Deleted member 3250193

AlterWorlds Writer
Game Developer
Jan 8, 2021
Did chapter 4 released for patrons?
We're still working on it. It's a massive update, which probably should have been split into two updates a couple of months back, but now we're committed on just getting it done as one big update so that's what's going to happen. Part of the problem is that my stupid ass keeps adding scenes. In part because, while it's already going to be a hefty update, we know that certain paths will feel less full than others, and we don't want to cheapen it for players on those paths. It's added more work and more time to get it all done, but I think it'll be worth it in the end. Hopefully you all think so as well.


Active Member
Dec 19, 2021

Chapter 4 is coming along! Our current numbers:

Script: 40,000 words
Renders: 1,320
Animations: 70

Put into the context of chapter 3, which had 45,000 words in its script, you get an idea how close we are to finishing. We had initially planned chapter 4 to be slightly smaller, but that's no longer going to be the case. We've added some scenes to ensure certain paths were properly represented in the chapter and didn't feel anemic compared to others. That may still be the case if you compare any of the solo paths with the harem paths, but unfortunately that's just the way the story progresses.

We're getting close to being able to put a cap on things and have a date for beta testers. Once the chapter is in their hands we'll let you all know that it's coming your way shortly after, though a specific release date won't be announced until the beta is complete.

Thank you again for your support! If you've not yet joined our Discord, please do!

Edit: here is the other preview pic. Had to convert it into jpeg... Ch4PreviewAnHe.jpg
4.50 star(s) 238 Votes