Joey the mangaka

Engaged Member
Sep 18, 2018

2021 BFL-FAQ!
Pic: Just an abstract entertainment I did this morning, about some of the problems I've overcome during past months. Attached 4k pic so you can take a look at those amazing mouses :p.
Now let's get to the future.
Getting back to hard work quick and steady here!
As I asked you all, Along the months you send me some questions about the game, and here are the answers. Also a quick reminder about how the year is going to be release-wise.

2021 Release Roadmap

-Even if we're delayed (On coding) by 2 months everything is still as planned, Chapter 3 should end by the end of the year.
-Next Major release (named 0.20) will contain the end of Kaelkirk main story + extras (Penketh, Gypsy Camp) (Around 1'45h). I don't want to take long to release this one so If I have to focus on main content to speed the release, I'll keep adding some of the additional content to next updates.
-Next updates until chapter 3 will contain Grassmere, the end of Gassmere Main Story, The End of Kathia Consolidation Quest, and the Chapter 2 epilogue, (+ various extras as you can imagine, filling some holes here and there that could be need to fill before the end of the first part of the game (Remember, Chapter 1-3 is the first part). This should be 2 or Maximum 3 updates. (Around 3h) If I see the content is too big for these updates, , I'll add the Chapter 2 epilogue scenes into the Chapter 3 release.
-Chapter 3 will be a single update. (High packed 1'30h I guess)

The number of extras beyond the main story in previous releases and when they'll appear will depend on my good or bad administration or time in order to try to accomplish this in time. All will be there, just not sure on what order. Anyway, the freeroam nature of the game always let you visit old zones and find new content if needed.

Some Questions you asked me or I see that could be of use to explain:
-Baron Vael Daughter, yes, she was in a recent spoiler about when Patrik and Vivian were young, remembering that moment that Vael recalls to Patrik. Yes, we'll know all about it in thenext update.
-How long or deep Grassmere main story is compared to the Hartlepool one?
Grassmere is a small location in terms of Gameplay (Bigger as Leffrin as much) and the different resolutions of it are quite straightforward and less divisive than Hartlepool.
-Would we be able to marry katerina?
UNKNOWN!!!!! Child recognition and Marriages are a BIG choice in game that will only affect those who take that choice, so All non-Main-story marriages will have to be carefully choosed. Probably with a very important poll after Chapter 4.
The first possible pregnancies will be visible in the Epilogue of Chapter 2.
-Avani: She'll perform an important role at the end of Chapter 2.
-Kloe & Kithra: They'll reach their maximum threat level at the end of Chapter 2.
-Pirates from the Canary Trail: Depending on your current choices, they can have some little roles to play in the future.
-Michelle: Michelle story on Hartlepool is over and you can keep checking her content on Remembers scenes at Hartlepool's Sir Patrik's room. She'll be back? She may be back, in the end, she belongs at Penketh with her husband.
-Liliana: She'll be back on Chapter 4.
-Anibal: If Anibal is alive.... he could make some little apparition in Chapter 5.
-Whitley: She'll be back... I'll say nothing more.
-When all freeroam Hartlepool content will be finished?
All content on Hartlepool Porthouse (the other non available yet 7 girls, Isabelle, Cinamon, the Mistress) As well as other personalities in town (Helen & John, Acallarian Mercenaries, Silk Road....) Will have more content included until the end of the game, as is one of the few big zones in the whole game. (In the you can see marked what locations are considered big in terms of content) PS: Full Roadmap charts are quite updated, just need some more greens and blues on Hartlepool right now.
About Battles:
-How many troops and leaders we will have? That's high spoiler territory. After chapter 3 important game branching choices will change that.
-Chapter 3 will work as the Hartlepool Warpath? You will able to participe on all battles or just some? How troops will work? No, not really: Player will participe in all Battles and see all outcomes in a present and non-present narrative way (think more about how battles are presented on movies), differences are about the Tactical placement, and some options will make some battles results change drastically. There is going to be different battles and some will have slight different systems. (Hartlepool's Warpath was the test of the base engine)


-How the New Romance menu will be?
-It will have an individual menu for each set of interconnected women and will show progression like an old fashioned perk-system, showing what locks what and what unlocks what. I'll try to make it complete and professional so I'll implement it step by step, starting for those romance options that really need to have a good following already because of divergent paths.
-Loyalty System: Before Chapter 2 ends it will be able to start switching depending on all your previous Loyalty choices, and you'll be able to see it.
-Companion System:
Beyond what you know (special events if some companions or not are in the team in certain zones or moments), it will change how you sleep outside instead of on a bed (Implemented on 0.20), so you'll see it soon enough.

And that's enough for now!!
You'll hear me again soon enough ;)


Jul 8, 2020
Joey any idea how you find Soon, the Silk Road girl? Or for that matter how you progress with the Hartlepool story?


Active Member
Game Developer
Jan 13, 2019
This update did not bring a whole lot of new gameplay, but the work the Dev put in on performance and the new scenes are very good. The performance of the game has drastically improved and I like the beach ending 'scene'. This new kind of cinematic tells me the Dev is trying out new stuff, which I really like. Keep up the good work!
Thank you for reply, it's appreciated. I see you here generously answering people's questions. :)

I must say, I am aware this patch was performance-based but it really had a tiny bit of content.
For those who don't know, I couldn't do ANY coding for nearly two complete months. I had a problem in the eyes, very frustrating and long recovery, tried lots of time getting back to coding but my eyes got very blurry in very little time; It's been shit. Most performance fixes were ready on january but I couldn't just finish coding the scenes. Luckly it's in the past now (99%).

But In that time I kept working on graphic aspects of the game (preparing enviroments, scenes, rendering, animations...) so 0.20 is half its way on, don't worry!

And Yes. You can expect graphic improvements to continue as well as more performance improvements as I keept releasing updates ;)

could there be a possible rank up from knight to duke?
In the Stats menu there are some shields in the lower part. Hovering over one you can see you're a Knight of Leffrin. That means there will be other titles to be obtained. (Not giving spoilers away!)

Man i really love Michelle.Sad she is not going to appear more..but you're right...she is belongs to another.
Well, as said in the FAQ, there could be (apparitions). But unless I find myself wanting to bring her up again on some Penketh scene for some story reasons, that kind of extra content will belong to patreon polls, as I already have a ton of content to put!


Active Member
Game Developer
Jan 13, 2019
So, which animated scenes got face-lifts in this update?
None, only new content. But in order to keep making the translation from a poor optimised Vram game to an optimized one, I have to convert (as half of the process) most animations to video. In that process I'll be remastering at least 80% previous animations I guess, that has not been remastered or made in the past 5-7 months..


Jun 4, 2017
None, only new content. But in order to keep making the translation from a poor optimised Vram game to an optimized one, I have to convert (as half of the process) most animations to video. In that process I'll be remastering at least 80% previous animations I guess, that has not been remastered or made in the past 5-7 months..
Ok, cool. So was the newest Alana anal scene in the tower a video animation?


Active Member
Game Developer
Jan 13, 2019
Ok, cool. So was the newest Alana anal scene in the tower a video animation?
By force of the vram optimisation process, I had to make it in video format, but it does not enjoy all the benefits of videos, as I've not rendered it in first place to be a video animation without caring how many frames it could have (So I guess is just a 40-60frames back in inverse loop). In fact those anims were rendered nearly a year ago right now, with some remasters along the months.

Seiki animations are the only ones I made from the prospect that I'm not limited to trying to make them in the less than 60 frames etc.... I also have to improve how to adjust the tempo inside Affter Effects; Thing that I did before with the unity-frame based animations; When I'm able to know how to make the videos well on Affter Effects (there are better or worst examples in this update), I'll have the best from all worlds I guess.

PS: Did you liked that tower anims anyway?
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