- Sep 18, 2018
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Art Update - 0.20 progress and notes
pic: 0.20: Crime and Punishement
First of all sorry if the writing maybe be confusing but I'm having a hard time just right now, eyes tired:
1. The Personal note
As some of you know my sight is still recovering. Little news here. So I keep making scenes for 0.20 while waiting to be able to code These weeks I'm only able to work 6-8 hours before my sight gets blurry and I need to get out of the computer for many hours to recover. Reading and Writing is what tires most my eyes so... (Anyway, I'm a lot better than 9 days ago just when I got the new glasses, but humans, we like to complain when there is a problem XD Sight is my second most important tool)
2: About Progress
Well, better said, more than making scenes for 0.20, I'm making scenes for Kaelkirk, Penketh and Gypsy Camp for All the rest of Chapter 2.
When I release 0.19 (that will be coded quickly after I can code without harm) I'll probably be able to start coding 0.20 with the material I already have.
Just sharing my thoughts about the 0.20 release; As coding is delayed and all the content for chapter 2 in those places is quite big, I guess the release will contain All the mainstory for Kaelkirk (that is fun business, not so serious as 0.15), and just Penketh and gypsy camp advancement, not all of it ('cause if not will be a more than 2'5h of content and too long to code). So I guess the conclusion of those zones will come with the next updates, along the Grassmere content and End of chapter content. (the best for last I guess!)
(As a note, every major update I made is with around 25, five-minutes-long-scene scenes, for 1'5h hours of total length). And the content planned and in the works for Kaelkirk, Gypsy camp and Penketh is around 40 scenes, that's why)
February has been a frustating month, but with all the acumulated work of all months when I could work on 0.20 (or as said, those zones for all chapter 2), more than 300 renders and more than 20 animations are ready, so there is that (But when I can work completly the rest will came faster, specially If I get the new computer)
I would have liked to be able to work more in chapter 3 to make the Trailer of the game, but well, now everything optional is put aside until I got up to speed with releases, there will be a lot to code soon enough!
Sorry if I don't post to much information but writing right now is the worst part. So I'll keep in the Art chopping block and trying not to tire my eyes much for a better recovery.
Next post some Baron comission
See you around!