Ren'Py - Completed - Babysitter [Final v0.2.2b] [T4bbo]

  1. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 216358

    This is fun story and I enjoyed it quite a bit.

    • Good story
      Good writing
    • Good characters
    • Good character development
    • Good renders and graphics
    • Fun and lighthearted adventure
    • Sexy females
    • Good sex scenes

    • Too many choices lead to the bad ending - A walkthrough is required to get the good ending unless you want to spend tons of hours trying different options - Choices that should be personal preferences really matter in the story development when they shouldn't which makes it really tough to play the game without a walkthrough - This is my biggest complaint of the game!
    • Writing and dialog need a proofreader - too many spelling errors, misused words, and missing words
    • There isn't a Jessica only path - Christine has to be your main love interest
    • I wish the sex scenes would be longer and more involved in many instances - This isn't exclusive to this game however

    Overall a solid game that I enjoyed playing!

    I recommend it as long as you use a walkthrough to help guide you through it.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    So I played this though a few times, while in development. I also supported the developer for at least a few updates. The game is good, very good at times, but loses its way as it goes.

    The renders get better quite quickly from the beginning of the game. The characters all look quite nice, and natural, which is nice. The sex scenes also get quite good the further the game goes on.

    Christine is a really good character. She grows decently as a character which is important in a story. Her interactions with you are really good, quite cute, and very well written. Jessica is also a pretty good character, who is clearly going through some things. It all sets up for some good storytelling.

    The problem the game gets into is in the 3rd act. It takes a sharp turn when Christine's Mom, your sister enters the game, and then just ends. It ends so abruptly I thought I was missing part of the game! The storyboard stuff at the end really didn't satisfy me at all in terms of ending the story. Was very disappointed with the ending. I felt that the developer could have done so much more with the game but it seemed like he was done and ready to move on. Shame.

    It is still worth playing, if just for the great banter and relationship building between Christine and you, and Jessica too.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one of those games that really improves the further you go into it. When you first play it, the whole navigation system really sucks. The renders aren't all that great. But after about an hour in, the renders get way better and all the lame navigation options get removed. There's a really nice story here that gives you several main paths (some are avoidable NTR) with some really attractive heroines. If you like incest stories, this is for you. If you like NTR, this is for you. It's a great corruption story all around.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Wow this game was amazing! The story was really good. I actually reccomend paying attention to the story and not just skipping around to sex scenes. It is a very VERY long game though with so many different routes to go crazy with.

    The characters were sexy and full of personality. Christine was actually really cute the more you get to know her. The renders are really well done and so are the animations. I also kinda like how they actually added a lot of story to the ending and that it wasn't just a fuck and get results. They actually talk about the results with the characters of all your hard work.

    10/10 I would say I would play it again but, I have already spent to many hours playing this one and ended up playing multiple different routes at the same time on different monitors XD

  5. 3.00 star(s)


    THE BAD:
    First of all, the dev made every man bald from the start or made them bald when he came up with the mask dance so it wouldnt cringe?
    Cause kind of cringes anyway, pretty much everyone is recognizing everyone, even though almost every man looks the fucking same.
    Second the Yatch thing doesnt even make sense, Maybe in some route makes sense..
    Jessica is the worst friend ever, after aknownledging Chris is a creep magnet, she continues feeding creeps to her, throwing innuendo around creeps, way to go bes friend. Not to mention exploiting her for profit. And she is supposed to love her...

    Jessica was supposed to be doing well and getting income, she lures Chris with that money, but she loses suscribers.
    Jessica publishes a photo with chris. can yo even publish a photo of someone who hasnt been verified with ID?
    The Jessica Chris patreon route is kind of stupid.
    MC hacker had to learn remote access to infect computers remotely?
    Silver somehow learned Jess address and sent him the dildo?

    This game as a novel is quite frustrating, i think is more rewrding with NTR eyes.,at least you will get a rush.
    For me, undesired outcomes are better to handle when not achieved with plot convenient stuff or holes.

    If you play this for the story, know that a lot of things are questionable, like cheap soap opera questionable.

    If you play it for the MC relationship development stuff, that will probably carry you throught all the bullshit.
    The means to make it work could be different, but its effective watching the big picture.
    How much it pays off depends on how much you can take, but at least that part is quite interesting.
    Sex scenes make sense, thats a big plus, and last more than 3 pictures and 6 lines of CAPS. Wont see intelectual discusions while deepthroating either
    Massage scenes, that kind of build intimacy and most games neglect them, this one doesnt.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    An excellent game with A LOT of content, meaningful choices and realistic dialogs. I didn't expect it to be so good tbh, but It took me 3 days to finish my playthrough and it never stoped being interesting, it has A TON of adult content.

    • excellent story
    • realistic and memorable characters
    • realistic dialogs
    • a lot of choices that matter
    • multiple endings
    • a lot of content
    • decent animations
    • renders aren't great, sometimes characters look like they have a realy dark skin color, while they actualy don't
    • some spelling errors here and there
    • many scenes lack renders, text says one thing, while the render shows another.
  7. N
    3.00 star(s)


    Could be a really great game but i really dont like that if i choose "wrong" the game ends its really disappointing that in a lewd game you cant do lewd things? Like i said otherwise the game is good but for me this mechanic is breaking down the whole experience so i think this game is just not for me.
  8. 3.00 star(s)

    Jar of the Dirty

    This game is pretty decent but has some issues. The skin on a lot of the characters is ugly and plastic. There is not much choice in the game, no matter what options you pick the same thing happens most of the time. Horrible navigation with usually no clue what you should be doing.
    Trying to play the game without a guide is very hard and it’s much better to play through using the walkthrough.

    The things I like are the personalities of each character, they are all different and spunky in their own way.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    some choices seemed unavoidable and i ended up with the loveboat ending after trying not to. Scumbags getting the spoils always bad ending .
    The story did have me engaged and I enjoyed most it, some very well-written content in there but yeah, I guess I really dont like to see the bad guys win like that I even alt-f4 when i saw the ending-screen and deleted the folder lol.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    Let me start by saying that I would have given this a 5 right until the ending.

    The story kept me interested, the characters were mostly believable (and likeable) and the story was good enough that you became invested.

    Also, I followed the "Patreon horny" walkthrough to see if my wrong choices were the cause of what I feel was a fucking shit ending. But nope. I would have put this near the top of my list, but the ending puts it at the bottom which is odd because I enjoyed it alllllll the fucking way there.

    Graphics opinions:

    I will also say that graphics have pretty much zero weight in my reviews. Im reviewing the story/gameplay, not the models.

    I can deal with shitty graphics (lets face it, most of these have ugly faces, or just ugly or insanely unrealistic girls). I will say that the girls faces seemed much worse in the start than they did in the last half. I feel the author was able to fix whatever they were doing wrong.

    Example of the face early on (bottom right) and how she looks later (I dont think the face really changed, I think the poses/angles/something changed but whatever it is it helped a lot)

    Also last minute edit. The name is HORRIBLE. Im not sure about other countries, but here in the US, "babysitting" is something that is done for children 13 and under. From 14-18, if you have a babysitter, you are a very very bad or untrusted child. So I almost skipped this entirely because the name was very misleading. I dont feel like there is ANY babysitting or babysitters in this story at all.

    More Edits: I just talked to some people on discord and found there is apparently a much better ending that I was unable to get. When I had issues making bad choices (that seemed good) I followed the walkthrough (both paths). I will say that my rating stands because even with the walkthrough I was not able to get a path I enjoyed and I should not need a walkthrough in the first place.

    2023 edit (replaying):
    I didnt mention it before, but the reason I had issues before was that I chose the horny route and not the friendship route. Because of the wording, I did not understand that the "friendship" route is the one where you guys stay together. To me, friendship means no fucking, no dating, etc.

    I decided to give this game another go. One thing I am noticing that I didnt really notice before (or maybe I just didnt care) is that starting around day 7, the writing goes way downhill. Or maybe more accurately, the wording. My guess would be that from day 1-7 the dev had an actual native english speaker to translate or fix the text, but after that.... yeah. I can no longer help but read all dialog in a horrible russian accent in my head. I'm not sure I am going to be able to finish it because the crap russian accent my mind is trying to put on all of the dialog is really shitty and does not match any of the characters. Some examples:
    "Probably we should change a topic here."
    "Christine quickly changes into her gym clothes and takes the bus to meet the Jessica at Haven park."
    "The Christine leaves the hot tub..."
    "You went to the bedroom to pick up your phone and returned back to the Christine. On the way back you called your friend Tommy..."
    "Christine turns around as she realize that they haven't scrubbed their legs yet. At the same time they try to lean forward to wash their own legs what ends in pushing Jessica's breast into the Christine's face."
    "Over the music the Christine hears loud crash. She looks over and sees a bunch of people bowling nearby."
    "Jessica waves at the Christine and Robert."
    "You get the to the balcony while following the Christine and Jessica... but then you stop..."
    "You and Christine make out some more. The Christine seems to like it, but you feel like you could be pushing things ahead more."
    "Christine quickly changes into her gym clothes and takes the bus to meet the Jessica at Haven park."
    "Robert leaves. Christine walks over the Jessica."
    "The girls get out of the shower and head to the Jessica's room."
    "Silver looks at the Jessica again..."
    "Christine puts her arm towards the Jessica face and acts like she's using the force..."
    "You grab a beer for you and drink for the Jessica at the bar."
    "Later, the Jessisa is getting her hair cut."
    "Because probably Robert's girlfriend came there and she started swearing..."
    "you are freak into healthy style and you want to be a journalist."
    "I go to the bathroom to get the water started. Waiting you there."
    "You wave on the Alyssa... she quickly pass by with grin on her face..."

    Then, before starting my new playthrough, I went through the walkthrough. And ran into the same issue as before. Very confusing. There is a "Corporate Route" and a "Patreon Route" (which is labelled as a "horny route"). Apparently the Corp route is the friendship route (which again, sounds like you would end as friends, not lovers). The entire walkthrough just gives me a headache. I feel this also could have been better done by someone who was a native english speaker.
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    I guess it wasn't my cup of tea.

    I completed 2 playthroughs, and even after all I felt it could have been a lot , lot better.

    If I had to pick a positive thing, I'd say the Jessica character is quite unique. She's the kind of girl that drives any man crazy, in a good way, despite her lacking backstory. Her character is really sexy too.

    Now, Christine gets really annoying with her insecurities and how they go very far in the story, depending on which route you choose and the many decisions you may pick along the way.

    By the way, I felt like no matter what your choices were, sometimes they didn't lead to a rewarding revelation, a character development, or progressing with any of the girls. And that's my biggest disappointment, the game felt like a clicker game sometimes. Somehow you think it will be worth it and you grind through all the clicking just to find out how quickly things unravel in the final part. Some of the scenes are unnecessarily long and tedious, the characters talk so much you just find yourself barely reading anything.

    There are some other girls you can interact with, but you always feel like you'll ruin your progress with poor Christine. There's a couple interesting girls you get to score just once or twice, but I think they deserved a little more development.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    Ugly and stiff model, way too much bad end, story is alright, sex scene are alright but nothing too great, the girl are mildly appealing personality wise.

    Just an average game with nothing really interesting to offer !
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    it's not bad I think people would enjoy the story and progress I just might not be the type
    However, regardless I still think it is good and well made even if it is a bit of a slow-moving pace the sex scenes are nice if a little basic i think that would be the games biggest problem what you see is what you get but what you get is not bad
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    A good game with a cool story

    Story line:
    - the story is quite complex with the NTR involved or not
    - the events that unfold keep you hooked and are small deviations from the main story that keep things interesting
    - in the end it is such a shame that you can not end solely with Jessica


    - in the first interaction the personal assistant looks weird but after that it received a new rending and it is much better.
    - both Christine and Jessica are looking fine. For the role of Christine there are a few
    games out there that did a bit of a better job.
    - Alyssa is another hot one here

    - at first it was a bit tricky to find the right room in the appartment, but after a while I got it
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    I didn't make it far into this and someday I might revisit it and make a more detailed review.

    The reason I stopped is because I got tired of trap-choices leading to game over. I've never been a fan of offering lewd choices just to end the game, and this does it early and often... and I actually forgave this... but then when I make the reasonable choice of not wanting the girl to visit the office of a surefire predator, she is forced to ride the subway home and deal with another cuck situation... so I go back to avoid that, and take her with me to the meeting and this leads to her being offered a job which I refuse to let her work at, and this leads to game over. I either send her off to a work environment where I know this creep is going to abuse her, and I know he has surveillance to remotely monitor everything about his employees for his own gratification... because I set that up for him... or it's game over.

    It was entirely unreasonable that I couldn't just take her home and then go to the meeting. This was a forced NTR situation... take the CEO letch or the douchbag neighbor... there is no third option.

    This is all in the first five days. I have read through the reviews and it seemed the NTR was avoidable but it doesn't really feel that way.

    I don't understand why anyone would want to be cucked, but to each his own... and avoidable or not, you still have to sit there and listen to the debasing inner thoughts of this creep and still have to sit through his lecherous come-on. It's fine to allow the female characters to turn them down but do we really have to see the entire scene in detail? If you want to include that stuff it should just be "She comes home and starts to tell me about some guy that hit on her..." and then give me the option of hearing about it, encouraging it, or avoiding it all together. But being forced to see the stuff, even when I know I can put an end to it later, just isn't enough to make it palatable.

    The story started off good and the setup was decent. The layout of the house was a little wonky but I got used to it fast enough. Don't take this review for a recommend or an avoid... it's just a warning... it appears to be heavy on the NTR, lewd choices are often traps, and some choices can lead to game over even when you're making the right call.
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    Would have been good but around the 18 points mark it just got far too creepy and getting worse. With friends like that who needs enemies.

    This is what I would like to call an NTR friendly game. If that is what you are interested in you may find more enjoyment in this game. Particularly if you happen to be a sociopath or a psychopath (and I don't mean that in a pejorative way, I honestly think those individuals would find more enjoyment here) or with such tendencies. Please note that the rest of my review remains objective and not being biased simply because of the NTR element.

    I'm giving this three stars not because the story is bad or because the art is bad, actually it's quite good and I'd recommend giving it a shot. However, some will find it very hard to stomach, the Dev seems to see certain things as acceptable or unavoidable in a healthy relationship and for me well it's a complete turn off. If you're writing or developing for the erotic genre... you want to make things well... erotic or hot. Sadly due to the creep factor all around nevermind in the NTR-ish elements and some elements where I found it hard to keep my suspension of disbelief... this game doesn't feel either erotic or hot.

    Re the audio: The music is okay but it really amps up the creep factor... it's not the kind of music I would expect in an erotic game, more of a thriller/horror. It's another no from me.

    Does it have potential? No I don't think so. The dev has completely missed the ball park in my view of what makes an erotic game and I don't think the dev does understand healthy relationships at all... I recommend relationship counselling.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    I've played the final version (0.2.2b) for some days following some of the paths. I've still to follow some others. I would have gived 4.5 stars if it was possible. This game is very good but to be really excellent it should be fix these things:

    - more sense to the points a character has (if you have high stats with Jessica and low with Christine, it's obvious who the MC likes more);
    - better endings (they feel rushed);
    - better navigation inside the house;
    - better NTR management (Christine should cheat when feelings for MC go very low);
    - gallery with all scenes (plus locked unseen scenes);
    - summary of available endings (reached and still undiscovered ones);
    - it misses an official walkthrough for all paths (and it's very needed).

    User Interface: 6/10
    Animations: 9.5/10
    Graphics: 8.5/10
    Plot: 7/10
    Language and dialogues: 7/10

    I feel some characters could have seen more development or scenes (Jessica, the secretary, Silver's wife and daughter). Overall a very good game, just a bit too rushed at the various endings.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Rounding up to 5 stars on this one. Loved the ladies and the mix of sexual options available. Renders are solid, animations are reasonable, and the storyline was intelligible. No grinding involved, which I really appreciate.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Did not play the NTR routes but loved the normal friend and horny routes very much.

    It has a simple, but good narrative that appealed to me. Especially, since it somewhat resembles my own life a bit (software developer) with the usual fantasy shift, where you get to play an amateur spy / detective (y)
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    The start of the game is a bit strange as you get a game over when the girl moves out but you didnt want her there anyway and she is trying to prove she can make it in the city so her moving out as a game over makes no sense at all, she needs you more than you need her.

    Horrible navigation with usually no clue what you should be doing.

    Trying to play the game without a guide is very very hard as most choices dont do what you think they are going to do, its much better to play through using the walkthrough then going back and changing things after.

    The game focues more on story than sex and the story is ok but dull and given it's supposed to be serious its not very believable.

    I have to give credit for it being a full game with more than one route but the endings are quick and dissapointing, for example the pregnancy tag is not really deserved as its two images and a quick gif right before the very end(not part of the game) just like in the credits.