Are prostitution and lesbian avoidable?
Consuming oneself prostitutes is avoidable. Seeing Lesbic scenes, while just one for the moment and quickly skippable, is not avoidable. 25% Lewd scenes on this game will be M/F/F/(f/f...), (maybe now is just 5%), while in those cases isn't focused on lesbic involvement. 95% of the sex scenes of the game are avoidable as the game is not about sex. If you don't want to see that content, it will be hard to avoid in the future. If that's a no go for you, then is a probably a no go.
only up to 150cps not instant.
As far as I know unchecking "Scrolling text" should do that.... Automatic text.
About changing font.... Maybe I could add a setting to change font, as I know can be a problem for some people, and I thought some times about giving the option. You can check back in 3 months.
About changing MC name, that won't happen for now, unless I have a change of heart in a real far future (Like in game completion), where I can just gather text and add as a translation option "change Sir Patrik for [var:XXX]". Right now would be impossible for me to add the option (for technical and time reaons).