Recommending BDSM Maledom Games with Bondage/Slavery/Submission/Counter Femdom & Male Domination. [Ball Gag, Cuffs, Spanking, Rope-bondage & Torture Devices]

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Nov 22, 2017
Especially people into maledom BDSM should be very careful. If you are already into the dopamine rush of having power, you are standing close to the slippery slope. Because if the dopamine rush is more important to you than your dignity and usefulness, the way to maximum dopamine leads becoming a chastity .

is a story without classical consent, just clever coercion. Sexually, the woman has no interest at all. He is just useful for chores and power games. How would this be seen by the public media if the genders were swapped?

I think a bigger issue than consent in the moment is the long-term and emotional dependence that is built up. The sum of progressive changes is a .
And people know this.
"Be careful what you wish for" is one of the in chastity forums.

These people know what they are talking about.
We should really all be careful what we wish for!
Before whenever i see real life stories where the male kinda destroys his life due to certain kinks like ntr or femdom, i will really feel bad about them but now i don't know what to feel since i somewhat understood that they have rewired their brains so that they get the pleasure only around their kinks.

I guess it wouldn't be a surprise if a new movement could be formed in real life by certain interest groups to remove any remaining masculinity from men by appealing to men to embrace the feminine nature.

I might be overthinking, But lately i have been thinking could there be any interest group behind the issue where doctors are allowed to perform sex change operation on minors since i have recently watched some of Jordan Peterson videos on trans issue.
Jan 1, 2022
I might be overthinking
As a true autist, I have been overthinking about this as well.
Please allow me to present my mad ramblings.
Of course my links are all very disreputable, but they look good and just illustrate my butt feelings.

It's not just one conspiracy of your favourite group of grifters. Rather, there are is one megatrend, some consequences and a couple of groups trying to abuse them.

In essence, I think there is one megatrend and everything just follows from that.

Megatrend: Loss of cultural long-term focus
1. As Peterson likes to quote from Nietzsche, Western culture has lost its religion around the 19th century or earlier.
(Religion usually tells you to preserve your family & society & be responsible.)
2. Since the end of the cold war in the 20th century, the West has lost its fear of immediate death.
(Fear of death is a strong motivator to not be weak, as an individual and as a group.)
3. Since the beginning of industrialization, western countries have built progressively bigger welfare states.
(Fear of starvation, especially in old age, is a big motivator to be successful and raise a lot of successful children that can support you.)

Life used to be hardcore mode. Now it is recruit mode. So everyone became a noob.

Consequence 1: Loss of standards & rules

Since there is no general feeling of duty or danger, there is less pressure to conform to the "most productive" known way of life.
Traditional rules are relaxed and questioned. It's like society goes: "Why should I get up at 6 if I have nothing to do?"
Any old rule is automatically seen as obsolete and needlessly restrictive.
People care less about the future.

Consequence 2: Families become optional
There are no major cultural powers that promote family formation.
The church has an opinion, but it's become powerless.
The state doesn't see the need to raise millions of soldiers as cannon fodder.
So raising children is seen as a private, expensive and optional thing that is barely supported by Western states.

Consequence 3: Scavengers appear
When you can make money by exploiting someone, but the official rule against it was overturned, why should you not?
Transitioning children makes from the health insurance system.
Creating group-based conflicts makes from the people you convince to join your good cause.
Encouraging women to prioritize their career makes for all employers by driving wages down.

The scavenger pattern is always the same 7 step cycle:
1. Find a "victim group (tm)"
2. Brainwash them to believe everything that happened in the past was oppression. For this, use their laziness and greed:
  • "You deserve more money!"
  • "You deserve more power!"
  • "You deserve more freedom to follow your base instincts and fetishes!"
  • "You deserve less pressure to be useful to society!"
  • "No rules should apply to you!"
3. Convert as many "victims" as possible to drop all their life priorities and become fanatics:
  • Become political activists for "justice" and protest a lot!
  • Try to convert your entire social circle to fight oppression!
  • Donate as much as possible to fight oppression!
  • your long-term life goals, instead do something unsustainable that is related to strong dopamine triggers:
  • View the process of missing your opportunities in life by short-sighted selfishness as becoming "empowered/TheRealYou/free"!
  • Hate anyone who disagrees with your brainwashing!
4. Get the government to give the scavengers lots of positions in politics/media/education to "fix" the oppression problem
5. Get $$$
6. Use your influential connections to stop any public criticism of your motives. Everyone who is not with you, is for oppression.
7. Use your influential connections to start the next brainwashing campaign for the next victim group. Repeat forever.

(To be fair, a lot of religions operate in similar ways. But they are at least old, so we already know their weaknesses and consequences. And the ones that survived until now are probably less bad than the ones that didn't.)

Consequence 4: Life becomes harder for people who contribute to society
With each revolution of the scavenger cycle:
  • More scavengers divert more government resources to themselves
  • Scavengers influence more people towards becoming scavengers or activists (and away from productivity)
  • Scavengers create more censorship to avoid criticism
  • Less children are born and educated properly
As a result, there are fewer capable people and fewer resources available to maintain society.
Investing in the future becomes harder for individuals and for states. Especially raising a family.
And political debates are killed before any scavenger-related problem can be solved.

Everything will suck progressively more until it becomes unbearable.
Then societies will change (voluntarily or through outside influence) and get their shit together.
It ends when there is a new long-term focus. (Until it starts again.)
Everyone knows the meme cycle.


I guess it wouldn't be a surprise if a new movement could be formed in real life by certain interest groups to remove any remaining masculinity from men by appealing to men to embrace the feminine nature.
So to try to answer your point:

There is not one single movement trying to feminize men. Everyone does it. No one needs you to be mentally strong.

If you are strong and masculine, that benefits you alone.
Your family and girlfriend and boss would like you to be more compliant (to them at least).
Your colleagues see you as a rival.
People on the street see you as a potential danger.
People on the internet see you as a reminder that they have no Real Life.

The main danger is loss of drive through the rabbit hole of:
  • life frustration
  • withdrawal from life
  • addiction to useless shit
  • and finally inversion of values through justification of uselessness
But there are many forces that take their attempts to feminize men over the top:
  • Women who were brainwashed by scavengers to be selfish & unattractive need men to
  • The trans conversion industry needs customers
  • & producers femdom because a woman needs to dominate a man. A lot of media online is just product placement! (For basic maledom, you just need your muscles. It's almost like it is simpler and more natural...)
  • Media, Politics & Education are captured by scavengers who project their own values (that give them advantages):
    • Meritocracy and fair competition are bad
    • Objective rules/standards are bad
    • Powerful positions should be given by quota to political friends (scavengers)
  • All groups that have been brainwashed to drop their life goals and become useless hate the contrast given by masculine men and feminine women.
    • The comparison hurts ("unrealistic beauty standards", "shaming", ...)
    • People who have rules and standards for themselves might have standards for others as well and " " them
    • If scavengers and activists could actually meet objective standards and compete, they would not have chosen their particular life path. To keep winning the game, they need to keep changing the rules and keep dismantling objective standards.
  • All the different flavors of anti-competition people win by destroying competition and the competent and competitive.
    One important way is to tell them:
    " to fulfill the role nature gave you to your ! Just try ( ) at being something you are not!"
    (Especially when it comes to economics, don't believe poor journalists and academics. If they were really good at economics, they would be rich.)

Also, everyone likes to have a world view that benefits them. And everyone then tries to push that worldview on others.
Everyone wants to build a work where people who are exactly like them have the best chances of success.
For example I think autists who write bullshit essays on games forums should rule everything!

Last disclaimer before I stop my useless ranting and go back to real life:
This is an idea buffet without any proof. I realize myself that some things are exaggerated, inaccurate, inconsistent and wrong. Just take what matches your lived experience and have fun with building theories!
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Nov 22, 2017
I think there are already some serious consequences experienced by men as you can see from the below video.But mainstream media still all about toxic masuclinity. Thankfully atleast few online media personalities report some of the main issues faced by men.
Jun 7, 2020
Okay this thread is everything wrong with Maledom as a fetish what the actual fuck people.

Remember, maledom, misognyny kinks, all that kind of stuff, is a fantasy. Society isn't trying to feminise you, noone is trying to turn yall into women, this is a website about porn, let's get back to that, and let's make sure we treat our kinks as fantasy. Yall seem to be letting your desire for maledom as a kink, infect how you actually percieve the world. That's fucked and frankly dangerous.


May 29, 2017
Okay this thread is everything wrong with Maledom as a fetish what the actual fuck people.

Remember, maledom, misognyny kinks, all that kind of stuff, is a fantasy. Society isn't trying to feminise you, noone is trying to turn yall into women, this is a website about porn, let's get back to that, and let's make sure we treat our kinks as fantasy. Yall seem to be letting your desire for maledom as a kink, infect how you actually percieve the world. That's fucked and frankly dangerous.
Problem is, a part of kinks are "moderated heavily" while the others are not. I won't even start the discussion if I could enjoy peaceful life. As of now, the fantasy kinks that I enjoy secretly with no one knew before are now being in grave danger of being isolated, and punished while the other are cherished and even enacted in real-life with no real-life repercussions and they can do anything as they wish.

Well, if you think femdom as a fetish is not dangerous and fucked up, or wrong, you need to check reality and yourself as now there is no reign to that kink. The maledom kinks are now pushed away as many hypocrite whiteknights and simps protect those just like you.
It's even a deeper rabbit hole as no one will hold you back in that fantasy. Just like a drug use, you start small, then you will reach to the point of no return the more you dig deep, which most likely you destroy yourself directly ,and people around you indirectly
Jun 7, 2020
It's even a deeper rabbit hole as no one will hold you back in that fantasy. Just like a drug use, you start small, then you will reach to the point of no return the more you dig deep, which most likely you destroy yourself directly ,and people around you indirectly
Jesus this whole thing is pathetic.

I like DnD, I like video games. The power fantasy of playing games or roleplaying, and going around killing things for example, is a lot of fun.

Am I going to now become a serial killer? Of course not. Becauses fantasies are just that unless you seriously have no self control or perception.

Femdom is celebrated a lot more then maledom irl not because of some plot or conspiracy, but because it lacks the abhorrent historical (and modern) stigma associated with maledom. Women still get beaten, sold off, raped, denied voting, etc in many parts of the world. Even in western countries, sexism is still rampant, even if its lesser to how it was 60/70 years ago.

It should also be noted that maledom is only on the rise, not decline, and indeed tends to be more common then femdom in general. It could even be argued that maledom is considered the norm, given that when it comes to vanilla sex the 'default' has the man in the position of power/dominance.

The fact is, even in most western countries, men still have it better off then women. That's not to say men don't have it bad sometimes, or worse in certain aspects. But in terms of chance of sexual assault, employment, safety etc, while men can and do sometimes get screwed over and that's not okay, men on the whole tend to have it better. Also men get pockets.

Femdom isn't changing any of that. It's not a drug, it's a fantasy like any other. For the most someone into light femdom isn't going to after a few years want heavier femdom. People's kinks and tolerances rarely change all that much, and while plenty might discover new things about themselves, that's usually the case of discovering what was already there, rather then truly developing something new.

Hell a great amount of people into femdom are also into maledom, switches are very very common after all.

TLDR: Femdom is not the apocalypse, kinks are fine just be sensible about them and make sure that you treat your fantasies as fantasies, don't let them become your actual world views. It's dumb and unhealthy.
Jan 1, 2022
Women still get beaten, sold off, raped, denied voting, etc in many parts of the world. Even in western countries, sexism is still rampant, even if its lesser to how it was 60/70 years ago.
It could even be argued that maledom is considered the norm, given that when it comes to vanilla sex the 'default' has the man in the position of power/dominance.
Maledom was the historical norm and still is the norm in a lot of places. Agreed.
(Let's not get into the why.)

It's not a drug, it's a fantasy like any other.
The appealing thing about any sex is the extreme amount of dopamine involved.
Even if we don't call it a drug, any kind of sex is addictive.
It definitely has a huge effect on motivation, for better and for worse.

For the most someone into light femdom isn't going to after a few years want heavier femdom. People's kinks and tolerances rarely change all that much, and while plenty might discover new things about themselves, that's usually the case of discovering what was already there, rather then truly developing something new.
Okay, so how did the people who are into super heavy femdom get into it?
Even if we assume they were "born this way", they probably took time to thoroughly "discover" that specific part of their personality. There was usually a kind of journey involved.

Hell a great amount of people into femdom are also into maledom, switches are very very common after all.
Perfect. That means our personalities are fluid to a degree.
We probably can't develop something entirely new, but we can definitely choose to expand or ignore parts of ourselves to different degrees.

For drugs, we know that people have vastly , caused partly by:
  • Genetics
  • Environment (like someone trying to "train" you)
  • Repeated exposure (like porn)

TLDR: Femdom is not the apocalypse, kinks are fine just be sensible about them and make sure that you treat your fantasies as fantasies, don't let them become your actual world views. It's dumb and unhealthy.
People who have an easy time toning down their fantasies can probably dabble in it just fine.
(That's probably you, so don't worry about anything I write as it doesn't apply to you at all.)

But people who tend to obsess over things should think twice. If you are someone who has an obsessive personality and really gets into things, be very careful. Especially if you are sometimes obsessive about porn. (I think the connection is clear.)

I will take some examples from a more extreme blog to illustrate some points I want to make uniquely about femdom:

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Two revelatory quotes from the actual expert on the topic with years of hand-on experience:

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The point when you put pleasure over dignity (and your own power) is the point of no return.
(Same goes for all other addictive activities, naturally.)

Some anecdotes that I observed from many relationship blogs:
  • There seem to be quite a few relationships that start as maledom or switch and turn into femdom.
  • There seem to be basically no relationships that start as femdom and turn into something else.
    (It almost seems like going down is easier than climbing up.)
  • Post nut clarity often seems to be an enemy of femdom relationships. (It's almost like horny promises are not informed consent.)
  • In the beginning, the dominant women are interested in sex to speed up the power transition. Gradually, sex is minimized and they routinely use their power to get their subs to do chores, send money etc.. (It's almost like they lose sexual interest in a submissive male. To no one's surprise, this often mixes with NTR elements.)
  • The men and the women who practice this lifestyle routinely say: "Be careful what you wish for."
So it looks like a thing that:
  • Is easy to get into and hard to get out of
  • Can turn from switching & experimenting into a one-way slide
  • Can warp your mind into being happy about it
  • Can warp your mind in a way you would never have expected or even planned before
  • Can lead you into relationships that seem exploitative from an outside perspective
  • Can lead outsiders to lose respect for you
  • Can leave your body with irreversible damage
If you just look at this list, the same points can be made about many addictive activities & substances.

But for a balanced view, just remember that beer is an addictive substance and billions of people can handle that.
It's just important to keep in mind the potential for danger and to be aware of the first signs of slipping into something undesirable.
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May 29, 2017
Jesus this whole thing is pathetic.

I like DnD, I like video games. The power fantasy of playing games or roleplaying, and going around killing things for example, is a lot of fun.

Am I going to now become a serial killer? Of course not. Becauses fantasies are just that unless you seriously have no self control or perception.

Femdom is celebrated a lot more then maledom irl not because of some plot or conspiracy, but because it lacks the abhorrent historical (and modern) stigma associated with maledom. Women still get beaten, sold off, raped, denied voting, etc in many parts of the world. Even in western countries, sexism is still rampant, even if its lesser to how it was 60/70 years ago.

It should also be noted that maledom is only on the rise, not decline, and indeed tends to be more common then femdom in general. It could even be argued that maledom is considered the norm, given that when it comes to vanilla sex the 'default' has the man in the position of power/dominance.

The fact is, even in most western countries, men still have it better off then women. That's not to say men don't have it bad sometimes, or worse in certain aspects. But in terms of chance of sexual assault, employment, safety etc, while men can and do sometimes get screwed over and that's not okay, men on the whole tend to have it better. Also men get pockets.

Femdom isn't changing any of that. It's not a drug, it's a fantasy like any other. For the most someone into light femdom isn't going to after a few years want heavier femdom. People's kinks and tolerances rarely change all that much, and while plenty might discover new things about themselves, that's usually the case of discovering what was already there, rather then truly developing something new.

Hell a great amount of people into femdom are also into maledom, switches are very very common after all.

TLDR: Femdom is not the apocalypse, kinks are fine just be sensible about them and make sure that you treat your fantasies as fantasies, don't let them become your actual world views. It's dumb and unhealthy.
I respect your opinion and though I disagree with most of what you say about men have it better as it depends on many factors, like whether you live in 1st world countries or 3rd world countries, or whether you live in a free society or not-so-free societies,
or you live in a feminists-heavy policy countries/counties.

I like video games, I like eastern/Japanese RPG much more than DnD, though sometimes I dabble on western counterpart (like WoW, Hearthstone, M&G. Killing things for fun in GTA and Musou-style games? Why not? I don't disagree with you in this aspect.

The reason I speak out about this femdom kinks that might be turned into extremity is due to its addictive nature with no point of return if you don't have any restraint or have tint of obssessive behavior to instant pleasurable additives, which is prevalent in many younger male generations where they bing first on "light" one and it turns to nightmare later on because in a much later state, it will be too late. I'm just warning about the danger of femdom because the way it's easy to get in and once you dip in it, you will require more and more (same with any other addictive substances, such as drugs, that more likely harm yourself).

Another reason is that maledom is heavily censored and hated in many western developed countries. You can see in many online platforms that any hint of male "domination" is prohibited. You will have many more enemies around you if you like maledom, because not only the females and women will hate you for it, but also the whiteknights, simps, femcels, and incels might hate you too. Because they all love being 'femdomized'.. The laws, culture, mainstream media, educational institutions all support this notion. You can try a social experiment to prove my reason. (a woman hit a man, a man hit a woman. Which one will be more hated and shunned? Who will be condemned first? Who will be helped regardless of contexts, situations? ) You can answer it yourself.

The reason is that:
1. First if you practice it often enough, it will damage your self-esteem as a man as you force yourself to be the sub (this may be different depending on your personality type, but just as you said above, a man is normally created to be the dominant one in a healthy relationship with a woman, as he is the one who will usually initiate the relationship. However, this nature has been changing in several decades, especially in the western developed countries.

2. Next, respectfully, I heavily disagree with your notion:
(Femdom is celebrated a lot more then maledom irl not because of some plot or conspiracy, but because it lacks the abhorrent historical (and modern) stigma associated with maledom)

First, I don't say it is about some plot or conspiracy, but it's the truth that no one cares about the plight of oppressed and marginalized men in the past and in the current era, even more than women. Most of people like you only care of one gender, that is woman or probably the newer version of "women" and the colorful other genders like non-binary one?. Because it's tied to the natural biology of men to protect women, thus blinding people like you and focus on only the plight of women and whiteknighting all women although they can also make mistakes and can be as evil as men, though they use different tactics than men to oppress men.
When men oppress women, it tends to get physical, but when women oppress men, you will not see it directly as it is more likely to be psychological, social, relationship, status, legal, educational, or any other things besides physical. That is why, unsuspecting men would not second guess that the "oppressed" gender must be women. You will not see the gradual change in culture, society, laws, regulations in one day, but it CHANGES. See many western European countries and the US, and many other developed countries where the feminist groups are heavily funded by the taxpayers' money. They push all the insanities that you people enjoy in the developed western world.


3.It should also be noted that maledom is only on the rise, not decline, and indeed tends to be more common then femdom in general. It could even be argued that maledom is considered the norm, given that when it comes to vanilla sex the 'default' has the man in the position of power/dominance.

If you think the vanilla sex and maledom is considered the maledom, you are totally wrong. You can have a woman who wants to have sex with a man, and the one who has the position of power or dominance is the woman. There are dominant women, there are also dominant men. The dominance IS NOT determined by WHAT YOU HAVE BETWEEN YOUR CROTCH. This is my point. People often mistake a sex is the act of FORCING WOMEN to have sex by a MAN, which must mean THE MEN ARE OPPRESSING WOMEN TO HAVE SEX. This notion is totally wrong. If you believe this, your talking point is exactly just like feminists' ideologies (feminism).

Further, The vanilla sex is vanilla, which is normal sex. Often, a consensual sex where both parties agree with each other to have sex. If you think this type of sex is "maledom", which I can of understand, your mind has been successfully brainwashed. This normal sex IS NOT MALEDOM.

What constitutes maledom is there a domination aspect of the male to the female, which might NOT BE CONSENSUAL (should constitute at least some kind of forceful action). The same can be said to FEMDOM. And it can be expanded through the BDSM plays.
Well, at least that's my definition. If you have different definition, so be it. But, don't force YOUR DEFINITION and your worldview on others and be made laws and regulations that FORCE your ideology. This is my point.
Problem is, very few people see this problem at all, and just swallow and regurgitate.

The fact is, even in most western countries, men still have it better off then women. That's not to say men don't have it bad sometimes, or worse in certain aspects. But in terms of chance of sexual assault, employment, safety etc, while men can and do sometimes get screwed over and that's not okay, men on the whole tend to have it better. Also men get pockets.
Your talking points are exactly what feminists would say.
First of all, NO, women and men DO NOT HAVE IT BETTER. Both are now BITTER and WORSE OFF because of your forced idiotic laws and making relationship between a healthy man who wants a healthy normal relationship with a healthy woman very difficult and very twisted (you have to have consent in whatever you say, whatever you do, lest you can be charged with sexual assault, and your reputation and job as a man can be lost at once). You can be jailed just for looking at a woman, you can be jailed just because of a false rape/false sexual harrassment allegation by a woman who dislike you. The point is that you can be jailed just because you exist as a man.
In many developed western countries, the women are protected classes, you have all the scholarships dedicated to women, you have all the psychological help centers to women, you have the gender quota for women in universities, you have the gender quota in many governmental projects (at least YOU HAVE TO HIRE ONE, even though there is no woman wants the job, which is one of the most idiotic LAW, and people like you would still blindly support it making everyone miserable because the one who is going to be hired will be incompetent due to "quota" and if not, you people will double down on being whatsover your talking points)..especially ones who have the higher social status, and if you're in the minority, you have double points for being women and minority groups. That is why now western college and universities are inundated by women except for STEM field not because there is lack of opportunities, but because of preferences. This is what people often mistake preferences (and freewill) and forced "outcome".

What men pocket??? You mean women's pocket? In many normal families who have strong male figure, the woman(wife) should be the one who manage the financial matter. What are you on about???

You haven't dug enough and don't know some dark histories of Queen and Female in Power (western countries) where men who are captured are tortured and made livestocks, raped, and robbed of their dignities.
Ancient Chinese Queen who has lots of eunuchs under her to "work" dirty things with her. Do you think queens and concubines in the past are oppressed? No, they have the highest privilege as a woman in the kingdom. They can practically do "anything" possible to anyone as the only they are not free is only to submit to the king. As long as she can utilize this privileged relationship, she can practically get anything, including femdom relationship, which is not storied and provided in the historical annals due to political correctness and heavily skewed feminists

Femdom isn't changing any of that. It's not a drug, it's a fantasy like any other. For the most someone into light femdom isn't going to after a few years want heavier femdom. People's kinks and tolerances rarely change all that much, and while plenty might discover new things about themselves, that's usually the case of discovering what was already there, rather then truly developing something new.

The problem is NOT the femdom. But, the evil people behind the laws and regulations who 'influence' people through culture, education, government, corporation, big media, etc. who push the toxic ideologies and make it the norm! and those people force other people to conform. that's the problem
Femdom, just like any other genre, is only one genre among myriad genres of sexual kinks. As long as people can respect each other preferences and NOT to force others to conform to your ideology or worldview. That's fine. But, reality is not just like beautiful rainbows....
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Mar 29, 2018
Jesus, is this whiny circlejerk still going on?

Jordan Peterson is not reality. Andrew Tate is just an asshole. Feminists are not oppressing you. The world is not spiraling down into a femdom dystopia. If you really are saying stuff like "The point is that you can be jailed just because you exist as a man" with a straight face, you have lost all perspective and are ridiculously gullible.

Please get back to the fun talk about games with maledom, febsub, bondage and so forth.


New Member
Jun 16, 2020
Couldn't you just start a new thread instead of flooding this one ? I'm not against this discussion, I mean I've got my own position about it as someone who just like to fully enjoy my girlfriends, no matter the kinks she's in I know I can just adapt almost all the time and find a way to enjoy it as well since I'm a bonafide pervert.

But hey, I also searched and found my limits before, it helps knowing yourself to answer your own curiosity. Aside from this personnal choices I also think the propency of femdom contents could mean something if it was real, like younger mens wanting less responsabilities because they're feeling overwhelmed in their daily life, or the easier, more on the nose relationship between a mistress and a slave where the woman albeit dominant constantly cares instead of an equal vanilla relationship where ones feelings are more complex to understand and where a man could feel insecure because he isn't the whole center of the world for his gf/wife, but again, if it was real.
I won't deny PornH wiped most of their stuff because they feared legal procedures, but they're still relevant as the number one website for people to consume porn, so taking their 2021's numbers in account we see that the most searched category is hentai, followed by some nationalities, and the classics milf, anal, big ass, gangbang, ... There are 30 entries in the graph and none mention bdsm, cbt, sissy or femdom at all. It's only in 2022's graph that bondage makes it's appearance in the 30 most searched terms while femdom grew a little bit but still doesn't shows up, to speculate about a monopole of femdom so soon is hasty isn't it ?

I still have some other points to add in this debate but at this rate it seems this talk won't end soon, we shouldn't mix a discussion thread with a sharing/recommendation thread like this one, it troubles the people who wants to focus on the debate when people shares games, and it troubles people who wants to share when they see long posts of somes dudes screeching at each others like some autists on 4chan. It's just not the right place.


May 29, 2017
Jesus, is this whiny circlejerk still going on?

Jordan Peterson is not reality. Andrew Tate is just an asshole. Feminists are not oppressing you. The world is not spiraling down into a femdom dystopia. If you really are saying stuff like "The point is that you can be jailed just because you exist as a man" with a straight face, you have lost all perspective and are ridiculously gullible.

Please get back to the fun talk about games with maledom, febsub, bondage and so forth.
Lol who is Jordan Peterson? Who is Andrew Tate? I don't even know them. Anyway, let's just end the discussion indeed. And, are you not the one who replies with kneejerk response by saying someone you don't know a whiny circlejerk? I just replied to the poster before by stating my stance as s/he also states her stance, and definitely is not a reply to you. That is my hypothetical reality when you push something to the extreme. Definitely not now, but it might be in the future.
Well, you can't have fun talk when someone brought those topics in the first place.

Couldn't you just start a new thread instead of flooding this one ? I'm not against this discussion, I mean I've got my own position about it as someone who just like to fully enjoy my girlfriends, no matter the kinks she's in I know I can just adapt almost all the time and find a way to enjoy it as well since I'm a bonafide pervert.

But hey, I also searched and found my limits before, it helps knowing yourself to answer your own curiosity. Aside from this personnal choices I also think the propency of femdom contents could mean something if it was real, like younger mens wanting less responsabilities because they're feeling overwhelmed in their daily life, or the easier, more on the nose relationship between a mistress and a slave where the woman albeit dominant constantly cares instead of an equal vanilla relationship where ones feelings are more complex to understand and where a man could feel insecure because he isn't the whole center of the world for his gf/wife, but again, if it was real.
I won't deny PornH wiped most of their stuff because they feared legal procedures, but they're still relevant as the number one website for people to consume porn, so taking their 2021's numbers in account we see that the most searched category is hentai, followed by some nationalities, and the classics milf, anal, big ass, gangbang, ... There are 30 entries in the graph and none mention bdsm, cbt, sissy or femdom at all. It's only in 2022's graph that bondage makes it's appearance in the 30 most searched terms while femdom grew a little bit but still doesn't shows up, to speculate about a monopole of femdom so soon is hasty isn't it ?

I still have some other points to add in this debate but at this rate it seems this talk won't end soon, we shouldn't mix a discussion thread with a sharing/recommendation thread like this one, it troubles the people who wants to focus on the debate when people shares games, and it troubles people who wants to share when they see long posts of somes dudes screeching at each others like some autists on 4chan. It's just not the right place.
This is a totally different topic altogether. Let's just be civil and stop.
Anyway, some dudes screeching about unrelated pornhub and bringing unrelated "his/her" girlfriend like some highorse moral groundist and who claims to have a successful SM relationship with his/her boyfriend/girlfriend online should not claim to know someone and say autistic remarks and 4chan?? I don't even know what 4chan is and what do you mean by autistic? Specify. It troubles other people, I agree. But, you also don't help if by replying to my reply because I replied to the other poster not you and the other one.
Jan 1, 2022
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Let's just be civil and stop.

Anyways, did anyone notice Milky Ways was finished?
It's a fully 3D maledom bondage harem game with a kind of open word.
I'm gonna try the newest version soon.

The same creator already finished AATOFL, which was the best game I ever played here.
Very good characters, consensual bondage and even a good story-wise implementation of female chastity.

So far, I prefer the spaceship setting from AATOFL to the island setting of Milky Ways because the island involves more walking around. In the spaceship, the elevator was a very good way of switching between scenes / settings.


Nov 9, 2019
So far, I prefer the spaceship setting from AATOFL to the island setting of Milky Ways because the island involves more walking around. In the spaceship, the elevator was a very good way of switching between scenes / settings.
I liked it too, even AFTER I realized the so-called space ship wasn't so much as a box with no engines that somehow, magically, flew.
Jan 27, 2021
Great post!
Hey guy, thanks for your very long list of Maledom Games. please delete all the manhating shit with no maledom game suggestions?!!? This Manhating fuckers want to delete us all, i dont care, they are the most evil persons on planet earth, they wanna see us all in the hell, No Joke, never give crazy feminist Losers any Power or they delete us all !!
All this manhating posts destroyed my memory, so i hope that i not make a double post! = very cool kinky game with a lot bdsm.
or you play the female Agent Emil who get 3 days tortured to reveal a password, a rpg maker agme and rpg is very shitty, Renpy is much better!
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Apr 24, 2018
A lot of weird shit was going on in the thread for a while and truth be told, I haven't read most of it and neither do I plan to. Opinions are meant to be subjective and should be treated as such.
On the brighter side, it was great to see some real engagement on this thread.

Now coming back to the subject of this thread...
I was really impressed by the game 'Pale carnation' which was on my "to-play list" for more than a year, which many of you also recommended on this thread. I have to say that other than honey-select renders there are virtually zero cons in this game so far. It's excellently written and as many of the reviews in this thread mention, it's that great. Almost as if watching an interactable movie. It's on the main list now and I've also added 'Midnight Paradise' lower down the list.

On a side note, In the coming months, I think "The Patriarch -by TheGary" is going to come down on my list since it seems he's on the verge of abandoning the game when the best part was about to come. At least no frequent updates in future and his weird choice of sacrificing the old characters for new ones isn't the best direction in my opinion, it's like throwing your perfectly going research and shifting focus on weird experiments.

Also, I'd love to hear which games do y'all think should be in the top 3. You can post your top three since that'd give me an idea of which new ones to invest my time in. (btw I'd prefer Male protagonist titles)

Unfortunately, I'm really slow at going through these games as I find significantly less time but will try my best to keep the thread updated in future.
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Jan 19, 2022
… 'Pale carnation' which was on my "to-play list" for more than a year, which many of you also recommended on this thread.

Also, I'd love to hear which games do y'all think should be in the top 3. You can post your top three since that'd give me an idea of which new ones to invest my time in. (btw I'd prefer Male protagonist titles)
Congrats that you finally got to Pale Carnations [Ch. 4 Update 1] [Mutt & Jeff] It’s EXTREMELY well done (y)(y)(y) and iirc I was one of the people that was encouraging you to get after it:devilish:
I’m very partial to Harem Hotel [v0.16.2] [Runey] as well (for various reasons) even though it’s bdsm content is lighter.
and finally Slave Lords Of The Galaxy [v1.0.1] [Pink Tea Games] as an example one of the best of Pink Tea (many PT titles are quite fun.) not to mention unique art and completely without anything remotely resembling a grind.

You mentioned your likes & dislikes regarding games so the last on my list
Monster Girl Club Bifrost [v1.15c] which is another of my favorites … probably isn’t quite your cup of tea but I will still mention it
it’s produced at a commercial level quality (UNIQUE not another (Renpy/Daz/Koitsu(sp) or whatever)) cookie cutter.
and as a bdsm brothel trainer it has quite a few awesome bits.
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