I care about it and enjoy doing it which is the key point for me else why bother?
I don't think it a waste of time as my scene setup / rendering skills have improved. Also I am using blender to create custom changes to characters and clothes etc which I find fun. Also adding new characters and fitting them into the game world is something I like doing.
You will always have people who will have issues when you do anything with another creators work and in the end I look at what I was doing 2/3 years and what I creating now and going "WOW I cannot believe I created that".
Macaronietree When it comes to creating a scene and waiting a week I don't change the renders it more to add more renders or change the order of how the scene plays out or add or remove dialogue as when you look at a scene a week later I may go and say to myself way did I do it that way etc.