So the game won't work unless you agree to share your data. Is there a fix incoming?
It is like this. I don't know if you have read up on the Unitiy discourse lately, but Unity wanted to make money backwards compatible and made a decision earlier this year involving all project up to this date. They have lately rolled back the most unfair payback policy for the devs, but what remains is that they still wants their data.
So if you opt out of analytic, they still get their data because it's build in to the Unity engine, but you sorry user that opt out leave the dev out in the cold. So even if you opt out the dev that is actually developing the game miss out on important date that can help developing the game further down the line. Unity get their data anyway because it's build in to theyr engine.
All devs will make a workaround to keep their game from not loading for people but to really support the dev's keep the analytics on!
Oh, and I almost forgot - go and show your appreciation on patreon too if you really like the game!