Tim said: "It's a title screen for that potential future game. Feedback welcome."
Who am I to say different...here goes my assist in story sketching a new game.
Dia, Pia, Alaia girls to the left of title: black top is Dia, turttle neck is Pia, armored guns is Alai.
Dia just hit puberty in her 30' - being a plank all her life, suddenly bunking with Alaya got her into activity - acavanging for men, scavanging for girl intimates, drooling over short games of cat and mouse with any mates boys come to greet and "dine" Alaia given her the shivers, started the butterflyes in her stommach and noy she got a loively chast of her own.
Pia is a former marine renegade, coming from famed "skunk Armadillos" 34IIX infantry cley hoist spearheads that washed up on the shores of the atlantic when armaggedon truck (Tim has all my faith he can decide which ever appocalipse he can muster - 4 hoersemen, some asteroid, moon off it's axis, sudden second moon appearing on a off angle from the sun, lifting Humongous waves who washet everyone on shores that used to be mountains and on valleys that used to be the ocean floor). to be continued...