
Sep 7, 2017
Fix Game

Importante actualización, en el sistema de batalla al llegar al nivel 24, se producía un error en el combate, que sacaba al jugador de la escena de batalla.
Important update, in the battle system when reaching level 24, there was an error in combat, which took the player out of the battle scene.
Download FixBug BGR 1.1-5
Hi Leocid2 , i still encounter the combat bug (fought spider, got teleported to home bathroom, with the combat ui still on screen)


New Member
Apr 7, 2019

About a year ago, I played this game. Not the best compared to some other games which I play(ed) but I knew back then you will improve over the period of time. But - to my surprise, you stop regular updates and releasing the project with lots of bugs. I stopped following your project.

Suddenly, I came across your rework project and thought to give it a try. I'm intrigued by the quality of the render. But - playing almost 2hrs/day since last 3 days - I started to hate it. Story slightly changed but - takes ages to progress the story. Too Much Grinding everywhere. Lengthening the story by "infinite grinding" is not good for any games. Make it slight challenging like mini-games or 2 or 3 attempts.

I admire your team's spirit & skills and respect your time and money investment onto this project. Hence, I suggest - make it LESS GRINDING & END THIS PROJECT and START NEW PROJECT. Or - JUST END THIS PROJECT HERE AND START NEW PROJECT. There are people who look onto quality games and genuinely loved to support the hard work. I hope you will consider and would love to support for your hard work some days.

Good Luck.
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Oct 28, 2017
hmm is there a Walkthrough? i need to know if i have make anything thats inside of the game so far...
i am on the second date with Elena and there seems to be nothing more on the main quest i am at quest 10and it says Completed.so my question is is there more?


Sep 18, 2018
this game is impossible without Walkthrough
any have a new Walkthrough for this version??? pm or reply pls, i cant find clues in 27 pages :S


New Member
Jul 15, 2017
Fix Game

Importante actualización, en el sistema de batalla al llegar al nivel 24, se producía un error en el combate, que sacaba al jugador de la escena de batalla.
Important update, in the battle system when reaching level 24, there was an error in combat, which took the player out of the battle scene.
Download FixBug BGR 1.1-5
after downloading this my game became spanish and I cant change it back to english even when english is selected (not quest logs)


Active Member
Oct 3, 2018
Coming to this game new (I see it's a remake - hence the "R" no doubt - surprising I can't see Credits info on the front page of the game, so no details of the team, or the build, or ... anything) ... I haven't got very far into it, & I may return, but some comments on impressions so far.

A. Plus:

1) Great title, draws you in (or draws me in, at least). Lots of girls with (sexual desires and?) ultra-mean minds ... an army of dominas, even.

2) Artwork for the most part good, some of it great, a lot of realism for a cartoon type of VN, ... with one immense exception ... see B1)

3) General concept of the story & its ideas have all sorts of potential. I'd have hoped a bit sooner for more acts of dominating behavior from the women towards the little guy and his ... little guy. (Call me cheap ... I don't care ;) )

4) Got to like the few liberties the women take: e.g. the captain who damn near boob-suffocates the unsuspecting MC on first encountering him.

B. Minus:

1) Over-massive mammaries make a mock of the sex. Big: good; very big: bonus. But when it gets (as here) to the point where there's no way the women could even staty standing - and make Lara Croft (original version) look flat-chested by comparison - something's gone wrong. Comedy value, ok, but counter-productive. Can't even take the fantasy seriously when it gets to zeppelin dimensions! :D

2) The MC in formal private school uniform, and looks about 12. Oh, come on ... a proper organ-shrinker ... Comedy value? Well, ok ...

3) English text version could do with a lot of tuning. Yes, I know it's time and money, but not necessarily much. It also means:

4) When the text is not as engaging, interesting, spicy as it could be, that immediately makes the game more of a grind than it should be: click, click, click, "let's get to a scene" ....

5) When the MC is escorted from the initial hall scene, & the youngest girl shows him a sports car for a drive round the city or something, I sorta lose interest ... Next stop, a Formula 1 GP event, where they eat hot dogs together and talk about Kanye & the Kardashians? A bit banal and a letdown, is what I mean. Give us a spaceship, a teleporter, something a bit more exciting than a sports car spin ...

So maybe it's not for me.

But potential for sure.


Jun 13, 2017
Am i the only one that game just END at saturday 14 ? didnt even know that we had time limit
2.60 star(s) 55 Votes