Okay, but what if game crash before MC goes to rented house? All money within will get lost..saving has been available since a year or two, if you don't want the money stolen, pay rent so you get access to a safe place and bed. It is one of the first 2 quests you get automatically, just do it and it would solve your problem.
if you lack the money, go and take a loan from the slavers.
Why for every breath MC have to pay or go in jail? Can not we just have some crimes punished or for example, when MC is beaten from the slave traders? This is quite OK.
But beated by some snail on abandoned beach and waked up in Jail.. Or on lonely filed at the end of geography..
And why for example if MC works as dancer can have its own store to keep items and money.
Yes this is understandable. The efforts are pretty visible. As I said before, i like game a lot and gave some hints if they are interested for You.Also, this is all WIP, don't expect the game to work like a balanced completed game...I'm uploading these builds for the supporters/interested to see the progress, not to deliver a working well balanced game yet.
The next few builds will focus on polishing/balancing but it will still be far from balanced/polished.
About the stealing, in build it will be a lot less extrem, so players can save up the money to pay rent.
Edit: will also implement a quest-navigation system, so people find the quest targets and houses easier, or the Npc's that hand out loans...
Imo problem is with this punishment and enslaving for everything. It moves focus out of the gameplay of RPG part of the game.