HTML - Completed - Battle Quest [v1.0.2] [lobsterman9999]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Not a good h-game but a decent time killer. [Version 1.0.1]

    Gameplay:[8/10]:You dont need a keyboard, the game only utilizes the mouse as it is typical for html games. The game however has a pretty indepth stat system, you can increase your strength, agility and willpower through experience points, armor and weapons. There are 3 classes and all utilize one excel at one stat and they all have unique stats. I would say the game is even more fun than most rpgmaker games despite being simpler.

    Art:[4/10]: The game mostly contains borrowed art and animation from both western and eastern media it uses both 2d and 3d art aswell the mismatch of these different artstyles bother me and i wish someday author finds an artist to draw the characters and scenes.

    Story:[8/10]: While an adventurer send out by a king to defeat evil starts as very cliche the game adds up pretty interesting characters into the mix so it feels unique..

    Music=[7/10]: The game i am assuming borrows the music aswell, however music suprisingly fits very well as ambient music so no complaints here.

    Character Customization:[5/10]: The game has 3 classes and 2 genders and all of them gets their own portrait. You can also customize your body through Lilith the Goddess of Pleasure.

    Adult Content:[4/10]: This is where the game lacks .The game relies on borrowed art and text. But thats not all, there are barely any adult content to start with. You can seduce some of the NPCs assuming you meet the requirements, and there are occasional fight them or fuck them options but during most of the game you will have a limp dick since only way to get reliable adult scenes is through masturbation which does differ with gender. The game is pretty vanilla except for body transformation.

    Difficulty[5/10][0=Easy Peasy 10=Dark Souls]: The game is pretty easy assuming you equip your prime gear and level up your stats. Wearing slutty clothing also gives you money and experience per turn so thats a valid but a hilarious option aswell.

    Summary:Overall a good html rpg with fun gameplay and decent story,
    lacks when it comes to adult content and art. It would certainly be better if author hired an artist to draw the art, added more adult content and made the requirements for NPC routes clear.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    As an H game, Battle Quest under delivers. There's just not a lot of H content to begin with. And the H content that's there is just a few searches away from any booru site. Gameplay wise, there are quite a number of issues. The most glaring being that any and all encounters/events are completely randomized. You could spend numerous in-game days running into random encounters and not making any progress, or you could end up against a mini boss type enemy that you're woefully unprepared for. Even with a guide, you can end up wasting a lot of time trying to unlock a scene for its rewards.

    Where this game really falls apart is in the combat. The game mechanics are fairly deep on the player's end, where you spend time building up mana and other resources before unleashing abilities on the opponent. Unfortunately, the enemy is not subject to these same rules. They can and will unleash numerous abilities on you that buff themselves, debuff you, stun you, or hell maybe do all the above at once. And they will repeatedly make use of these overpowered abilities and there is nothing you can do about it. It makes combat feel less strategic and more of an RNG race to see how many strong hits you can land before they get too many cheap abilities off at once.

    It also can't be understated the amount of grind that the developer seemingly expects out of players. Gold is trickled into the player's pockets at a sluggish rate, and the EXP needed to learn and especially upgrade your abilities comes out to some truly ludicrous amounts. You can feel especially starved of gold when fighting story related battles, as they seem to never drop any gold for you. And going back to the imbalanced design, EXP rewards aren't consistent either. Fight 3 guys in a row? 60 EXP. Next battle you fight just 1 slightly stronger guy? 70 EXP. I just can't even.

    All things considered, this isn't a bad game, just heavily flawed. I do like the overall concept and setting aside my complaints the gameplay loop is solid. Honestly I think trying to make this into an H game has done more harm than good, as the setting is mostly incompatible with allowing for a good variety of H scenes. Implement a more traditional exploration system, give enemies restrictions on their abilities, and decrease the amount of grind and this would be a very solid game.
  3. 2.00 star(s)

    Golden Idiot

    Version: v1.0.1

    The combat is very unbalanced and bizzare, for example, the final boss of chapter 1 kept adding more and more armour to itself, to the point i could not damage the boss, while the boss could not damage me, soft locking me in the fight. And that is but one of examples of a flawed game.
    Plus, there really isnt much in terms of eroge, its mostly repetitive gameplay and painfully slow story progress. But atleast the story is half decent, not great, but decent.

    Overall a deeply flawed game, which could have been a great game, yet its not.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has a decent story with some nice plot twists. It is mostly linear but can be affected by actions. Close recent TES games. Writing is OK, but I'm not a good English speaker myself to notice problems, except for most oblivious ones.

    This game has combat system with decent skills and itemization systems. Combat isn't too challenging and feels balanced well enough, doe not require a lot of grind. For struggling fellows - get some skill that provide healing and keep it reasonably leveled. Skills and items that increase your attributes over fight is nice choice for boss fights.

    If dev can implement it, I would recommend removing all single choises during battle to start yours, enemy, ally, enemy ally turn, and just display their last decisions on your attack selector screen.

    Smut is quite rare and begs for extension, but game is interesting enough by itself for one walk through. If dev will add some content in the future, I plan to return to it with different character and romance option.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    The storyline is nice, but the battles are not so. Often enemies cast permanent buffs every other turn, so if you don't win fast, you don't win at all. And in order to win fast, you need to have big stats, which means a lot of grind.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Not the greatest game around but pretty good and in what seems like a rare niche - " Text-based serious fantasy story with lewd shit that isn't central to the plot." The combat is pretty fun but hilariously unbalanced in a handful of boss fights. Your choice of class doesn't matter to the story so just play paladin, jack up your willpower, and faceroll the game with smites and nullify if you're curious to see the plot - no need to cheat if you go that route.
    I'd love to see the author follow this up with similar game, perhaps better balanced (cap how much stats can be buffed and debuffed) and with more shit to do (romances, dungeons, side quests, etc.) because this is a solid foundation of a game that there really isn't a whole lot of on this site.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    Reviewing for v1.0.1

    I'm surprised at the number of glowing reviews of the game. I don't know if something changed recently or what, but combat is very tedious and unbalanced to hell. One of the things I find very odd about this game is how status buffs and nerfs are perpetual. This itself wouldn't be so bad if not for the fact that enemies seem to all have an unlimited use of skills.

    Enemies do not possess a mana pool and enemy skills do not have a cooldown. Unless you're lucky, enemies can and will very quickly and quite literally become unkillable. If you skim through the thread, you'll quickly learn that people generally need to cheat to win. The only legitimate-ish way to circumvent this is to grind for potions and spam skills yourself, which isn't very fun gameplay. XP grind eventually hits diminishing returns. When you get to a point where you're dealing 50+ damage (before armor calculation) and creatures have 300+ health (about halfway into the game), 1 point for an extra 0.5 damage or dodge is basically nothing. Do yourselves a favor and pick a title that starts you off with an endgame item.

    The story portion of the game is kinda meh. First off, I find it absolutely hilarious that the king sends you to go into the forest alone to stop a supernatural crisis with literally the clothes off your back and a rusty knife. I was quite surprised to find out later that the MC is supposed to be 30 years old and apparently a veteran of 12 or 13 years. The only reason you do not absolutely get the shit kicked out of you is because you 1) get a magic stone that allows you to level up, and 2) an equally suicidal merchant decides to take you on as his sole customer.
    P.S. The game scales your allies to the fights involving them. Even though you're supposed to be this special chosen one that can level up, everyone else is just slightly weaker than you. Makes you wonder why the MC was chosen at all.

    The rest of the game follows a generic plot. Find out that there's a world-ending crisis that only you can stop, become a public enemy for choosing to do the right thing and yet poorly explain the situation, enlist the help of a motley crew of angsty people with something to prove, win the hearts of all your enemies, and then kill an evil god.

    The characters themselves are equally generic and a lot of them fall into very typical tropes and stereotypes. Despite having a mode for sex and romance, both are so scarce and off-key that they might as well not been offered. I don't know if I missed a choice at some point or what, but despite choosing all the options to have the male MC like the elf girl, they never actually shag or or get together. You can stare at parts of a naked dude (supposed you in the mirror) and choose to fantasize about fucking the elf, but that's such a cheap cop out. And if you don't want the elf, tough tits. Hope you're happy with only 2 one-off sex scenes and descriptions of having your dick enlarged, even though it never comes into play.

    tl;dr: 1/5 stars gameplay. 3/5 Story.
    Game is nearly unplayable without cheating and the plot/writing isn't worth getting into. You're better off choosing another text-based game.
  8. 5.00 star(s)

    Creamed Strawberry

    A very pleasant surprise for me. I came expecting the lewd with a side dish of story experience. But found an actual story, a real game. There are a few minor grammatical issues here or there but nothing jarring imo. I like that the game is forgiving in letting you use the back button if you goof up. Overall, my only real complaint is that I wish it were longer, that there was more (not that it is particularly lacking).
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    The story in this game is so heartwarming and wholesome, while still having its tense moments in the fight against evil. I miss this in modern fantasy. If you like playing the hero, play this game! The combat and skill system has exactly the right amount of complexity. The writing is also very descriptive and even funny at the right moments.
    This is the first game on this site, that even though it does not feature lots of lewd content kept me playing till the very end and I loved every second of it!
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    Very good fighting system, some grinding here and there, but acceptable. What frustrates me is the menus of submenus and the need to click 3 times to buy a potion. After playing longer the game starts to slow-down a bit which makes this even more painfull. click "buy", then potion, then return, then again buy and so on and so on.. Selling is the same hassle. The is enough screen space for much more options on screen without the need to go inside a house then inside room of the house, then inside another room.
    The good sides is the fighting and the excellent fighting and item system. It looked a lot like Diablo to me. Set items, unique items etc. My biggest frustration came from not having sex scenes. I don't know if picking a male Paladin was the reason for this, but in total there were 3-4 naked scenes in the entire game! When I checked the Images folder I saw much more content which stayed there untouched.
    There are some weird damage bugs where enemy hits you with 100dmg, but you lose 180 health. There is not much things you can choose, so the story is quite linear.
  11. 5.00 star(s)

    As Nature Intended

    As a fan of medieval fantasy, I must say I was very pleasantly suprised by the quality of this game. The dialogue was appropriate, the setting was intersting, the unveiling of the story and its mysteries never bored me, the artwork very inspiring, and the music very fitting, complimenting everything.It even move me to tears for a couple scenes

    It does not contain many erotic scenes, and the art is borrowed from hentai
    but it still has a certain appeal to it, so all in all I personally didnt mind at all.

    So do note, not much fap material but a welcome addition to a very intersting little html game
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    There aren't a lot of games on this site that break the mold. You have a bunch of 3dcg VN games based in renpy, various rpgm games, and usually html life sim type stuff. This game doesn't fall into any of those categories.

    It gets 5 stars for being fairly unique, quite fun, and truely completed. There is nothing here that will make you think the ending was particularly rushed or a half complete game that looks like it will never get finished.

    I played through this game 3 times. Once on each class while also doing a male and female playthrough. I skipped the futa playthrough because it really isn't my thing. Gameplay wise the classes are all pretty good. I found Soldier easiest but none of them made the game particularly difficult.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Usually I go into HTML games just to jerk off quickly to a good story and a lot of porn, but this game... I went through it in a few hours, didn't meet even half of the erotic content, didn't enjoy it so much that it's hard to describe. I was worried about the fate of the minor characters, I thought, I read the plot. It was amazing. 5 stars, recommend to friends.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    I played it Yesterday and got through the first act.

    To be honest, this is the best html rpg so far i played.
    It's really really well balanced, not too grindy...very good balancing of the player and enemy skills.

    It's a rpg with an touch of erotica, which gets me hooked.

    True, it's not a full porn game but it should not always bei senseless porn in your face, when this is your only Intention, you should watch an porn movie/vid...

    It always depends on what someone prefers and it's a real gem....
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Great RPG game, some cool lewd scene but the story, character and battle mechanic is what hooked me to this game by the end of this I came really care for Naya, Sycillia and the Merchant (Forgot his name sorry),in short, Came for smut stay for the story (and surprisingly fun battle)
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    I've only went through one route, but I feel like I got enough out of that one route to justify giving this a five star review.

    I can't think of any other HTML game that has this kind of balance of gameplay/story to adult content ratio. I liked it a lot though. It isnt a game where you get jumped or jump someone else and get your rocks off. It's an RPG first with adult elements in the romance routes.

    Not that those elements aren't there and good, it just feels like you earn them. That they are more satisfying because they took time to get to and weren't thrown at you. Even though the assets/art used weren't made for this game they feel curated to the point where they feel like they belong if that makes sense.

    Others have said this, but I would like to add my voice to it as well. I enjoyed the combat, but I have two or so gripes with it.

    1. So many of the enmies in the game have buffs/Debuffs and damage dealing abilities that CANNOT be avoided through your skills. They often use them sometimes back to back and it feels as though they don't have a mana bar like you do. Which was annoying at times. Kind of makes your agility and things like that pointless when they can directly damage you like that. Not a deal breaker there are work arounds.

    2. Stun and enemies that heal themselves. These two abilities the certain enemies/ mini bosses/ bosses can use deserve their own spot. Again not a deal breaker, but annoying as hell.

    Stun- there were times when an enemy would use abilities that damaged and stunned or drained my mana and stunned two times in a row. That was infuriating haha. There are certain work arounds in the game though that can negate this though so it's forgivable. The one I found playing as a soldier was much later on though and was a piece of armor.

    Healing enmies- This is a gripe in any game I've ever played where it happened. Almost dead boss? NOPE! JUST GETTING STARTED BITCH FULL HEALTH RESTART! I will say that enemies that had this ability would have their health total lowered after using said full heal ability, BUT I could see how this would easilty screw you over because it did to me. Had to chesse the system of going back sometimes lol.

    I only played through once as a male soldier, but planning on playing through again or even probably a third time. (There are three romance routes NO spoilers). I would redommend it very much and if you are like me I would look through the thread and look at the romance walkthrough. You do have to do some specific things for the Romance interests that would suck to miss out on IMO. It didn't detract from the experience to know I was on the right path in that regard at least.
  17. 5.00 star(s)

    NTR Recovery Experts

    A delightful game that happens to have porn in it occasionally. The story was simple and well-executed, the characters prime examples of their archetypes, and the combat actually has a fair bit of challenge.

    This type of Arthurian Romance is a dying genre and it's nice to see it get some love.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    I liked the game history. It's nicely written, very straight foward with some choices along the way (they change very little the history, more about your looks). The game mechanic is nice regarding the structure of combat and logic, however, something that bothered me in the beginning and middle was the fact that some skills (mostly the enemy) don't miss., they're 100% hit chance. But, once you learn you can do THE can say we're even. Would change just this, or improve it a little.
    Pregnancy is mostly ending part (I didn't find any in game thing).... but is nice. If you're looking for a in-game mechanic of pregnancy this isn't for you (at least the version I played v1-0-1).
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    A really nice game, mostly for the gameplay/story, less so for the adult part.
    Playing as a hero (male or female) on a quest to vanquish a mysterious evil, the decisions you can make warrant quite a few replays. Art is borrowed and the lewd parts can be shut down completely for those who prefer it, but all in all, the game is worth the time.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    need more games like this its pretty good and ending is worth the grind, I dont mind the use of old hentai gifs and shit as long as the story actually comes to a satisfactory ending. the build up was worth while and honestly enjoyed playing this game.