
Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2017
Part of the blame are the people who believe they need/have to/feel obligated to support them monthly. If people took away their support and only support during release months, maybe then some of these devs won't catch the "lazy."

I also partly blame Patreon for not having a fail safe system that protects donators/Patrons from being taking advantage of by creators.
same here,when they release I Pay,after a month without release I`m out. Works for me.


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2021
Any news?
Doesn't look like it. I hope T4bbo is okay.

It's getting kinda weird that there hasn't even been a message or anything on Discord about what's going on. I mean, it's literally a matter of seconds letting his supporters know what the deal is. Makes me not only worried about him, but also if he's even worked on the game in the past 5 weeks. He would surely have made a post on Patreon or Discord if he was on his Computer, no? I mean, that doesn't even require a computer, he could of used his phone aswell. There's $3400 going into his pockets every month, and his supporters don't even get a lifesign? That's kinda weak.


Dec 29, 2021
Doesn't look like it. I hope T4bbo is okay.

It's getting kinda weird that there hasn't even been a message or anything on Discord about what's going on. I mean, it's literally a matter of seconds letting his supporters know what the deal is. Makes me not only worried about him, but also if he's even worked on the game in the past 5 weeks. He would surely have made a post on Patreon or Discord if he was on his Computer, no? I mean, that doesn't even require a computer, he could of used his phone aswell. There's $3400 going into his pockets every month, and his supporters don't even get a lifesign? That's kinda weak.

As long as I don't know what's going on with him I can't judge him. I just hope for the best and drink a good cup of tea :coffee::rolleyes:


Active Member
Apr 27, 2017
There's $3400 going into his pockets every month, and his supporters don't even get a lifesign? That's kinda weak.
Dude's been pulling this behavior well before anything bad ever happened. I tried to warn people about it years back but nobody really cared to listen. Then most people got upset back during the first game with the way it went and he lost patrons because of it and he ramped up development to get it done faster. Then the bad shit happened to him, to his wife point in fact. Obviously that sucked that life took such a shitty turn but it sure as hell won't ever excuse his previously established poor behavior patterns of development. That is all on him and it's not going to change either. Eventually people will get tired of it again and stop supporting him and he'll either step up development like he did with the first game or he'll just keep going radio silent for even longer periods of time. Personally, i don't think the guy has any intention of finishing this one or at least not any time within the next year or two. If there's news or an update, i doubt we're going to see anything before end of the month.


Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2017
Dude's been pulling this behavior well before anything bad ever happened. I tried to warn people about it years back but nobody really cared to listen. Then most people got upset back during the first game with the way it went and he lost patrons because of it and he ramped up development to get it done faster. Then the bad shit happened to him, to his wife point in fact. Obviously that sucked that life took such a shitty turn but it sure as hell won't ever excuse his previously established poor behavior patterns of development. That is all on him and it's not going to change either. Eventually people will get tired of it again and stop supporting him and he'll either step up development like he did with the first game or he'll just keep going radio silent for even longer periods of time. Personally, i don't think the guy has any intention of finishing this one or at least not any time within the next year or two. If there's news or an update, i doubt we're going to see anything before end of the month.
Must say I`m with you on that, tired of asking what the problem is this time, he makes a good game, but I put him on my most unreliable list months ago, we should make a list here on the forum to warn supporters where to put there money at.
Just my Opinion.
Jan 5, 2019
My thing is. We all have problems and situations can always occur, but he said and posted there was to be a release out and then we got an explanation of why it would be pushed back. Ok, That is fine, but as a Dev if you know you can't fulfill the delayed release and that there is a good chance you might be out of commission for a while . Then just release what you have up to that point if anything instead of not releasing nothing and not giving any sort of further explanation or update. I can't say to much because I'm not a paid subscriber, however there are reasons I'm not a paid subscriber and this is a prime example of why. Sometimes in life you get what you pay for, but plenty of times you get nothing for what you spend your money on.


Dec 29, 2021
I'm amazed at what I see and how many good artists there are. But the subscribe system is bad here. I would like to make individual payments to support but not every month but when there is something.


Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2017
I'm amazed at what I see and how many good artists there are. But the subscribe system is bad here. I would like to make individual payments to support but not every month but when there is something.
you can tell good Devs by them suspending payments if something comes up that they cannot deliver on time or something else comes up, the rest of them just let it slide until so many patreons drop out that it hurts.


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2020
Dude's been pulling this behavior well before anything bad ever happened. I tried to warn people about it years back but nobody really cared to listen. Then most people got upset back during the first game with the way it went and he lost patrons because of it and he ramped up development to get it done faster. Then the bad shit happened to him, to his wife point in fact. Obviously that sucked that life took such a shitty turn but it sure as hell won't ever excuse his previously established poor behavior patterns of development. That is all on him and it's not going to change either. Eventually people will get tired of it again and stop supporting him and he'll either step up development like he did with the first game or he'll just keep going radio silent for even longer periods of time. Personally, i don't think the guy has any intention of finishing this one or at least not any time within the next year or two. If there's news or an update, i doubt we're going to see anything before end of the month.
What exactly did he do before when he was developing Babysitter? Disappear for long periods of time? I didn't know there was a history of this even before his wife got hurt :unsure:
I'm amazed at what I see and how many good artists there are. But the subscribe system is bad here. I would like to make individual payments to support but not every month but when there is something.
There is an option to do this, but most devs don't use it because they want the money
you can tell good Devs by them suspending payments if something comes up that they cannot deliver on time or something else comes up, the rest of them just let it slide until so many patreons drop out that it hurts.
Yeah, and those types of milking devs ruin it for everyone else, but because other devs copy that approach when they see it works


Active Member
Apr 27, 2017
What exactly did he do before when he was developing Babysitter? Disappear for long periods of time? I didn't know there was a history of this even before his wife got hurt
A very long history of it. The delays, excuses and lack of updates/news on his patreon account got so bad it had people wondering if he had quit development. Go check that first game's thread and start from the very beginning pages and just work your way through if you ever get a chance. It wasn't just stuff said on here either, there were complaints even on his patreon and discord way back then. He lost close to around a third of his patrons over the way he handled the babysitter game. When he finally realized he was losing money he stepped up the development to get it done faster but quite a bit of the content he released near the end just wasn't really up to standard of when he first began it. People thought things were going to be different with this one when he started working on it but i half suspected he was just fucking around cause he started going on even longer periods of silence and delays. He even lost a few people that were trying to help him with his development and one in particular i'm pretty sure most people around here remember. Haven't seen the guy post in a few years though, lets just say his name was burt and he was a big reason for some of the good content that made it into babysitter and the guy made certain to provide updates on the patreon page so people could see where things were at in the development process every few weeks. Though, i doubt the dev will ever admit to how much help he was getting in that regard. All this said, i still hope this game starts getting more updates, more often. It definitely has potential if the dev will start doing what he says. Not like that's going to happen though, his history speaks for itself regardless of his personal life issues (something which i have zero stake in and certainly do not care about. We all have personal troubles in life, some worse than others. Those who seek sympathy for such things on the internet, i have very little respect for).
Last edited:


Game Developer
Mar 6, 2020
A very long history of it. The delays, excuses and lack of updates/news on his patreon account got so bad it had people wondering if he had quit development. Go check that first game's thread and start from the very beginning pages and just work your way through if you ever get a chance. It wasn't just stuff said on here either, there were complaints even on his patreon and discord way back then. He lost close to around a third of his patrons over the way he handled the babysitter game. When he finally realized he was losing money he stepped up the development to get it done faster but quite a bit of the content he released near the end just wasn't really up to standard of when he first began it. People thought things were going to be different with this one when he started working on it but i half suspected he was just fucking around cause he started going on even longer periods of silence and delays. He even lost a few people that were trying to help him with his development and one in particular i'm pretty sure most people around here remember. Haven't seen the guy post in a few years though, lets just say his name was burt and he was a big reason for some of the good content that made it into babysitter and the guy made certain to provide updates on the patreon page so people could see where things were at in the development process every few weeks. Though, i doubt the dev will ever admit to how much help he was getting in that regard. All this said, i still hope this game starts getting more updates, more often. It definitely has potential if the dev will start doing what he says. Not like that's going to happen though, his history speaks for itself regardless of his personal life issues (something which i have zero stake in and certainly do not care about. We all have personal troubles in life, some worse than others. Those who seek sympathy for such things on the internet, i have very little respect for).
BurtReynoldsMustache....he's a good dude. He's still around. If I remember right, he helped write City of Broken Dreamers....not sure if he's still on that project or not. I know with Babysitter, he was kind of burned out writing and he himself said lead to some of the delays as well as smaller amounts of content being released. The delays in the scripts is what pushed Babysitters to be developed. Though can't put all of the blame on Burt for a lot of the things that happened prior to the situation with his wife. T4bbo has helped me in the past as I was learning Daz as well as becoming a dev and Babysitter is what actually inspired me to go down this road, so it's a little hard giving a critique but if you promise something, gotta deliver.

Part of the problem with delays is over promising. If you try to pump out content each month with a very small team, it isn't going to be much content. At his peak, I don't know how many he had helping him, but had to be a few at least with the amount of content he was putting out...but then the updates being released toward the end weren't complete or left off at very odd cliffhangers. For my game, it's just my friend and I that do it. We have full time jobs and from the start have never put a schedule in place because of so much else going on. I never want to be that guy that promises one thing and comes back and says not going to happen. It hurts the reputation, no matter how good the product is. We already hurt ourselves when we initially put out our game because we were learning and the renders weren't great(Thankfully I have improved a great deal and still in the process of going back and re-rendering some previous sections when I have time) and probably did everything else wrong, lol. I think we recovered from a visual standpoint, but financially we're still struggling....which to be honest, I get and don't mind since the game we're working on is our first and we are still learning new things and improving. But yeah, one screw up can be disastrous.

My partner and I were actually talking about the subscribe issue earlier today. He and I agree that if patrons(Or wherever you get your games from) subscribes just for the month to get the game and then unsubs until the next update, then that's cool. From our viewpoint, especially since we don't have a set schedule for release(Though if we started making bank where I could quit my fulltime job and focus on my game, would be able to have a better handle on that), think that's fair. We're very grateful for the few people who have stayed loyal and contributed month after month, but if they wanted to cut if off til the next update then it's their right to do so. Though it seems if you're a member on fap-nation and you find a game with very little patron support then the cool thing is to rip on the game and bash the devs(I made the mistake of checking out the comment section on our game page there the other day). I know it isn't ideal for devs to have patrons unsub after they sub to get the game and it's a pain for patrons to do that as well, but you gotta do what you gotta do. It's hard to stay subscribed if you're being promised updates in a timely manner for it not to happen or getting half done or rushed content that kills the story for you. That is one thing I learned from this dev.....instead of working up to a deadline and then release even if that section isn't done, we've opted to go for a full story for that day start to finish while also setting up future events. When I was a sub for Babysitter, I always hated just getting into the story only to have it end abruptly. I know our way might be a little cookie cutter if you will, but it's something I prefer as a fan over getting half assed content when promised a lot more.



Jan 8, 2018
Dude's been pulling this behavior well before anything bad ever happened. I tried to warn people about it years back but nobody really cared to listen. Then most people got upset back during the first game with the way it went and he lost patrons because of it and he ramped up development to get it done faster. Then the bad shit happened to him, to his wife point in fact. Obviously that sucked that life took such a shitty turn but it sure as hell won't ever excuse his previously established poor behavior patterns of development. That is all on him and it's not going to change either. Eventually people will get tired of it again and stop supporting him and he'll either step up development like he did with the first game or he'll just keep going radio silent for even longer periods of time. Personally, i don't think the guy has any intention of finishing this one or at least not any time within the next year or two. If there's news or an update, i doubt we're going to see anything before end of the month.
Despite the lack of communication, T4bbo has paused his Patron. Something that most creators don't do.
4.30 star(s) 87 Votes