HTML - Completed - Battle Quest [v1.0.2] [lobsterman9999]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Wow.... Just Wow. Well fucking done.

    This game is a solid, well thought out stand alone RPG, even outside of lewd genre, that's pretty fucking rare. To have such a game with lewd content is almost unheard of.

    This game maker needs to be working professionally.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Great work, as an adult game it's meh for the content is limited, but as a genuine RPG it's excellent. I rarely got hooked to a game but this I completed in one go. I loved the story, fighting system, the characters really impresive stuff for such limited tools, well done (y)
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This game probably didn't satisfy any horniness I had going into it. There were a few nice scenes... but that is my only complaint. This game was awesome to play and legitimately entrancing and fun!!! I recommend it if you wanna dive into a fantasy game
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Is it a good H game? No. In fact, it's a pretty bad H game all things considered. However, it is actually a pretty fun HTML game with a standard but pretty well executed story and quite good gameplay. Also, the rush of power that is playing at endgame is pretty great.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Awesome, specially for a first time. I want more!

    The story, the DnD style, how the erotic scenes are introduced in the story... It's just really well done. I'm eager to see how much better it will be when the creator becomes good at interfaces and putting gifs/images.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    As a forward: This is barely a porn game. Yes, there's porn, but there's not much of it and it's clearly an afterthought; not only is there a SFW mode, but it's entirely possible to play the game through without encountering any at all (though you'd have to try for that.)

    With that out of the way, there's fewer HTML games I can recommend more than this one. It's a short little jaunt, maybe about five hours worth of content, but it has an enjoyable -- if cliche, but I don't have issues with cliche -- story, combat which is far more entertaining than I expected, and RPG mechanics which are simple but make you feel like you're getting much stronger. About the only gripe I have with the game is fights stopped being threatening (bar one fight which I wasn't able to beat, likely because I missed a gimmick) and end up becoming really long, but it didn't detract from my enjoyment enough to dock it a point.

    Very vanilla, porn's few and far between, but as far as HTML games it's absolutely superb for story and gameplay.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Actually a good story in a porn game and the porn fits in. Fitting music too. Some smaller issues, like balance, in some cases, but the story makes up for it. Really wish this gets expanded upon.
    I also whish there was some additional dialouge after the final tf with the characters who knew you from before, instead of them pretending like your were always the transformed gender (even when talking about events in the past before the tf).
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    It’s a really well made game, but it’s a little short of being enjoyable due to two major mistakes:

    1. The lack of lewd content. For several hours of gameplay, what there is in the game is not enough to keep the player invested. I was playing a female, and there were two event chains for the character: getting dolled up with the succubus, and a romance path with the merchant, and there were a total of 4-5 scenes for each. And while I was pretty invested in them, they dry up as the game reaches endgame. And since we’re speaking of endgame-

    2. Fighting and leveling becomes tedious. There are several times where the game teases “this is the final boss!” only to have another final behind it, and each final location introduces new enemies with several thousand Health points to burn through, some of whom heal themselves. The fights themselves aren’t hard – they’re just long.

    I think this game can be a solid 5/5 if it introduces more sexual content, and lowers the HP pool of lategame bosses just a little.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    I just spent 5 hours on this game and I completely missed the love interest I was going for without any warning from the game, or any clear pointers as to how I was supposed to get them.

    As far as I saw, there's almost no lewd content apart from the main love interests, so there's a good chance the game can end up being a complete waste of time for players.

    Decent RPG but got drawn out an hour or two too long.

    Would not recommend.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Came for the promise of smut, which there wasn't a whole ton of, but the plot is legitimately good. A little long, but worth it imo. Combat is challenging without being too difficult, dialog reads well. The only feedback I have is more sex scenes would be great.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    It's a cliche zero to hero fantasy story that's not that much used anymore. You've got epic war fights and stuff of legends in this game and it's all playable on your browser which is cool. There's a good amount of replayability too. I've started playing on the futa path but changed my mind midway through the game (played as male and romanced Naya, different genders have different romancable characters) and was pleasantly surprised that there was a good amount of specific content for each gender (non-sexual and sexual too) and classes have a difference too. It's a bit rough on the edges with the combat and some bugs still exist on 1.0.1. Don't expect much porn though, there will be relatively well-written ones here but it's not going to be a fap fest so just try to enjoy the story and you'll have fun. The characters are also pretty cool and likable and the protagonist is not just a bland silent protag and music elevates this experience just a tad more. Overall had to cheat a lot for the combat but other than that the story was enjoyable and the sex scenes were good enough for me. Might replay again once things get more polished.

    My main gripes were I wished that we were able to customize our characters more without limiting the kind of scenes that is available to us and also allow us more freedom. Like if I wanted to play a hung trap or a muscular tomboy. If you tried to get into that you would be stuck to MtF and I don't even think FtM is possible but I haven't tried it. Some characters would only be romanceable if you have a specific gender which is fine and reasonable cause it actually gets explained in some ways for each romanceable characters but having a bit more freedom wouldn't hurt right? I get that this is already a completed game and complaining won't help but if there's a slight chance the dev might add some more content for us would pretty be nice but much less plausible since this game isn't going to generate any monetary value that would be a really good motivator. One way I would make character customization be less restrictive is to make Lilith's Shrine, a shrine that would be unlockable midway through Chapter 1, a place rather than events and some specific events are locked in certain chapters and to be more lenient with the requirements for romancing each character like having a certain amount femininity, certain dick size and certain genitals. Just being able to romance each character with just one kind of set look for the protagonist (something androgynous with both customizable genitals I guess) is all I want is what I am trying to say. Though I am not saying that this should be implemented asap but if somebody makes a mod... can you please do this?
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Honestly, it is just a really good game. Although I only played the female rouge path, I can tell it has a well designed battle system and storyline. As for the sexual stuff, it is somewhat vanilla for my taste, but anything more deprived might not gel well with the storyline.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    I can only blame myself for spending 5 hours with this game, and only getting a few pictures of genitalia and blowjobs, and one short scurvy with goblins. And carpal tunnel syndrome from all the clicking. What lured me in, true enough, is a very good twine game, nice art and story, and the allure of something to come, but alas, the rng gods were probably laughing at my puny, horny attempts at relieving myself. Battles are far to long and require an autoclicker. As a porn game, very poor. As an adventure game, passable.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    I really enjoy this game. With just a few tweaks and additions it could be an all time classic. It has some interesting battle skills, a fairly large selection of weapons and armor, and a variety of challenging enemies. There is even a well written story providing motivation to continue forward even if you took out the erotic elements. Granted, if you want a quick fap and non-stop porn, this is not the game for you. If you want a fun story that happens to have some erotic content mixed in with the battles, I recommend this game for you.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    To be perfectly honest, maybe because my MC was a male, there's no real amount of porn in this game.

    but man, this is probably one of the BEST HTML RPG games I've ever played.

    seriously when was a HTML porn game known for it's gameplay and story? people just slap on porn gifs and call it a day. but somehow, this is definitely one of those games you came for the porn, stayed for the story.

    HUGE WARNING though, the porn and transformation fetish ceases to exist after 2 or 3 chapters, big sad for when the lust goddess fucked off after 3 chapters...
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    As a porn game basically crap. There's barely any sex, locked behind 3 characters, only 1 of which you can do anything lewd with before fighting like 30 fights minimum and beating the entirity of act 1. You can fuck some goblins that one time in a non-repeat scene though.

    There's the act 1 guy that's for women only, an elf chick that's for guys only that takes until most of act 2 is done to even speak to once and a mage chick who's for futa only (an entirely missable transformation the game doesn't even hint exists to begin with).
    They all have quests to mak them like you, some of which you can screw up, again, with no warning.

    This is a problem because the game clearly wants you to replay it to access each of these mutually exclusive 'lovers' (the guy isn't much of a lover; if you're a girl you just get overly into blowjobs for literally no reason and then he slaps a cursed necklace on you, maybe he gets better later, didn't care enough to keep going with how creepy he was being).
    And the game is grindy.

    The gameplay loop is exiting your house, choosing to explore, choosing an area, fighting a random pointless enemy (tons of clicks especially if you play the rogue and need to waste every other turn to gain resources to do any real damage), going back to your home for some reason then seemingly randomly either going out again or clicking your house, then to sleep then repeating from step one. You do this until the game randomly decides to let you progress, unless its one of the points where you need to talk to someone to progress, in which case it will just infinitely loop without an issue, never bothering to remind you.

    The fights take far, far too long.

    You can get gold and exp from fights. Gold is fine. There's not much to spend it on.
    Exp is tedious. You need to get your exp, find a certain item, make a shrine. Now with the shine you can visit it and spend exp. For +1 stat. Once. Then you need to click it again. Every time. You can't just buy 10 str. You need to manually buy 1 str 10 times. Its so slow.

    You also get skills via this method. But they're insanely imbalanced. Why is my 'assasinate' skill that requires me to spend like 2.5 x the mp and only works on enemies < 50% hp doing less than 1/3rd of the damage of my 'trow dagger' skill I simply start with? How insanely high do I need to get my stats before this crap scales to the point of being worth using? Well, using console to check, it simply never is. Trow dagger is always either stronger or so close that assasinate is never worth the mp cost.

    If the lewd content wasn't almost entirely locked behind 3 mutually exclusive npcs, or you could simply date all those npc's in 1 run conviniently, it'd be a much better game. As is the way the lewd/romance content is laid out only serves to remind you how poorly balanced, overly slow paced and tedious the game is.

    If you only have an interest in playing with the male/female/futa love interest, just one, its probably fine. The game isn't ever unreasonably hard; its actually fairly easy. The writing is entertaining. Much better than most games here, for the most part. That's where the stars mostly come from. The writing. The gameplay is meh to below meh and the lewd content is by far the weakest aspect.
  17. 4.00 star(s)



    Surprisingly good, little grindy but good time killer, not a whole lot of content mostly just grinding for exp and gold to get better and better and follow main quest line but for free game pretty good time killer. For a good fap find another game lol
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    I just tried this to see if it could entertain me. It actually surprised me with the quality of the end product.

    Writing is good, pacing is great (for me at least), most graphics suit very well, I never felt stuck on a rail even though sometimes I was and the story drove me further on into the game.

    Biggest disadvantages are no wealth of options in classes and builds and no continual development. So I'll give it 5/5 for a short.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    This is actually a very well developed game and probably the best twine rpg. It has an intriguing story and while the combat can get repetitive from clicking it is a feat that something of this scale was developed in an engine that is primarily seen as something that can only be used effectively cyoa format.