Another five for the list
The Grey Dream 1/5
Played v2.1 - visual novel with pretty models but very little content so far (4 scenes with two scenes having another variation). The plot feels a bit disjointed, but maybe that's because the creator is trying to introduce all the characters. Game is pretty simple - choose whether your character is a humble niceguy or an asshole by choosing nice or dickish dialogue options - two scenes (so far) play out differently depending on your choices.
Bdsm wise there is one vanilla scene, one femdom on msub (not MC) scene, one vanilla/rough sex scene and one gloryhole scene where there are slight changes depending on your asshole/niceguy points.
Might be worth keeping an eye on, but at the moment no interesting bdsm content.
My Pleasure! 2/5
I bounced off of this game several times. I couldn't tell you why, maybe I played it in the wrong mood, maybe I'm too burned out when it comes to incest games, who knows. Every time I played it I started looking for excuses to do something else instead - the game wasn't bad, the models are pretty, there is a storyline, and even if I wasn't overly invested in characters I can see why someone could be. Still I finished v0.32 to finally write this review, even if I sped through the second half of the game and just skimmed the text. So I'll mainly concentrate on the bdsm and leave the question whether the game is good or bad to the player.
Bdsm wise there is a femdom and a femsub route for Daphne, Hailey has some spanking, domination and some roleplay. There aren't many scenes as both of them are side characters (probably because they aren't bloodrelated to the MC - no I'm not bitter about the incest focus of the game at all, why do you ask?).
What there is, is pretty much only some domination, spanking and Daphne using a riding crop on another girl in one scene - so pretty light and mostly not a focus of the game. Even Daphne, who is the designated bdsm-character, mostly considers it a fun game and talks about dropping the play in favour of a normal relationship later on. Also, while I haven't counted them, I'm pretty sure she has more vanilla scenes than otherwise.
Hailey has maybe 2-3 scenes with bdsm content, the rest is mostly vanilla stuff with some undertones.
FreshWomen 0/5
I played v0.5.121 - visual novel about the MC trying to find out what happened to his father while suffering from amnesia. Due to having 5 main girls and another 5 side girls there isn't that much content yet (13 scenes all in all). Models are gorgeous, characters are interesting, plot can hold my attention. Also has some rather well done animations.
Bdsm wise there is no content, or at least no content yet - there is one scene (Sue) where the MC thinks that she likes being bossed around a bit and you get the option to slap her on the ass twice, but aside from that there is no content. Also lacks both the male domination and the bdsm tag, so I don't think we'll get any content in the future either.
Well worth playing as it deserves its high rating, but not recommended for bdsm-lovers.
The Interview 5/5
Played version 1.0 - kinetic novel, there are no choices at all and no way to change the story. The story is about the two female MCs desperately needing a modelling job and being manipulated and blackmailed into being several men's toys. It's primarily a cucking story with the girl's boyfriends watching or hearing them having sex with other men and being humiliated. There are also a handful of one-off girls that get a single scene each (of course they all have a husband or boyfriend).
Contrary to my expectations (it being v1.0) the story is clearly not finished - the ending is open with no closure and the game tells you to save before you are booted back to the main menu.
Scenes are unusual - you tend to have a main menu and then getting to choose several options (rough, anal, domination,...) each with a short animation and some lines rather than an ongoing scene.
Consent ranges from dubious to rape - there is some spanking, whipping, domination, handcuffs and humiliation - sadly the game creator is more into cucking than bdsm. There are several scenes where you get cockblocked - you think you'll get some cool device bondage only for the devices going unused or follow the scene of one girl only for the other to stumble into the room with bruises, whipmarks, a gag and a collar with you never getting to see the other scene.
Going Rogue 1/5
Short, complete visual novel about a rookie police officer going undercover with an organized crime syndicate. Good enough to spend an afternoon on - has pretty models, an interesting story and choices that actually impact things a bit rather than just being cosmetic.
Bdsm wise this game was an utter disappointment. There was a single bdsm scene and that was about a woman dominating the MC (well actually there were two scenes, but as they are mutually exclusive the creator took the lazy option and made them close to identical). There is some (light) rough sex, but nothing worth calling a bdsm scene. So - a tiny amount of femdom content and nothing else.
I started thinking there might be some content with Grace since she starts off with calling her boss master and gets spanked in the prologue but there is only vanilla content and some optional content with her getting whored out - turns out it's just you playing white knight to a damsel. Grace has no interest in bdsm and is happy someone is being nice to her. Still there are worse games and it is complete.