I said above
About the H tag, there are plenty of candidates outside the city, but at least i cant figure how to activate scenes
: )
Somebody have to ask dev, if it is possible at all
In order to learn a dance from elven girl in the in MC should have money. Otherwise options just does not appear. 2 dances for 200 coins each.
First dance in the inn is always free. After that MC can sign contract with the inn keeper for 70 coins per event + % from croud satisfaction.
It have to happen every 6th day from 19:00 to 23:00 or so. If MC does not appear for some reason, it is a crime and MC have to pay fee
Man do U have any issues with these fees and penalties?
Why everything should be punished and have some taxes
Or on every load MC to be robbed? What if the game crashes and MC is somewhere on the streets all the money get fucked up..
There is no possibility save the game and load from where You are.
I understood, that idea is probably to make the game more interactive, but penalty for everything is a bit too much.
Game os quite promising. Just such points give pretty bad feeling.
There is a catch if contract with innkeeper is signed. MC becomes property of him.
She should dance every 6th day and perform special tasks if customer wants. If she refuses there is a "Fee" of 1000 coins and MC goes to jail if she insist to refuse..
The way to get out is to pay innkeeper 50 000 coins. If MC have them of course.
After amount is paid everything start from scratch like nothing happens and new contract can be signed.. Afterwards same steps
If contract is signed dance give some money and working on boards outside in also bring ~50 coins. Pretty abysmal amount, i would say.
Loan can be taken from slavers in the town, as mentioned above. But for some reason just nothing happen if money are not paid back in time. I have no ide is it bug or feature.
On slavers beach, if MC goes here, there is nobody and everything is empty except several clams/octopuses/shrimps.
When defeated MC wakes up in the slave camp
and the event with arena is triggered again ..
Probably slavers found her when she was unconsciousness, i dont know...
With shrimps no Hex is possible even if such was shown on the first page pictures.. Or at least i could not find a way..