Mod Ren'Py Completed Babysitter mod [final] [khumak]

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Engaged Member
Oct 2, 2017
Is there a specific version of the game you're looking for that has the pictures you need?
I think I just forgot that my previous version didn't add any new images, it was just an update to the new game version. I have version 0.1.6 which I think has all the old hot tub pics. I deleted everything previous to that version.

I may upload those today just incase anyone needs them while I work on the new version. Making good progress so far but there's a few extra renders I need to do for some transitions to work right. Still hoping to get it done this weekend sometime and maybe add on to it a bit more before I start the Spa.
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Engaged Member
Oct 2, 2017
Making faster progress than I thought I would on the hot tub. I think I'm going to power through and get an "easy" version that doesn't really check any difficulty related triggers for the hot tub scenes and then go back and fine tune it to add some difficulty back in as well as maybe fleshing it out a bit more and adding more choices. This is just for the hot tub, the difficulty and trigger checks are already there for the rest of the mod. So initially unless you fail one of the vanilla triggers it'll be trivial to get the best scenes on both the vanilla and the NTR paths for the hot tub.

So far I have the path where Robert wins mostly done and am working through the paths where MC can win now. 3 more scenes left for vanilla (the biggest ones). Some of the scenes are shared in both paths and the NTR path is now "winnable" by both MC and Robert. If MC is ahead, Robert will mostly just be a spectator. If Robert is leading, he'll get most of the best scenes (MC will still get some scenes even if Robert is winning).

There's basically 4 paths in the hot tub now. There's 2 vanilla paths, one where Robert isn't there at all and the other where he's there initially but you drug him. There's also 2 NTR paths, one where Robert wins and one where MC wins (you don't drug him if you want those). The path with the most scenes is the NTR path where MC wins. The 2nd longest is probably the vanilla path where you drug Robert.

I will probably add some smaller scenes building up to the ones I'm adding now a bit later but I wanted to start off by just getting something together that I already have the renders done for.
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Engaged Member
Oct 2, 2017
Ok I'm uploading a new version that includes my forgotten older pics for now. This is without the new hot tub scenes. This is just so it's playable without the hot tub being broken until I get the new version done.

The next version will be the new hot tub. I'm still planning to release at least another 1 or 2 version updates to it after that though. The first version will be kind of bare bones, minimal choices, minimal tracking/difficulty/etc. I'm working on Jess's lapdance now and then there's just 1 more finale scene after that so I'm close to having the initial release ready.

The 2nd version I'm going to add more choices, difficulty, trigger conditions and probably redo the dialog. I will probably also do some more renders to extend it some more since it's pretty short at the moment and progresses from pretty tame stuff to really not tame stuff kind of fast. It's still more than 100 renders though.

So some of the scenes that will be easy to get in the first version will be hard to get in later ones and might be restricted to specific paths.
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Engaged Member
Oct 2, 2017
So it's looking like I won't have the hot tub done this weekend like I had hoped but I'm making good progress. I'm having to do a lot more extra renders than I had planned on, especially since the NTR path means a lot of the renders have to be done twice, with and without Robert. So rather than spending the day writing dialog and doing coding, I've spent all day rendering.

So the update will take longer, but it'll be a better update when it's ready. Working on the end of Jess's lapdance now. Work has slowed down a bit lately so if I don't finish this weekend I think I'll be able to work on it during the week some. In any case, it feels good to be back working on the mod again after a fairly extended hiatus.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 12, 2018
Man you have to make a guide for this mod for as to ser all the scenes


Engaged Member
Oct 2, 2017
Ok Jess Lapdance is done. I ended up doing a LOT more renders for that so it took all weekend. Some of the renders I already had didn't work very well so I won't end up using them.

Still 1 more finale scene to finish and I haven't started going through my current renders or thinking about dialog yet so I'm not sure how many extra renders I might need to do for it but I'm thinking I'll probably have it done this week. I think the renders I already have for that scene were all done before I increased MC's dick size so I'll probably end up redoing most of them.

Then it's just a matter of filling in all the different branches, choices, consequences that I want to set up. Initially I will probably still just do a bare bones version that's pretty linear just to get it out there and then refine it. I'd also still like to do about 1 full round of scenes from earlier in the night that are a bit tamer (but still hot) leading up to the ones I have now. Basically 1 dare for each of them. Still thinking about what I want to do for that.



Engaged Member
Oct 2, 2017
So the renders I had already done for the finale aren't going to work. I apparently didn't save the scene in Daz so I can't tweak/add to what I had already done so I'm going to just redo it all. I'm still hoping to finish it by the end of this weekend but we'll see. Here's the beginning of the scene:

HotTub137.png HotTub139.png
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Well-Known Member
Mar 12, 2018
hmmmm mam you drive me crazy it this you have to make your on game too!!!!!!


Engaged Member
Oct 2, 2017
hmmmm mam you drive me crazy it this you have to make your on game too!!!!!!
I'd like to eventually. I think there's still a few things I need to practice/learn before that though. I also definitely will need to buy a dedicated rendering box for that to work, my current computer is seriously underpowered for rendering. Some of the scenes I've tried to do take more than 2 hours per image to render on my current box, probably mostly due to GPU memory. Simpler scenes can take as little as 20 minutes per image. Some of the more complex images I've tried to do never finish even after 7+ hours of nonstop rendering like scenes with lots of shadows or reflections.

So for now I'm content to keep modding to develop my skills. To show you what I mean, I just finished rendering this image in about 30 minutes and it turned out good:


This one ran for over 7 hours and I doubt it would ever have finished no matter how long I let it run. I suspect a rig with more VRAM might have been able to complete this one but I'm not sure:

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Engaged Member
Oct 2, 2017
I think I'm more than half way done with the renders for the finale now. Hoping to finish those up before the weekend so I can spend the weekend doing dialog and coding. So some sort of weekend release is looking likely.

Also found out that Silver is probably a unmodified character from Daz that I just haven't seen in the asset releases. He looks identical to the Principal in DS's new Glamour game so I'm hoping someone can point me to which resource is used for him. Not sure if I'll actually do any NTR with him but would nice to have the model for it just in case.

Here's a few more teasers:

HotTub149.png HotTub147.png HotTub156.png HotTub154.png


Engaged Member
Oct 2, 2017
Dialog and coding is done for all but the vanilla finale now. Most of the finale is also done.

Playtested it all and it works (both vanilla and NTR) but I don't like how some of the renders in the finale turned out so I'm redoing some of that. So tomorrow is still looking likely still for a bare bones release.

It'll probably take me another week or so after that to refine it, add more choices, triggers, difficulty/etc but I wanted to get something that was playable done. So this next release will finally get rid of all the old cropped images and everything in the mod will be my own renders minus a small number of background images. Some of the choices I want to add will probably require doing some extra renders for scenes where you get turned down or decide not to do something as well but for now you'll basically get the best NTR or vanilla ending anyway, one or the other.

Working on more renders for the finale right now since the last couple of series of images I did just looked strange to me.
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Engaged Member
Aug 6, 2016
Dialog and coding is done for all but the vanilla finale now. Most of the finale is also done.

Playtested it all and it works (both vanilla and NTR) but I don't like how some of the renders in the finale turned out so I'm redoing some of that. So tomorrow is still looking likely still for a bare bones release.

It'll probably take me another week or so after that to refine it, add more choices, triggers, difficulty/etc but I wanted to get something that was playable done. So this next release will finally get rid of all the old cropped images and everything in the mod will be my own renders minus a small number of background images. Some of the choices I want to add will probably require doing some extra renders for scenes where you get turned down or decide not to do something as well but for now you'll basically get the best NTR or vanilla ending anyway, one or the other.

Working on more renders for the finale right now since the last couple of series of images I did just looked strange to me.
I say take the extra week, it's better to have something that's polished.
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Engaged Member
Oct 2, 2017
I say take the extra week, it's better to have something that's polished.
Glad to hear some feedback on this. I think I will wait til I have a more polished version ready so it might not be ready today but should still be this week. My renders for the finale are almost done now and I like the new ones better. There's a few scenes from earlier in the night that I still need to go back and do a few more renders for different choices but shouldn't take very long.

Hoping to get all of the renders done today so I can really dig in on finishing up the dialog and coding. I also still want to go back and fix some of my flashback events from earlier in the mod as well where Christine can sometimes have flashbacks of things that didn't happen depending on your choices. I'll wait til after I finish the hot tub for that though.

Playtesting will take longer for this version now that I'm messing with NTR a little as well. Also I found out what resource is used for Silver. I didn't see it in the asset releases section here though so I probably won't end up doing anything with Silver unless it shows up here unless I start messing around with one of the aging plugins or something and try to tweak an older version of Carson or something.
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Engaged Member
Oct 2, 2017
Ok I think I have all of the renders I need for the hot tub done now. I can probably finish up the dialog and code for the finale tonight and then I'll spend the rest of the week filling in all the different choices, triggers, difficulty, etc and probably tweak the dialog some more so it flows better. Hopefully have a release out before the weekend but this is a complicated event so we'll see. The renders are the most time consuming part so at least that's out of the way.

I may still go back later and add another few scenes, haven't decided yet. Definitely not for this next release though. There's a couple of scenes I wanted to do that I didn't get around to rendering. Putting them in would mean doing those renders and then also thinking of something to do for the other characters so there was a full round of dares involving those scenes.

Some of it may depend on how people like the NTR stuff so let me know what you guys think. If you do or don't like it, tell me why please so I know what I'm doing right and wrong. I'll add some spoilers to the OP when I get this next release done so people have a good idea what the different options are in the hot tub and how to get them.

After I get the hot tub finished up, I think I will go back and fix some of my flashback events so they only reference things that actually happened and probably do a minor expansion of Sonya's day 11 bedroom scene at MC's place before I start on the spa. I haven't decided for sure if I will do anything for the Yacht. I do have the resource for it but it's a massive memory hog so it takes me forever to do any renders for that. I'm leaning towards skipping the Yacht entirely.

I may see if I can fix my strip club resource and do a strip club scene instead. Currently my install for that is broken so will have to see if I can get it working first. May also depend on what they do in the vanilla game as well since I'm sure there will be another update by the time I have my spa expansion done.

In the meantime, here's another teaser:



Engaged Member
Oct 2, 2017
Finale is done and playtested. I'm just working on the finishing touches now. Still need to tweak a few dialogs after day 10 as well to acknowledge some differences in what can happen in my mod vs vanilla but that shouldn't be too hard.

Still need to rip out all of the old code as well. Amazingly enough I only had 1 syntax error when I tested so bug fixing took like 2 minutes. Normally takes hours. Looking forward to finishing up my tweaks so that the difficulty is back in there again and choices have consequences again.
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Engaged Member
Oct 2, 2017
Still working on my tweaks for the hot tub but thought I'd mention that in addition to finding the vanilla asset used for MC's hot tub, I also now have Jess's bedroom and her shower. So I could potentially do something at Jess's place now as well. I won't be going back and redoing any of my hot tub scenes to use the vanilla tub though, way too much work. I still don't have Christine's room either. Also don't have the asset used for the sauna at the spa. Still hoping to find that for my spa expansion, but I do at least have the actual massage room.
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New Member
Sep 3, 2018
Still working on my tweaks for the hot tub but thought I'd mention that in addition to finding the vanilla asset used for MC's hot tub, I also now have Jess's bedroom and her shower. So I could potentially do something at Jess's place now as well. I won't be going back and redoing any of my hot tub scenes to use the vanilla tub though, way too much work. I still don't have Christine's room either. Also don't have the asset used for the sauna at the spa. Still hoping to find that for my spa expansion, but I do at least have the actual massage room.
No release date yet?
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Engaged Member
Oct 2, 2017
No release date yet?
I had hoped to finish it over the weekend but was just really tired for some reason so I'm going to try to finish it up in the next few days after work. There's not that much left to do, I just need to buckle down and get it done. It's all coding though so trying to do it while tired probably wouldn't have worked very well. I got lots of sleep over the weekend so I'm feeling a lot better now.
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5.00 star(s) 2 Votes