average rating.
  3. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 4367918

    A solid game. The NTR route is brutal and that is why I rate this game with 4 stars instead of 3.

    Jessica is trouble and one of the hottest characters I have ever seen.

    The interface is a bit obsolete.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    A fellow reviewer below writes: "the game traps you with choices that seem right and then turn out to be wrong for a reason you can't foresee. So you're grinding HOURS. "

    I can't help but wonder if this person didn't play the game for very long. Did he send his girlfriend away at the hottub? Did he say she should dress slutty at work?

    I bring this up not to bash the other reviewer but to exemplify just how BROAD this game is. I wasnt even a fan going in of the whole uncle/whatever have you scenario, but there are so many paths you can go down and things you can do, that's one of its main strengths.

    Do you want a camgirl girlfriend?
    Do you want a sexy office girl who needs your help to bring down her evil boss?

    Theres many many ways to play this!

    Artwork is hit or miss, some of the renders look fantastic, others look dated, which makes sense for its age.

    Animations, when present, are quite good.

    Dialogue is strong, and I didn't find myself doing any double takes at poor translations or things that come up in other games - all the idioms feel right, either this is very well polished by translators or writer is exceptional in english.

    Sound/music are good, not excellent, as some games with custom soundtracks, but enough to get you lost in the moment.

    Overall I'd give this a 4.5/5, if only because it's lacking that certain je ne sais quoi I see in most 5 star games, but halfs arent available, so I rounded up. If you're at all curious, download this, it's hefty and won't leave you disappointed in yet another 20 minute "concept art/abandoned" project.
    Likes: T4bbo
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    It just feels like the dev got tired of the game and wrote a quick ending. It had its good points, but just didn't really live up to its potential. There was a trip with Chris's mom and I thought it would have been a good idea if she got morning sickness in front of her mom. Then there is the fact that you have raw sex with just about every female you meet multiple times and only 2 get pregnant. Then you end up with 2 girls, in the end, one of which isn't one that gets pregnant. I think this is due to the fact that the game was rushed to the end and just left a sour taste in your mouth. There are a lot of things that could have been better, but just didn't really reach a great game.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    I hope many devs who are starting out don't take this game as a reference. I know it's completed from over 2 years ago, but I had played it a long time ago when it was still in development. My surprise was that this game ended much worse than expected with bad gameplay that doesn't give you enough freedom and you don't feel like you're manipulating Christine at home. You have the option to hide your clothes, like nightgown, panties, bra but this will give you a negative impact with Christine and you will also lose some content.

    Open relationships with Sonya and Jessica are bad because there is no extension on them, or rather, just Jessica. The game also has a purposeful NTR that makes you let Christine go Mr. Silver or Robert, but the two characters have the same scenes with each other. Is it worth going down this path? no, it was a waste of time for the dev to build this.

    I arrived at the content where I left off and I see that the MC invites Monica to spend the holidays with them (Christine and Jessica), the content presented is of low sexual quality, you can see the dev's unwillingness to want to end his game for good . There's also some content after that and then the long-awaited ending, which is two. Anyway, this game is very good but at the same time bad, because there are many things in the gameplay that is the point-n-click that for me has become quite boring to play. There could be more content from Jessica or Sonya but there wasn't because the dev delved into an uninteresting content that was NTR.

    It's a good game with average image qualities, good renders, good animations and good female models, especially Jessica.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    I'm mitigated about this game.
    When I read the reviews, I didn't know what to expect.

    Some said it was ugly, I don't agree, even for a 2017 game, it's still one with some of the best characters' models, and the RT renders are very well done. The old graphics really are visible in the early game, but it gets better later on.

    There is some slight level of uncanny level with zoom in on faces, especially around the yes and the mouths, but 90% of the time it's not visible and looks natural.

    Same for the animations, some are clunky low frame animation where it looks like automates from a XIX°c sex museum, but some actually have a good frame rate and natural body animation.

    And the story isn't that bad either.

    My biggest gripe is with pacing and gameplay elements.

    So, quick disclaimer here, I haven't finished the game yet, but I think I'm around 50 to 75% of it.

    At the beginning of the game, for the first 14 days, you usually wake up, take your shower, take your breakfast, and then do whatever you want before going to work (so, snooping in the niece's bedroom and spying on everyone you infected with the spyware)

    There is a friendship and lust system, when you make some actions or choices with some characters, those points change.

    And finally,, money is tight, you don't often gain it, but you often spend it, so you have to make the right choices to manage it (not that it is hard anyway)

    And then...

    The Yacht ark happens.
    During and shortly after the yacht, the point system still works. Kind of. With some characters the points get added or deducted, with some others (like Sonya), it never moves, you can speak to her, help her, fuck her or completely ignore her, it doesn't change anything.

    This ark ends with my favourite thing in every good story,; a long ellipse. (yes, I hate ellipses), especially since this one is followed by a lot of things happening all at once.

    Seriously, the very first arc has us following 4 things at one. 3 of them being completely useless information and adding nothing to the story.

    And after that, the point system and money become completely useless, and the game devolves into a run-of-the-mill visual novel. No more planning your day, no more choosing which actions you want to do before moving on in the story. Some clients tell you you will be paid, but you never get the money. Not that it matters since going to the cinema or an expensive restaurant doesn't cost anything either, even if just going to the grocery store cost 100$ before.

    So yes, the story becomes slightly more interesting at that point, but also way more slow-paced compared to before.

    It took me probably more time to play through day 26 to 30 than day 1 to 15.

    Some actions feel like they don't have consequences, and some characters feel simply useless.

    An entire ark is dedicated to Sonya, yet you almost never interact with her during it, and after that, you won't see her for hours, and that will be just for a quick and goodbye again before hours and hours of playthrough.

    Some characters not included in the game stats actually have a more developed plot and interaction with the MC.

    All in all, I'd say the game starts strong with a good concept, but it eventually throws everything into the trash to focus only on the story at the detriment of gameplay.
    Likes: T4bbo
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    This game isnt awful but the cons just outweight the pros too much.
    Renders are really average and tend to go towards the bad, this game has been started in 2017 and i understand that it was standart to this time but in 2022 it seems really old.
    The story is cliché, nothing really innovative and isnt deep either.
    This game could be good for people who had already played better games and is in search of abetter than bad game.
    TLDR: Average but has had its day
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Its not a bad game.

    The settings are good. Dialog is not bad. Characters are ok within their perspective roles.

    The only draw back to this game is the X scenes are very short and character models/animations are pretty outdate (or feels like it is).

    One really good thing is the choices do make an impact in the game and there are different routes as well which is a lot of work so its appreciative for the verity.

    One other thing that I see many creators should do IMO is keep the MC's face out of all scenes. I know its harder to do then say but it leaves it up the the imagination of the player and less likely people will stop half way, if not right away.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    A typical “creepy old man tries to seduce a young girl” simulator.

    What is there to say? Half the games on this site are like this. The MC, who is hosting his niece, creeps on her and her and her friends, getting them drunk when he can in order to ensure best results.

    • Can be slightly sweet for a very brief moments.
    • This VN has been done 1000 times and this is not one of the very few good ones.
    • No genuine chemistry.
    • Amoral misogynistic creep MC with no likeability.
    • MC is only the “good guy” when compared with literal molesters.
    • Not a fan of the renders.

    TL;DR: A poor attempt at the grooming VN, if you want a better one, try Haley's Story.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    FYI, I would really rate this 4.5 if I could.

    I was really surprised by this title. I was thinking this would be another "hump a family member" by the numbers game. By the end, I realized I could not have been more wrong. A slow start gives way to some fairly tight writing that gets you invested on a surprising level. Renders and locations are simple when they need to be, complex when called for. Solid animations at the right time help enhance the experience. Characters that seem very one dimensional take turns that open up new growth that maybe you didn't think was coming. Loved the multiple branches and secondary women. I really liked that the author kept things focused around 3 women, which allows for more focused writing. Quality over quantity has it's merits.

    Of note, this is the first game where the NTR actually got me a little. Usually NTR is so farcical, I laugh more than anything. This time, however, the NTR is framed not only with someone naive just making a bad choice, but burning quite a few bridges to do it. and maybe even regretting it later. Particularly effective is watch an extended date scene of the main girl with a rival that normally the MC goes on. It's like watching the mirror universe version of it, and it made me feel guilty for even ending up on this path. That's good writing!

    My only complaints are a few scenes where the Main girl's skin just seems to change to whatever tone it wants to be (deep tan out of nowhere, just kinda broke my immersion) and some navigation issues that some of the mods available address (MC's apartment can be a pain in the ass at times).

    Really looking forward to the author's other titles, but I will definitely be coming back to this one again and agan.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    The game might be good. I will never know because I deleted it the moment I seen he took the auto-text function out of the game and then I actually had to "turn left" to answer the phone. game over I wonder if developers even bother testing their own games these days.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Overall it's an excellent game, complete moreover. There are various possible scenarios, and there is something for everyone. The story we live from beginning to end is well written. I highly recommend this game.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    Great game, funny, sexy and sometimes more exciting than I expected. The art may not be for all but I like it a lot. The story as well, because there actually is a "main story" and we have the privilege to follow it through to the end! I've only done one playthrough so even if I don't know for sure, it seems there is more than one possible ending.

    And for a game to be finished by the devs, that and that alone is worth praise and admiration! Kudos to them!
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Really hot game. It is one of the few games I actually played out instead of just quickly going through the scenes.

    Models are great and it the game design is actually playable - many of these games are not well designed so one ends up looking for renpy crap to fap.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    Little pay off and much cuckery for trying to stay loyal to the female lead. I would describe this game as "No nut November simulator".

    - You can't make any sexual advances (be it flirting or watching) for what seems like a very long time.
    - You have to suck up to the female lead, If you don't, she starts to hate you and you won't progress enough.
    - Then when after spending hours playing you finally get somewhere with her and she's like "I want it to be only us UWU, exclusive". But then the game basically forces you to accept a 3rd person into your relationship because SHE wants it (the MC wants it too towards the end. But you the player are not given a choice). Making her a liar and turning you into a cuck.

    Look, I think a lot of effort went into this game. But the game traps you with choices that seem right and then turn out to be wrong for a reason you can't foresee. So you're grinding HOURS. In my case 9 hours. Trying to get the female lead to let you have her.

    And then you finally do get her by dedicating yourself to her (basically don't make her jealous or question your motive). And after all that effort, the game takes a piss on it because she likes her friend and is STILL attracted to the black guy. It's very inconsistent. The female leads character is very prudish, but then she ends up flirting with anybody that pays attention to her?

    This is my brain when after 9 hours grind for a vanilla ending, the game forces leading female and MC into triangle relationship: Nein nein NEIN NEEEEIIINNNN :KEK:
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I liked this VN despite some flaws.
    Pros are the good visual, the story and the main girls. The replayability is huge because there are a lot of routes.
    Cons is: inconsistent art between the beginning of the game and the rest (like Sonya hair changing color after the intro/beginning...) and some things about the story itself where it all goes full drama instead of a light hearted story.
    I would recommend it a lot.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    I really liked this game. I remember that the first time I played it I thought it was something generic, as I hadn't read any review on the subject, but while playing I realized how much this game is a work of art.
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    Babysitter [Final v0.2.2b] [T4bbo]

    "Babysitter" has been an intriguing journey through the world of interactive storytelling, though it's not without its noticeable flaws. From the initial versions of the game to its more evolved iterations, I've witnessed both the charm that initially drew me in and the areas where it began to lose its appeal.

    One of the most prominent issues I encountered throughout my gameplay was the navigation system. It felt clunky and unintuitive, which inevitably hindered my immersion in the game's narrative. In a story-driven game, smooth and user-friendly navigation is crucial, and "Babysitter" fell short in this regard.

    The game's storyline and scene progression also left something to be desired. I found it increasingly challenging to follow the plot without frequently consulting a walkthrough. While branching storylines can inject excitement into the gameplay, the choices often lacked clear consequences, making it hard to gauge the impact of my decisions.

    Diving into the different story routes, I found the friendship route to be somewhat predictable, with a vanilla romance that failed to pique my interest. On the other hand, the "horny" route offered more intriguing elements but suffered from an excessive amount of melodrama that didn't align with my gaming preferences.

    The Office and Patreon routes, in my opinion, felt like mere side plotlines that didn't add significant depth to the main story. Integrating them more seamlessly into the overarching narrative could have made them feel more meaningful and engaging.

    One bright spot in the game was the character Sonya. She effortlessly became my favorite character, both in terms of personality and aesthetics. The moments when I got to work undercover with her were some of the most enjoyable in the game. Looking back, I couldn't help but wonder if the entire game could have revolved around our characters uncovering crimes together while indulging in various erotic escapades.

    In terms of the writing, I noticed that some characters tended to engage in verbose inner monologues. While depth is appreciated, these monologues occasionally disrupted the pacing of the game. Striking a balance between character depth and narrative flow could enhance the overall experience.

    Finally, let's discuss the ending. While it provided a welcome conclusion to the game, it left me feeling somewhat underwhelmed. Some outcomes felt almost random, which can be frustrating after investing time and effort into the game.

    In summary, "Babysitter" has its strengths, including well-developed characters like Sonya and moments of excitement during undercover operations. However, it also has its share of issues, from clunky navigation to convoluted story progression. While I enjoyed it initially, my overall experience was somewhat mixed, and I believe the game could benefit from refinements to make it more user-friendly and cohesive in terms of storytelling.
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  20. 5.00 star(s)


    the game is awesome, girls are hot, story is interesting, the scenes are animation and not stiff, renders are good as another Ren'Py games.

    but the downside is few typos, the conversations are awkward if you want to use the original (Godfather - Goddaughter instead Uncle - Niece using the mod).

    I enjoyed the game, Thanks and Penfold Mole for made the Uncle Restoration's patch.