H.O.L.Y. .S.H.I.T. .F.U.C.K.
First off, this game has a lot of potential. The models are exaggerated but can still look pretty good, unlike some of the plainly cartoonish ones out there. There also seems to be a nice little world in setting, providing for some potentially hot as fuck smex scenes.
Jesus fuck, does this need some serious polishing and QoL additions. The map feature is rotten and complete shit, not helped by the headache-inducing navigation mechanic.
But the worst part of all is that ridiculous fighting mechanic. I don't know what it is, but Sophie seems to have the accuracy of a cardboad dumpster. Jesus fuck. She can end up missing 5 times before hitting the enemy, and still somehow deals a minuscule amount of damage despite cheated stats. Or maybe the stats have nothing to do with it, but that's irrelevant.
Pretty much the only way to get through the stupid fucking cave is to chuck as much potions as the screen as you can. Seems it's even possible to get completely stuck because the game will keep spawning a fucking dipshit asshole insect/worm/whatever when you try to get out to get more potions.
Holy shitting jesus. The fighting mechanic just needs to be removed, shot to pieces, burned in a dwarf star, then chucked into the great cosmological asshole we call Sagittarius A*.
I don't mean to sound rude or harsh, but this just pissed me off so much. Holy fucking shit.