Ren'Py - Completed - Babysitter [Final v0.2.2b] [T4bbo]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Good game, but with a lot of rough places and strange things. Although the fact that there is almost 2 separate games inside the two story lines is great. It is not the first game with such a thing, but good that some small decisions can lead to such a drastic changes
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    An enjoyable game with sexy characters and a variety of paths to follow. There is enough deviating storyline choices to make it worth playing through a few times to view all of the possible scenes. I felt that the characters were developed just right - the main girls is cute, innocent, and ripe for corruption while her friend is the sexy one that you just want to dominate. I also enjoyed the NTR route involving the boss and seeing the gradual domination of the main girl. I hope to see more from this creator.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    I came for Christine but I stayed for JESSICA my luv❤.
    This is my 1st review(had to literally Google how to edit review in F95Zone) for my 1st completed VN Babysitter. A friendly advice don't play it for the sex scene cuz the story is what gives this 1 depth. 1st time when I played this I was too horny & kept skipping texts but it turned out to be a big mistake cuz I had no idea what to do next & the MC's house itself acted like a maze confusing me everytime so I uninstalled it ASAP but fortunately I had my setup file in the downloads which I don't usually leave like that so I tried again without skipping text & it hooked me.
    The best thing about this game is that every decision u make has consequences as a result u will never get the same outcomes during consequent playthroughs. For eg i ended up getting the perfect ending I was hoping for(settled with Jessica) but next time I tried to save Christine also but it was leaning towards some serious NTR shit to Jessica so I stopped it.
    The story is quite addicting, though I did feel it went a little over the top towards the middle with the whole helicopter & Luxary cruise scenerio though I did not regret it cuz that where I 1st make love to my dear Jessica the most interesting character in my opinion .
    Animation is a little stiff but enjoyable nevertheless.
    I highly recommend this 1
    SPOILER:My favourite moment was when I took revenge on Mr Silver who blackmailed Jessica into doing weird things streaming though I did save her from his clutches I also took my sweet revenge by fucking his Wife in front of him & that moment was truly exquisite
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    I have played this game 3 times now and the story has been subtly different every time. Of course not the main story beats but I have enjoyed each run and have loved the movie-style storytelling here and the only thing I didn't like was that yes it did seem kinda rushed toward the end and also Christine's character model could've been better but considering this was made 4 years ago the quality is awesome. Once more the story and branching are awesome.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    not really a big fan of this game. The girls are meh. I dont really like them too much. the story is not really for me. it feels like it was made in 2016 or something. doesnt feel like a game made very recently
  6. 4.00 star(s)

    Weird Hybrid

    Well.... It was great. At first... I played it without a mod.... And... I met my flag... I mean... It didn't end very well.... But on second.... Try I tried to use some walkthrough.... Its not that bad... Could have made the ending much better... Its kinda short too.. But it was great not gonna lie. Looking forward the the other game...babysitters.
  7. 3.00 star(s)

    Frim der Wel

    Artwork is OK (and seems to me to get better after the first days)

    Game is really long. (For me it turned a bit tiresome)

    Writing is OK, neither fantastic not offputting.

    Gameplay is OK (not sure whether choices make much difference, due to great length I did not consider trying alternative routes; at least it gives the illusion of choice; but not enough in some relevant parts, see below)

    (The two main) LIs are actually attractive and interesting.

    Well, but the story.... Porthas said it better than I could: "There are moments of sweetness and genuine caring relationship in this game." This is unfortunately the only redeeming quality. The rest (and there is an exhausting lot of it) is ... bad. Lots of bad guys; turns out, once again, that all male characters other than MC are evil and/or have small penises, which I *really* hate in these kind of games; also MC regularly fantasizes how he would like to beat up every other male character that looks at one of "his" women, etc. I really can't understand why this kind of thing seems natural/attractive to a good segment of the consumers. The story is also cringeworthily stupid in many other respects (come on, a wife wants to prove husband is cheating, natural course of action is to personally go to the same party as him, of course together with MC, to catch him in the act; and of course MC has nothing better to do than to agree to this insanity; lots of ridiculous and frankly boring super-detective work, etc etc. Often really stupid actions are forced on MC without giving the player any option to at least avoid some story line completely.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    There are moments of sweetness and genuine caring relationship in this game. It's too bad it's buried in this:

    Convoluted bad guy plot that's long, unnecessary, weird, and creepy.

    MC that creeps via spying on the internet.

    A really, really, really, really pushed "harem". Over and over and over again, you have to push the third wheel away. It gets tiresome, quick. It's nice to have a choice, but after you make that choice, let it stand.

    A completely unnecessary (though not too grindy) sandbox element. I admit I'm biased against sandboxes and really any games with grind. Not my cup of tea, though I'm sure other people enjoy that.

    This is of course, only my opinion. This is not an attack on anybody else's opinion or tastes. I also appreciate that the dev (s) put in a lot of work to make this, it's only meant as constructive critique.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    One of my Top 3.
    Personal ranking:
    Graphics: 5/5 (3D animation), Story : 5/5, Interactivity : 4/5 (map navigation, tasks list...)
    Not sure I will play it several times though as the duration is quite long.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the better VNs on this site :

    + The pace of the game is solid
    + The build-up is actually great, it feels extremely natural and has cutesy moments
    + Christine and Jess are nicely fleshed-out characters
    + A good amount of choices
    + Good length

    And some minus points (forced myself to find at least 2)

    - Lots of choices means you can get confused in your walkthrough
    - Unclear endings/ conditions

    The game was a great read, I hate NTR but the "vanilla" romantic experience with Chris and the other felt extremely natural and endearing, would highly recommend this.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    I found this game early on my adventure into this adult games market and I have to say, after playing 50 more games that Babysitter stood the test of time. I must of replayed this over 5 times to get different scenes and I still believe I haven't found them all. I was captivated by the story, the immersion was real, the slow burn of making your niece feel for you and corrupting her. If you looking for a game for a quick fap, its probably not for you. That and the NTR this game has, I can see how it would off putting for some. I'm a fan of NTR and Babysitter ranks 1 for me. Excellent job by the developer.

    I love the animations, even if its a 2 frame fade on some scenes, the dialog alone leading up to those scenes and full animations on others makes it all worthwhile. I love context with NTR and this games knocks it out of the park. The scene with Christine in the pool with Robert , in the yacht, is still by far the hottest scene I've encountered.

    The writing is on point

    Renders are fair

    Animations are fair

    The girls are unique

    NTR is the best
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    Visual Novel with misleading title (there's no babysitting here), misleading story and some free roam section (door opening simulator). It starts off as a "guy-lives-with-young-woman" cliche. You play as a computer guy but then it turns out you don't know how to access a laptop. Then it turns out you're not the only MC because you see and read everything two girls do, say or think. So, you really play as them all three. The story only goes more incoherent, unbelievable situations are piling up, there's lots of trap-choices and incomprehensible or pointlessly stretched dialogues. What started as a "seduce your niece" story turns out to be some kind of teen drama where you watch two young girls endlessly talking, going shopping, swimming or creating their own patreon site. All those scenes are unnecessarily long and tedious, the characters talk so much you just find yourself barely reading anything. All this time you, as a MC, really aren't doing anything and when you finally do something (apart from opening doors in your apartment), it turns out to be a trap choice that leads to game over. Lewd content is extremely poor for an adult game. Only 1 sex scene in first 3 hours of gameplay (a simple 2-stills of action bj that's triggered only because you're suddenly being transformed into a secretary and you can decide, if you want to suck your boss's dick). The rest of adult content is you beeing a perv and creeping on girls while they're sleeping or taking a shower (creep simulator.) There are only 2 main girls, mildly appealing personality wise (Jessica is a mean bitch character who would sell her best friend and Christine is really annoying with her insecurities and how they go very far in the story). Also, you can't choose your main love interest (and by love i mean perv). Visuals are medicore - the skin on lot of characters is ugly, plastic and off the charts (white skinned girls turn to black back and forth). So, a visual novel that's lacking in visuals and a lewd game you can't do lewd things, with misleading story (what started as "corrupt your niece" ended up as "two-high-school-girls-enjoy-shopping-and-showering-together-while-talking-a-lot") and lots of trap-choices leading to game over. This cheap teen-drama gets boring very fast and it's not really what it promised to deliver.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    The good:

    Minimal Grind
    Choices do matter
    involved game, not just clickthrough

    The bad:
    Too many choices. even during the naughty times sometimes
    the fact above makes it almost unplayable without the mod

    The ugly
    RENDERS! How can a "Visual" novel be lacking in visuals?? Resolution is great, but the colors of the characters are all over the place, to the point where the same character can look like it belongs to different races in different scenes! also, over texturing / detailing of skin in some scenes makes it look like people have scales! Also, teeth and hair and even clothes in some scenes make the characters unappealing to say the least (downright repulsive in some cases)!

    The story and gameplay have great potential, if the graphics can be fixed.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    Overall good game. Not too many grammar errors, decent overall story and an occasional chuckle. Mostly likable good guy characters, mostly well drawn villains. Some of the transitional text was repetitive, like when leaving the apartment. The humor most of the time fell flat. Still, would reccomend playing it. Better than 90% of the stuff out there.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    At first I gave it 3 stars, having played it through about 7 days and almost decided to delete this game. It was a bit hard to navigate through sandbox style events, while not understanding well what kind of points to max out (friend or horny?), worrying about seeing all the contents, not getting any juicy sex scenes, meandering my way with walkthroughs to avoid bad results etc.

    But still I decided to give it a try and play on. After all, all the girls faces were beautiful. Bodies too, only except saggy tits. So I played on, not worrying much about points and walkthroughs. And around day 10 I started to fall in love with it.

    The story of Christine is very romantic (a bit more of friend points plus exclusive relationship, spoiler: not necessarily so exclusive in the end)...

    So the story is great. The dialogs are genuine. The characters are lovable. A bit of criminal mystery is very good. All in all, it's a great novel and a great game. Sex scenes are very remarkable. A few scenes are a bit too complex, but really masterful deflowering scene is a very rare gem in such visual novels.

    Despite a few bugs, I like this game and recommend it.

    Indeed, I love harems, but there is a love story so nice that even just being with only Christine is wonderful enough.

    PS. And towards the end of the game it moves from sandboxey to normal VN style, still with meaningful choices, but nothing too unexpected, so walkthroughs aren't really necessary.
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    Game probably deserves 2 and a half stars. Incoherent story, unbelievable situations, incomprehensible and pointlessly stretched dialogues at times. Average renders and animations. No sense of time and ultimately a boring game.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    At first glance, Babysitter settles into a fairly realistic family story, we have the godfather (You), the goddaughter, the friend, the businessman, the sister of the MC that we unfortunately don't see much of. The story holds the road and the choices are always quite realistic. Choices that of course will have an impact on your relationship with the second characters.

    It never happened to me in a VN or any other game, but here as you get more attached to Chris you don't want to lose her and you start to get this kind of jealousy as she leaves with her friend and meets other people. It just feels great. It means that the story is immersive without being animated.

    The rendering of the characters are pretty, the different places are well done, the spy system is well thought out and realistic too. In short it's a VN that you have to try.

    I give it a good note for its long story but not too much, just enough and the work that has been done to make this VN.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Solid game, worth the time!

    A very good story, the images are pretty good and the sound is minimal!
    The only downside on my book are the animations, look somewhat strange, but notting to bad or abble to pull you out of the experience.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is just good, no matter what you are into.

    It is so well-written, that it should be made into a movie.
    The options and mechanics are great. The choices are meaningful and rewarding, but not punishing. And there are plenty of "hidden" choices to make things fun.
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    This game had potential when I first started playing, but it went down hill fast. You NEED a walkthrough for this game. I wish I knew this when I played it because I ended up accidentally walking into the Robert NTR path, and was utterly heart broken throughout the rest of the game, hoping he'd break her heart and come back to me, but she just became a semi-slut (which is weird because there seemed to be no reasonable explanation as to why she went from a shy and innocent girl to a DTF in a matter of days for a guy that made it known he didn't give a shit). Mnd you, this whole shitty cuck route came to fruition of a very small decision I made.

    The only reason this game gets a 2 is because the animation and renders isn't bad. Shout out to the devs for giving it a go and making a free to play game but it is way too walkthrough reliant.

    Now for the people that actually prefer cuck content and NTR, do not be discouraged by my review. The NTR content was done fairly well, and they did a wonderful job of cucking the MC, but I simply can't stand it, hence the bad rating.

    Semi-Spoiler below:

    I also disliked how Jess always viewed the MC as some sort of second option to Chris. She was always like "yea you're cool and all but you'll never be her, lets fuck tho!"

    Lastly, I am not rating it poorly simply because I dislike the NTR. I rated it poorly because any unsuspecting new player can get cucked like that for little to no reason just because they didn't know they needed a walkthrough/