Mod Ren'Py Completed Babysitter mod [final] [khumak]

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Engaged Member
Oct 2, 2017
Ran into something while testing the different branches that I didn't notice at first. My code for the path where you can drug Robert in the hot tub doesn't integrate very well into my new scenes so I think I'm going to remove that option. I don't think it's really needed anymore anyway. Also it references some of the old cropped images that I'm removing in the next version. I didn't test that path before since I wasn't planning on doing much with it other than just pointing at the new events.

With the new scenes, if you are ahead scorewise when you get to that part and Robert is there, you will get the upper hand without the drugs anyway. Robert will get some truth/dare options regardless but won't get to touch anyone. It's only if Robert is ahead scorewise that he gets anywhere after the first few rounds.

Let me know what you guys think. I can always add it back in later but it was set up for a completely different series of events with different dialog and code from the new scenes. If you're behind in score when you get to the bar scene and don't want Robert to get the upper hand, just dance with Christine instead of Jess or don't let him come home with you after dancing with Jess. Trying to integrate both options initially I ended up creating infinite loops til I realized I'd have to completely rewrite that part to fix it.

When I get this initial version done I still want to add about 1 more full round of dares (which will require more rendering) so I may add some extra options then to allow you more choice as to which scenes happen. The initial version is going to be mostly determined by scores. I may add options later that let you choose to let Robert get the upper hand for awhile and then still win at the end instead of 1 or the other of you dominating.
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Engaged Member
Aug 6, 2016
I think the change is good, better to have everything flow consistently.


Engaged Member
Oct 2, 2017
I think the change is good, better to have everything flow consistently.
My thinking as well. I have 4 more scenes left to finish up. Probably won't finish it tonight but should be close. I'm testing on the horny path right now (both with and without Robert) so I might need to go back and adjust trigger values depending on what scores are possible on the other paths. You won't need a perfect score for anything but some scenes will require fairly high corruption scores.

Some of my scenes will have triggers based on whether you've seen specific scenes that will bypass corruption requirements so some scenes will be easier to get than others depending on what path you're on. For instance if you do my hotel event you'll have an easier time seeing all of Christine's best scenes while doing my sleepover event will make it easier to see Jess's best scenes. I still need to go back and test again using high friend instead of horny scores as well as having Christine take the job with Silver instead of doing webcams with Jess, but I'm still hoping to be able to finish it up by tomorrow night.

I'm glad I pulled out the drugged option, the coding is MUCH less confusing without that in there.
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New Member
Sep 3, 2018
Glad to hear of your progress. I am really looking forward to trying this out.

Hopefully you will give us some sort of guide so we don't miss out on anything.


Engaged Member
Oct 2, 2017
Glad to hear of your progress. I am really looking forward to trying this out.

Hopefully you will give us some sort of guide so we don't miss out on anything.
I may put some sort of a walkthrough together but that will take me awhile longer. I definitely won't have that ready today. Most of the stuff being tracked both by the vanilla game and by my mod is hidden from the player which I could definitely see being a source of frustration for people who have an otherwise good horny/friend/corruption score but miss something because they didn't see some specific event or make a specific choice that is being tracked separately.

Most of the cases where I do that the specific event will just be a way to bypass the corruption score but in some cases it's required (like for my webcam series in the Pizzeria and the Hot Tub). The most important vanilla variables that are hidden are the ones that determine whether Christine decides to date MC vs Robert or Silver, the decision to fuck Jess or not, and the decision to have an open vs exclusive relationship if you're dating Christine.

It's those hidden choices that will determine whether Robert or MC gets the upper hand in my hot tub expansion. Basically, if your choices in the vanilla game would lead to Christine dating Robert instead of MC, then Robert is going to get the upper hand in the hot tub. Otherwise MC will win. I'm not sure if it's possible for there to be a tie, will have to check into that as well or just add some sort of tie breaker.

There's a bit of overlap with Jess. I decided to not to touch the vanilla variables that track whether you have fucked Jess or not to avoid breaking any vanilla events. I track that separately for my modded scenes. So if you fuck Jess in one of my scenes, as far as the vanilla game is concerned, it never happened. I will add dialog making it clear why that is (basically either she catches him or he fesses up to it and she forgives him since they weren't dating yet). The vanilla game's choice to fuck Jess in the Spa is the one that has the real consequences and I don't touch that (although I still plan to greatly expand that encounter in a future expansion).
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Engaged Member
Oct 2, 2017
Finale is almost done now. Just have 1 NTR scene for Robert left to do and a few rejection scenes plus a few tweaks to the dialogs afterwards to acknowledge what happened later in the game and then I'm done.

I came up with a few minor expansion ideas for both Robert's scene that take things farther than vanilla while still being plausible for the vanilla game's dialog/story along with a similar option for the finale so I will need to do some more renders for that but I think I'm going to release the initial version without those.

I'm fairly happy with how the event is turning out so far and still hoping to have an actual release ready sometime tonight.


Engaged Member
Aug 6, 2016
I am a little concerned it'll be time intensive to go back through the vanilla game and have a Robert save ready to go in order to see everything. Any chance you can provide saves for both branches, just to save a little time? This is a mod, after all, making things easy does not hurt.


Engaged Member
Oct 2, 2017
I am a little concerned it'll be time intensive to go back through the vanilla game and have a Robert save ready to go in order to see everything. Any chance you can provide saves for both branches, just to save a little time? This is a mod, after all, making things easy does not hurt.
There's too many different choices you could make for me to supply saves that would replicate whatever everyone's preferred choices are. I could probably do 1 NTR save and 1 Non NTR save at the the bar though for people who want to see what the "other" path looks like in the hot tub. I still have the traditional path where Robert doesn't come home with you for pure vanilla fans, but I'm definitely curious to hear what vanilla and NTR fans think of my new option for Robert to join you. Does having the "audience" there make it hotter as long as you know your preferred character will be the one dominating, or not?

I tend to go back and tweak my older events with each release though so if you start from a save that skips past the first several days you'll probably miss some new content.
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Engaged Member
Oct 2, 2017
Ok hot tub is done now, just playtesting now to make sure everything works and then I still need to go and tweak a few dialogs for day 11. I dug into the code a bit for the NTR variables and NTR fans probably already know this, but for people looking to try it out, you mostly just need to avoid letting Christine see MC's dick before day 10 and also avoid grinding his dick in her ass when giving her the massage on day 6. Then dance with Jess at the club. Building a high horny/friend/corruption score is fine as long as you do that (in fact you want to for my mod to see the best scenes).

So, if you're going for the NTR path:

- day 2 wake her up in the morning instead of letting her catch a peek at your dick while you take a piss
- day 6 steal her panties so you can't give her a full massage after her sunburn
- day 8 check on her in her room instead of letting her catch you coming out of the shower
- day 9 Hotel path, let her go with Silver to the hotel (or if you intervene then make sure to get her drunk)
- day 9 webcam path, have her pick Robert or Jess to masturbate to, just don't pick MC
- day 10 dance with Jess at the bar

I want to play through both NTR and Vanilla paths using both the web cam and hotel path to make sure everything works and then I'll do my release. Should be tonight sometime still I think. There are some extra unused pics still in the mod folder that I plan to clean later in case anyone digs through those and can't figure out how to get some of those scenes.
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Engaged Member
Oct 2, 2017
Ok finally done. Uploading to mega now, it's taking forever. Will add a link to the OP once it finishes. So far I tested the max friend path working for silver and the max horny webcam path, both with and without Robert there and can get all of the best scenes in all of them. Some of the scenes require close to a perfect corruption score so I may tweak it to make it a bit easier.

I'm planning to add more to the hot tub in the next version anyway. Let me know what you guys think, both content wise and difficulty wise. I plan on doing some sort of a walkthrough as well so you can get the best scenes without having to dig through the code or cheat. I need to do some more testing still but I think the horny path is a little easier than the friend path currently.

The mod pics folder still has all of my new renders, including the ones I'm not using. Most of the ones I'm not using, I don't plan on using. Just haven't gotten around to verifying for sure which ones I can safely delete. Some of the images are for events I haven't finished yet and may or may not get used or changed.
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Engaged Member
Oct 2, 2017
Added a couple of saves for people just wanting to check out the new hot tub scenes. Both max horny scores, one for vanilla and one for NTR. Last 2 saves slots. Also found a few broken image links in one of my flashback scenes so I added a hotfix to the OP that fixes that.
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Engaged Member
Oct 2, 2017
Not sure when my next version will come out. Will have to do my taxes soon so that will take awhile. Here are some of the things I'm planning for the next version:

- expand Robert's NTR finale (working on that now)
- expand the vanilla finale (probably going to add a pure lesbo 69 option for people who choose not to have MC fuck Jess)
- maybe add some options on the NTR path for Robert to have a little fun with Jess during the tittyfuck scene (not sure yet)
- add a full round of extra dares for everyone for earlier in the night.
- add some sort of scene for the girls in the bathroom afterwards and maybe for Jess in the bedroom afterwards (haven't decided yet if I'm doing to do this)
- slightly expand the scene with Robert in Christine's bedroom depending on the camera angle. I don't have the asset for her bedroom but I might be able to get away with rendering it in the living room if I use a camera angle where you wouldn't see the bed or desk.
- double check all of my flashback scenes to make sure they all reference things that actually happened. I fixed most of them, but I think there may still be a few cases where she can remember things that didn't happen depending on your choices.
- tweak any dialogs later in the game that reference the hot tub to acknowledge what happened in the mod. I think I got most of them already but I didn't go past day 11 so there are probably some additional references on day 12-14.
- expand Sonya's day 11 bedroom since with MC a bit
- clean up my image folder to remove the stuff I'm not going to use so depending on how many renders I do between now and the next version, the file size of the next version may be significantly smaller. Someone on the main game's thread also suggested webp compression so I might do that as well since you can get about 25-30% compression even with the lossless option. Will have to see how long that would take.

This next version shouldn't take anywhere near as long as my last update did. Not sure how much of the above will make it into the next update but probably most of it. I also want to put together some sort of walkthrough so that might happen before the next update, not sure. If you compare your corruption scores to my vanilla bar save you can see whether you've missed things. I'm not sure how difficult some of the events are for people to find since I know where they all are.

My Spa update after that will probably take awhile though. I haven't even started that yet. Some other things that are possibilities for later now that I've acquired more of the vanilla game assets recently:

- lesbo scene in Jess's bedroom
- lesbo scene in Jess's bathroom
- lesbo scene in Jess's living room
- some sort of bathroom scene with Christine and MC in the shower (or the bathtub, I have both)
- minor expansion to the bar scenes (will have to see if I can find exactly the outfits being used but I do have the bar)
- park expansion (need to see if I can find matching workout gear but I do have the park)
- strip club scene (if I can fix my installation, doesn't work right now)

Things I'd like to do but can't find the assets for:
- gym scene with MC and Robert's gym girlfriend (don't have the gym and no idea what model is used for the girl)
- office scene with Silver (I know what resource to use for Silver but don't have it, don't have the office either but could probably get away with using some other conference room or something that I do have assets for)
- hotel expansion for Silver (again, I have the hotel but not Silver)
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Engaged Member
Oct 2, 2017
One other thing regarding NTR. I think I'm getting a feel for how I want most of the scenes to go but the one thing I'm not really clear on is MC's reaction. It's clear from the dialog in the game that he hates Robert and seems to have similar opinion of Silver. What's not as clear is what his reaction would be for a scene that he stayed and watched all the way through rather than leaving.

Is the voyeurism enough to override that anger so he's more turned on than angry? Or is anger still the primary emotion? I have some renders where I show his face angry and others where I show him with a more neutral expression and obviously hard. Not really sure which works better for scenes where he stays and watches. Would love to hear some feedback on that from NTR fans. I'm kind of thinking it works better if he's turned on by it even if he hates the guy(s). So I might swap out my "angry face" renders for different ones where he's turned on.

I think anger being the primary emotion makes sense in cases where he ends the night early because he's had enough. But if he lets it happen...
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Active Member
Mar 14, 2017
I think you need to find a balance somewhere between angry and annoyed. The MC would IMO feel frustrated and desperate to find a way to keep the girls from doing anything, but unable to do or say anything without coming off as a jerk. To me I get the impression that he's turned on because he's still watching a hot scene with naked girls so of course he's hard, but the main reason he stays is to try to find an opportunity to get the girls away from Robert without coming off as the bad guy just looking to ruin their fun. He's a little bit voyeuristic, but mostly stays because if he leaves, then he would fret over knowing that Robert is going to have nothing to stop him from convincing the girls to do more than they would've been willing to do with the MC there. He stays because he's waiting for his opportunity to save them from Robert.I would expect the MC to look a little angry, but not so much that you think he's about to jump up and punch Robert. Maybe a mix of anger and defeat.

Scenes are pretty good though. There's one small bug where fingering Chris on the couch gets you some dream flashes of the massage from the MC even if he didn't give her one. Also, if you're going down the NTR path, I would expect Jess to have Robert titfuck Chris instead of MC. Otherwise it's all great! Nice work!
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Engaged Member
Oct 2, 2017
I think you need to find a balance somewhere between angry and annoyed. The MC would IMO feel frustrated and desperate to find a way to keep the girls from doing anything, but unable to do or say anything without coming off as a jerk. To me I get the impression that he's turned on because he's still watching a hot scene with naked girls so of course he's hard, but the main reason he stays is to try to find an opportunity to get the girls away from Robert without coming off as the bad guy just looking to ruin their fun. He's a little bit voyeuristic, but mostly stays because if he leaves, then he would fret over knowing that Robert is going to have nothing to stop him from convincing the girls to do more than they would've been willing to do with the MC there. He stays because he's waiting for his opportunity to save them from Robert.I would expect the MC to look a little angry, but not so much that you think he's about to jump up and punch Robert. Maybe a mix of anger and defeat.

Scenes are pretty good though. There's one small bug where fingering Chris on the couch gets you some dream flashes of the massage from the MC even if he didn't give her one. Also, if you're going down the NTR path, I would expect Jess to have Robert titfuck Chris instead of MC. Otherwise it's all great! Nice work!
Ahh good point about the tittyfuck scene, I may change that. Probably does make more sense that way. More rendering but that's ok. I think I'll have to play around some more as far as MC's emotions for NTR and see what feels right. Or I might do like I did with the first lapdance for Christine and set it up so you can influence the choice. I haven't decided yet whether I like that or whether I'd rather go back to it being purely based on score.


Active Member
Mar 14, 2017
Ahh good point about the tittyfuck scene, I may change that. Probably does make more sense that way. More rendering but that's ok. I think I'll have to play around some more as far as MC's emotions for NTR and see what feels right. Or I might do like I did with the first lapdance for Christine and set it up so you can influence the choice. I haven't decided yet whether I like that or whether I'd rather go back to it being purely based on score.
You should be careful with how much control you give the player during scenes. Too much control and it's going to come off as cuckhold where he's encouraging the girls to do stuff.
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Engaged Member
Aug 6, 2016
You should be careful with how much control you give the player during scenes. Too much control and it's going to come off as cuckhold where he's encouraging the girls to do stuff.
Yeah, it's a little inconsistent with the way Taboo does ntr. The predatory element gives it some nice edge.
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Engaged Member
Oct 2, 2017
Yeah, it's a little inconsistent with the way Taboo does ntr. The predatory element gives it some nice edge.
Ok good feedback. I think I agree. Wasn't really sure if I liked the idea when I put it in there anyway but didn't take much work. I'll pull out the option to chose there and go back to basing it on scores. I think it makes more sense that way as well. Technically you're still making the choice anyway it's just that you're doing it earlier in the game indirectly.


Engaged Member
Aug 6, 2016
For some reason the vanilla save provided just kicks to the title screen


Engaged Member
Oct 2, 2017
For some reason the vanilla save provided just kicks to the title screen
Try loading one of your other saves and resaving after you copy those 2 files into your save folder, or delete an existing save from within the game after copying them. I think the persistent save file in your directory has to be updated by the game for it to recognize it properly.
5.00 star(s) 2 Votes