FEB 18, 2021 AT 2:02 PM
Would you be my...? February Special Wallpapers
Here I bring you eight 4k Special Wallpapers!
(versions without watermark included in the attachments)
I was preparing a render with four girls for Valentine's day but I choose to wait until I had my new glasses to make sure the renders were right, and in the process I made some more material, so I here you have the special wallpapers

I hope you like them!
As you know my reading glasses broke twelve days ago (well, a lense). I'd still keep using them like that and work preparing scenes and rendering a bit as I've found myself totally unable to focus on coding (well, and on a lot of things). Results look slow when just preparing scenes and not rendering much, but well, is work that one has to do for 0.20 anyways. Is just a shame I couldn't finish the last coding to get 0.19
Yesterday, 24h ago, I finally got a grasp on my new glasses and I'm been working hard getting up to speed, very happy to be able to focus and get back hard to work. I have one eye (the one on the broken lens) quite tired after so many days so I still don't read very well, but I guess it will heal soon. At least now I can render perfectly!
Same way, I've not moved nothing about the computer purchase waiting until I had the new glasses, and in order to not over-complicate myself I'll wait to release 0.19 before getting into that.
So now as my sight recovers I'll finish that 0.19 code (Just a chain of scenes -way delayed for lots of different reasons, as you know-). Coding of 0.15 was very taxing for nearly two months and the VRAM recode on Dec-January was quite a stone in the path. I can even say that not able to code for more than a week and just focus on the creativity side of preparing 0.20 scenes has been very good to recover coding energies.
So back to the good chop chop and I really you hope this alternative versions from BFL characters
PS: For those who have taken the Annual Membership remember to send me some message if you want your special commission render, and thanks!