Hey everyone ! Sorry for the delay, I was out for vacation.
Time to answer !
The gallery can be accesed in two ways :by a secret quest, or by using the big stone in the crossroad if you don't want to search for it (you have to progress a bit and meet the elf in the game to do it). I'll try to upload a full save when I have the time. And yeah, I know a lot of people don't like RPGM games. I've really tried to make this one fun to play and not a grinding hell to get just a scene ^^ But I can still understand that it won't please everyone ^^
Not really, just adding new scene to complete some missing things, with illonia's new model. I do'nt know when I'll advance the story.
Oh, it's because you definitively got distracted by fucking around

It'll happen no matter what, don't worry, it's just a little joke.
Thanks, really happy you like it !!! I'm alone on this, so it's taking time, but I don't plan to abandon it, don't worry
There's defintively a plan for scene with Frida later on, you'll be able to kinda decide what to do with her (I don't have the detail of how it'll go at the moment, but there'll be options)
I like that huge ass idea !!! Probably for a character later ^^ I'm now feeling more used to make good-looking asses
And yeah, don't worry, there'll be plenty of different mobs and monster to fight and fuck
That's really weird... What's happening exactly ? where does it crash ? Can you send me a screeshot of the problem, It'll greatly help to fix.
Yeah, I personally on't use Android, so this version can have a few bugs I didn't noticed. I also don't really know how it works exactly ^^'
You have two options :
1/ kill him in a fight, in that case he's a pretty though boss, I'd recommend being around lvl6, and get ready for a hard fight.
2/ Use the correct transformation skills : bimbofication on Illonia, and double dick on the ogre. Yiu'll get the scene with that. You can win this way even being level 1