HTML - Completed - Battle Quest [v1.0.2] [lobsterman9999]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Surprisingly good with a nice ending.

    Very good battle mechanics as well, its more unique compared to other rpg's, Paladin's nullify ftw!

    You could also tell thoughts were put into the characters as well!

    Save editor is recommended for those who prefer not to grind, like me.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game! The story, art and music were all very very strong. 5/5 and very well deserved!
    If you don't go in expecting a heavy porn game but are prepared that you're going on an epic adventure, you're going to have a great time playing it. When the story finished I was sad to see the characters go, it was that good.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    As others have said, this isn't much of a porn game but it's still a good old school RPG. Considering that this game is complete with a cohesive storyline (even if it's generic) and few bugs, I think it deserves 5 stars.
  4. 5.00 star(s)

    Rajat Saigal

    This game is about as much a porn game as Bioware games are. It's 99% story oriented with some occasional porn at points, either randomly or at the end of a long romance. It's well written and interesting, and the gameplay is pretty tactical and great, while remaining fairly simple.
    EDIT: Upgrading to 5 stars. I finished the game through quite a bit of cheating (it's real old school difficult, I unfortunately don't have the time to dedicate to it), and boy oh boy. The writing is magnificent, and the ending (at least the Paladin ending, only one I got right now) is straight out of epic fantasy like LOTR. What a game to be built by one individual and posted to a porn game site. This is a masterpiece even by writing and regular game standards.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing game, amazing characters, good story variation, lots of choices.
    5/5 stars rating i totally recommend everyone to play it 100%.
    Personally i would prefer a third option a trans hero and more sex scenes, but still awesome.
    Good work.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Lol @ the other reviewer giving this a 1/5 because it doesn't compare to Baldur's Gate with sex mods. Sure yeah let's compare a AAA game made by a mainstream development studio and team of fifty to an HTML game by one dev. Genius!!!

    Battle Quest is fun. Its story is generic, but purposefully generic, in a way that makes it charming and familiar. Dev has also said making Battle Quest is his way of learning more complex systems and code, so for that he's doing a nice job.

    Gameplay is simple, but enjoyable. There are no difficult mechanics to learn. The music is also nice. Overall it tries to be a fun little battle RPG with nsfw elements and that's exactly what you get when you download it.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    I hope you make other games like this. This is too good, it provides both adventure and well... you know... pls, don't make me say it, alright, and... porn. Well character development and well written.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    The story is captivating. there are many unexpected moments. You shouldn't expect to have a lot of sex because it's a game that's more story-based.

    I would also like to inform you of certain faults which are the harvest of xp. it would be necessary to increase the xp share contribution to the regions.

    When choosing equipment, I saw no indication that this equipment was intended for a class.

    But apart from that I would like to thank the developers for their games as pleasant on the images and the music which were placed at the right moment, brief pure happiness ^^ thx
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Fantastic game and for me the biggest surprise this year.
    A complete and long game with good mechanics, good writing with some humour and a comprehensible world, but then a bit too little sex (an the writing around the sex scenes need more fine tuning).
    It's been a pleasure playing this!
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    Overall an okay Corruption of Champions clone but poorly paced and way too reliant on its lame main narrative.

    The problem is that CoC allowed for significantly more freedom in the way you explore its combat locations, not even mentioning the fact that it had multiple big non-hostile settlements with a lot of characters to romance and quests to solve.

    CoC's mechanics work though and they work pretty well, so it's not unlikely that you'll spend a night or two in this little RPG.

    Shame that Instead of settling for something simple and delivering lewd and not-so-lewd content in a less rigid way through its random encounter system, you're forced to sit through a very boring and very generic story to progress.

    At about 30% through the game you'll do nothing but meet one cardboard cutout character you can't interact with in any meaningful way after another and one combat encounter after another of boring bad fantasy RPG DLC enemies i.e. glowing mtn dew skeletons, glowing ghosts, glowing whatever the hell elses.

    Oh, and there's BARELY any sexual content here, and what's there feels like it was attached at the last possible minute.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    The story is pretty decent and the characters are believable and well written but can definitely be one dimensional at times. The combat as a rogue does actually require thought at times which is engaging but the game is forgiving enough. Pretty polished around the edges and overall enjoyable. Sexual content itself is pretty low though.
  12. 5.00 star(s)

    Rex Blue

    Battle Quest is a html fantasy rpg with elves, goblins, swords and sorcery. Honestly, it's just about as stereotypical as any fantasy rpg gets, save for the erotic twist of transformation and sex.

    But really, there's a reason the stereotypical is traditional. It's because the well known tropes and characters are fun. Battle Quest really hits all the high notes of your typical fantasy rpg. I enjoyed the story and characters a great deal. It felt like Dragon Age on a budget to me.

    The sex scenes are rather few and far between, and there's only a handful of sexy images, but I still feel like the game is worth an afternoon of your time.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    I mean, what is there to be said that hasn't already been explained by the other reviews? It's a true game through and through, with the porn only serving to elevate the experience and the romance woven by the wonderful plot.

    This game gets you attached to the characters, and that alone should make you play this, and if you doubt just how good the game is, just check all the positive reviews.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Oh my god is was expecting a quick fap and now i don't know what to do with my life after the death of Ori.

    This game is great! Way more than what it needed to be, although, my only real criticism would be the "grindy" aspects. Way too grindy for a HTML game, the game does make a good job in balancing the combat and there is no "easy" really, only less difficult, wich is something that i loved.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    Pretty cool until every female interest just kinda turns you off. Why does the elven princess have to tell you she was a child prostitute? Couldn't even try to get with the priestess because she's a futa and only sleeps with women. Not my jam. Perhaps if there was a bit more payoff at an earlier interval.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    The maker of this bamboozled everyone. This is an sex RPG. No This a RPG with a tit or two. This a your standard RPG game hiding as a porn game.

    Its about 2 to 4 hours to beat (if you read and reload to see all the options during a run)

    Damn, I wasn't expecting a wank session to turn into a gaming session. I got invested and everything into the story even though I called who the big bad was and the plot too.

    As a tip. FEED Oriazus the Resplendent everything you got. It's 100% worth it.
  17. 1.00 star(s)


    This doesn't belong in any sort of category that includes porn, the fact that this has any tags is an insult to the tagging system. There's barely any porngraphic material or scenes in the game. As in, I went the ENTIRE GAME, and only got ONE scene with a random goblin woman. The story is subpar as well, so it really needs SOMETHING. Apparently there's more, but its also apparently VERY well hidden
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    idk how this game getting great reviews tbh feel like they must be joking like calling combat great and story ??
    What story the few sentences that eventually pop up? That not story that would be excuse for porn which this has VERY little of and not always matching nor in control of and combat which is repetitive to the max and boring which both these don't fit the other common said thing of calling this like older rpgs... I mean I am currently replaying Baldurs gate modded with romance etc... those are story + character + worthwhile combat + choice + proper lewdness suppose with a couple the mods though obviously beyond minimal etc... and also played many adult rpgs with more in everything.

    10+ years ago this would have been a alright thing to stumble upon online, but ya the "rng" to proceed with story on front page mention, is more of a warning stating prepare for clicking 8 things over and over and over again ignoring everything as there no reason to not do so (ie go out, venture, attack/skill enemy turn-player turn x2, repeat previous 2, go inside, repeat all above, buy 1 item/upgrade a couple skill points, repeat repeat...)

    There just no point to this imo it offers nothing... usually try and say something that may appeal enough to some select group or reason but there just not.... ummm if you want to play something on your browser that is a medieval like fantasy rpgish and gone through everything else you can find maybe?
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Review for 1.02:

    I found the game highly enjoyable. If you're a fan of the fantasy genre and/or old-school, turn-based RPGs, this will definitely scratch that itch.

    The combat, while not particularly well-balanced, is sufficiently tuned as to not get boring unless you are trying to grind out Experience or Gold (which is never really necessary). There are some weaknesses, such as the overpowered nature of armor and armor-refreshing abilities enemies use, but smart skill usage (or the liberal use of the back button) can negate that. Each class plays differently enough to ensure multiple playthroughs feel moderately unique.

    The biggest strength of the game. It's a really well-told narrative, rich with lore and engaging characters. It's definitely worth enjoying if you like old-school fantasy stories.

    The sex scenes are pretty par-for-the-course. Not bad, but nothing spectacular. This is definitely a "game with porn elements" versus an outright porn game. Still, they served their purpose. The romance elements are split into 3 paths, one for male, one for female, and one for herm, encouraging multiple playthroughs. The romance plots are pretty decent overall, and definitely add to the characters and story.

    Overall, it was a very enjoyable, well-made game. 5/5 stars.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    [Review of v1.0.2 on 02/07/2022]
    I dont't usually review games but i liked the game so much i decided to make an exception. If you are looking for a game with lots of porn this game is not for you, there is little erotic content and is very sparse. If instead you are looking for an excellent html rpg with a cool and compelling story you found the right game. I particularly liked the music which i found very fitting for the various situations. The only criticism i have are some spelling errors that i found through the game.