Yeah, I get that they are sexy roommates but...well...I understand that some devs want to give the players content in their first release or every release but the way the characters act isn't logical at all. Heidi had a creeper/stalker last year that Athena had to chase away and yet, the first night the MC is in the house, she leaves the door open as she engages in sex with Athena. She's had 1 conversation with the MC and now is trying to entice him into watching lesbian sex... The fact that he declined and she then called him gay makes her very unattractive to me. Using gay as a pejorative to goad the MC or player is tasteless and makes Heidi even less appealing.Yea getting called gay, not getting a key in sub freezing weather, and getting called a stalker is world class roommate stuff.
Verily the stuff of dreams.
Perhaps Heidi gets off on having people watch but her creeper just took it too far or was too obsessed about it. Maybe we will find out later. But as of the first release my interest in her is in the negatives and, by association, my interest in Athena is zero. They look great but their behavior is a turn off, including the PDA at breakfast. That's awkward to see the first morning you spend with two new people.
I definitely think that the two of them can continue their FWB relationship uninterrupted in my play through of the game.