VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Become a Rock Star [v1.01] [Mr Jet]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    - The game doesn't hold your hand when it comes to spoil you about certain decisions outcomes
    - There are REAL multiple branches, not the usual "side B" of a scene without consequences
    - LIs have a realistic touch both in ther personalities as in the their appearances
    - Scenarios, positions, and even small talks have that extra care

    - BG is a bit out of place
    - Development feels rushed both at the beginning as in the end
    - There's massive shift in pace towards the last 20% of the game or so with major events happenning all at once
    - Not a single story line felt "completed", and all characters except one had some real development
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Good picture quality, good animation, but boring story.

    Going into the game you are first attracted by the beautiful picture quality, and the story looks quite interesting, a humanoid aphrodisiac with delusions of superstardom, and a lot of nice girls too. But slowly the family's boredom, cheesy accidents, and dogged development made me skip large chunks of the plot and just focus on the porn scenes, which might be an indication of the failure of the plot design? Favorite was the threesome scene, but didn't wait for the mother-daughter scene or the sister scene, sadly. Shouldn't have had so many concerns in the game.

    Overall a worthwhile game.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Renders and models are great, scenes are very good and so are the animations (despite some anatomical/dressing inconsistencies).

    However, the game feels both overwritten and underwritten at the same times. While the story is simple and should work, the writing makes it feel like it's trying to be bigger than it is with bloated situations and dialog that I found mysef not caring about at all. The weight of the consequences is not felt enough for me as everything is resolved in two lines without ever mentionning it again.

    But at the same time, most characters feel empty and their motivations are unclear:
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    All the girls are only seen at the surface level, and way too much is left unresolved about all of them. I wish I would have gotten to know them more, instead of trying to dodge the other paths, so I could connect a bit more with them and have a more complete story.

    MC is also a problem, as he is way to much of an ass to really be interesting, yet not scummy enough to be completely hated. And he sums up the main issue I had with this game : it felt overall directionless and despite solid foundations, it never buils on them.

    In conclusion, If you're here for the visual part, its great. If you prefer the Novel side of things, it is not bad enough to deter you from reaching the end once you pick the one girl you want, but at the same time it is not good enough to be memorable. I probably won't replay it, but it had its moments and makes me want to see more from the dev.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    The first time I saw this game I thought it could be something more, but that wasn't the case. The story tries to make itself bigger than it really is, tedious and empty. The main girls are boring and are only there to go on dates and fuck. The secondary ones, which are more beautiful and interesting, have no routes. The good thing about the game is the design, it's all very beautiful.

    Oh, and the protagonist has a very ugly face, lips like a duck's nose, that really bothered me.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    v1.01 - No Spoilers

    Five years after playing version 0.15, I've finally returned and finished this. The wait was worth it!

    The flaws are few and far between, so I'll get those out of the way first. Almost everyone has remarked on the main character's duck-like appearance, but at least his personality makes him fun to play as. There were some oddities in the writing, like a lot of the characters wanting to start their sentences with "alas," but nothing that made for a difficult read. The girls themselves aren't all 10/10 beauties, but there's enough of a variety in appearances that you should be able to find some favourites.

    I was pleasantly surprised by how engaging the story was. The MC being caught between his rich family's world and that of an aspiring musician was executed much better than expected. Some liberties were taken here and there to help move the plot along, but nothing was so far-fetched that it detracted from the experience.

    The real highlight of the game for me were the different characters, their personalities, and their relationships. Bearing in mind the usual quality of a porn game, both the girls and the guys had dynamic personalities instead of simple, archetypal personalities. Jacob was a likeable and believable friend. The MC's family had the right balance of love and annoyance towards each other. The romantic and sexual interests all brought something unique to the table.

    While I wasn't impressed with anyone enough to get a relationship ending, I was still pleased with the events that I experienced and the outcomes for everyone. I got what I deserved, which is rare for these games.

    Thank you Mr Jet and congratulations for completing your game!
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I would highly recommend this.

    Their are multiple ending with the multiple girls and the animations are really well done. The story is also pretty great and the characters aren't the most complex things but still have some individuality. really great game that doesn't have me bored to death. The sex scenes are also really good. Would recommend 9/10.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing quality and animations. The characters are interesting and very hot.
    Highly recommend to play it either for story or just the sex scenes.
    • Contains a gallery
    • High quality animations
    • Very well design characters
    • Multiple story paths
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    I dove into this Adult Visual Novel with mixed expectations, and hey, the characters were a blast!
    The story had me hooked, but game mechanics? Not so special. Still, it's a wild ride with some spicy twists. Grab it for the characters, but don't expect groundbreaking gameplay.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    While I somewhat enjoyed it, and I don't plan on deleting it from my computer, it has a lot of problems.

    On the positive, the girls are hot and some of the sex scenes are pretty good. On the negatives...

    -The girls aren't great. Most don't have enough lines to have enough personality to be really interesting.
    -Hottest, best girl is the sister, who's obviously off limits.
    -No lesbian scenes if you aren't on the threesome path.
    -Emma is smoking hot, but I have no interest in following her path since she sexually assaulted the protagonist. Like if she woke him up while in her underwear and asked if he wanted a blowjob, that would be one thing. But that's just sexual assault. No!
    -The choices aren't well integrated into the future story. Many lines are contradictory; things that didn't happen are assumed to have happened and vice versa.
    -The thing with spying on Selina is pretty creepy. It would be better, at least if he didn't use binoculars. But she must be completely insane to invite him in after that.
    -The *constant* references to girls' attractiveness is a bit creepy. Maybe that's not the right word, but it's not good. Like when he sees his boss and thinks "I forgot how much of a hottie she is." That's just unnecessary.
    -Selina violates doctor/patient confidentiality when she tells the protagonist she saw a girl with his last name admitted.
    -In the epilogue, the protagonist gets tattooed up and grows a douchebag beard. And, in at least one, smokes. Like, what the fuck? I would never ever do any of those things. (I already have a douchebag beard )
    -If you didn't end up with someone, the ending is catastrophically bad. Basically, everything before it didn't matter at all. Just because none of the girls in the game are really my type doesn't mean I want to turn into a douchebag like the protagonist's father.
    -Why do so many people smoke? It's gross.
    -It's a pain in the ass to follow all the girls' routes, since they separate so early. And in the scenes common to all routes, often the girls all say the exact same things. And you have to go through
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    every time, which isn't exactly fun.
    -Gallery is unorganized. Should be sorted by girl and then chronologically.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    First time I played "Become a Rock Star" I thought this game was destined to be one of the best AVN ever created, but oh boy...

    Story: 3 Almost-Hard Bananas out of 5
    Story is supposed to be this game´s strongest point, and it is for the first half of the game, it feels like it, what could be stronger than fighting to fulfill your dreams whenever your family is against it knowing you have what it takes to make them real?, most of us have experienced this on our flesh just to give up for what is more safe to do out of pure peer-pressure.
    This MC´s father is even capable of play dirty to get what he wants, and it may be hard to see it at first, but he had a good reason to do it.
    All this falls short in the second half of the game, where things are clearly rushed as script progression is thrown out the window.
    I can't shake the feeling that the game was developed by two different people.

    Characters: 4 Solid Bananas out of 5
    Fem chars look gorgeous (damn, Selina could use me as a surfing board if she wants to), even if some models might look familiar, they managed to remain quite unique to this game.
    A couple of characters are completely forgotten down the road, some others are introduced like a "deux ex machina" just to fill the background, and every problem in their lives is resolved almost by magic.
    MC looks normal, but at the same time you might spot him on other games.
    You would expect he would grow or develop, given the theme of the story, but this doesnt happen unfortunately.
    Only in the endings you can see him actually changed, even if its just a bit.

    Mechanics: 4 Solid Bananas out of 5
    There´s multi-branching on this VN, so bear this in mind when bending the knee for all the ladies at the same time or you might find yourself on a really bad spot when you least need it.
    There´s some minigames if you like them, but only on the first half of the game (if I remember correctly).

    Content: 5 Adamant-Hard Bananas out of 5
    There´s plenty of scenes with the main girls, plus some scenes with some filler chars, but to reach them you might need to sacrifice two main char paths, and that´s two endings locked, which might not be a big problem if you dont intend in persuing them anyway, but these filler chars have no ending so, sacrifice two endings for a couple of scenes might not be very gucci.

    Endings: 5 Adamant-Hard Bananas out of 5
    All main endings feel rewarding (specially Selina and Emma)
    About Emma´s Ending...Feels like finding the lost piece of that puzzle you gave up on just to find it under the rug.
    She didnt had a proper route, but the ending gave this character enough value to make it worth having to dedicate a run exclusively to reach her ending.
    Bad ending doesnt feel bad at least for me, I mean, MC has his life resolved anyway, its not like he throw his life away or wasted all his chances and now he lives in the streets.

    But nevertheless, the game doesnt fail to entertain, most renders are great. characters look gorgeous, but you´ll notice this had a great potential to be memorable, just to end up being "Good" enough to play a couple of times and move on.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Very enjoyable game. Decent story which I enjoyed a little bit extra because of my own background as a musician trying to take over the world. I liked most of the characters, but feel like there were more than a few loose ends in story arcs and whatnot that would have been cool to see come together.

    Beautiful renders and character designs, and the sex animations are pretty good - not the best but far from the worst.

    The dialogue is alright. I'm not a native English speaker myself, but a lot felt clumsy and a little unnatural which I'm guessing is a result of a direct translation the writers' own cultural language. Still readable obviously, but I can't help but think a complete proofreading with editing from a native speaker could really up the quality.

    I'll definitely replay this game to get to know the girls I didn't spend time with on this run, but I must say I really enjoyed a mature and realistic depiction of a poly relationship - big kudos for that!
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    Played it a couple of times through to give the game a fair shot.

    Composition (Lights, colour and presentation) of renders, and animations, are sound. Can't complain there. However the Dev clearly forgot to change outfits as there are a couple of scenes where a girl wears one outfit in on scene then has a completely different outfit for the animation then back to the original outfit. That is just bad no matter how you try to coat it. So they did not test the game properly because that is a glaring error.

    Writing is 'meh' at best. Felt like the writer was really being paid by the word. Couldn't help but think there was an echo in the room the amounts of times things were repeated. There is no, real, consequence in the game. Story beats start out like they might go somewhere then.. no. Resolved with out the MC batting as much of an eyelid.

    As for the girls? Well made, visually. The more interesting girls are not actually the main LIs. You'll have a couple of scenes with them and that's that. To get with one of the other interesting girls you have to endure another LI who has the personality of a wet flannel. The writing in the story, the girls and their interactions, they just aren't engaging.

    However if you just want something to fap to. This game is probably for you. But if you want an ounce of story in between the sex scenes. This game is probably not for you.

    A shame, really. Another game where all the ingredients were there to make something great but failed due to the writing.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Nice game with a pleasant story.
    Graphics and animations are good.
    Women are beautiful with different personnalities and backgrounds.
    Note that many endings are possible.
    The only slight regret is that you won't be able to finish the story with some ladies.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    The main thing bringing this game down for me is I find the MC pretty unlikeable. He's kind of a sleezeball. One of those types that any time any woman comes around he immediately goes full horny brain. It's an AVN so of course some perversion is expected but it's just overboard and makes you feel like shit if you're trying to be loyal.

    The models aren't bad but nothing really to get excited about. The scenes are fine. The dialogue isn't the worst and the story isn't anything exceptional but it's not terrible. It's pretty average but the MC actually makes me want to score it lower.
    Likes: MixQQ
  15. 4.00 star(s)



    Overall, this is a great game, and very promising for a first one! Like the rock band theme of the game, although some little nitpicks here and there especially with the kinda mid stock rock music and the storyline, but then again, this is a game with lots of different girls to choose from, so I'll be kind with the "realism" aspect of it.

    On the subject of realism, on one hand its nice in a way that there is no harem ending, so it isn't just empty and meaningless (looking at you WVM) but wouldnt have minded some more group action.

    The renders and girls themselves, are, for the most part, gorgeous, and there are definitely standouts for me personally, and then less desirable "main girls" imo. There are some nice side girls you see once or twice and that makes the game feel fresh and fun. The story itself is pretty good, with some less than believable elements, the classic "super cool best friend" trope returns, but that's all good imo, I think where this game stands out is some of the girls get good intros/plotlines depending on whether you choose to pursue them or not, and some of them get some good/decent backstory so they feel more like fully fleshed out characters (not to the extent of Being a DiK, but that's a high bar to achieve). Whilst I haven't played the game to completion yet and explored all the girls storylines, what I have seen so far is very very good.

    (BEST GIRL) Spoilers ahead:
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    Anyway, the dialogue is okay, the storylines are very good tbh for a first game, and the models/girls are fantastic, and some of them have very good character development, and there is a good variety of them tbh even tho this game is called "Become a Rock Star".

    A VN that I would describe as Depraved Awakening level story-telling, with a sprinkle of maybe 70% of BaDik's character development, and almost on par level renders. (Gonna pretend Rosa is basically older Sage or something lol)

    Could be improved/added: Some UI and wardrobe glitches exist but aren't super annoying. some of the early sex scene renders aren't great, but understandable as early on in the game, some sex scenes could be longer/more varied/more hardcore ;), bit better quality dialogue, maybe some wincest? ;) and perhaps a bit more/some interesting group action. There is some already, but I'm wanting MOAR. This definitely won't happen but I'd love to see a remake of this game one day. Fantastic girls and characters and supporting cast. And MC isn't a complete and absolute tool!

    Oh and the redheads are fucking amazing. Selina best girl.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    Where do I even begin, it's a game which is enjoyable despite its many flaws, and trust me the flaws are too many, or thats what I would have thought until the final update, the final update was not even enjoyable, infact it was borderline infuriating considering how many routes which were teased in previous updates were ended hastily.

    1. The story.
    The story in this game doesn't exist, the dev simply couldn't decide where they wanted to go with the story so they decided to make it a simple family drama AVN. It's series of small(and a few big) inconveniences that MC gets over easily. Everytime you think that something major is about to take place, it gets solved easily.
    - MCs father sabotaging his music career to force him to join the family business? (Which at the time felt like would be the defining plot of the game) No worries, he has a death scare and then immediately turns into supportive father without MC doing anything.
    -Actually struggling as artists to make it in the music industry? Nah fuck that, a Mega popular band just happens to be present at their second live show and instantly offers to hook them up with their records.
    -MCs sister just got shot oh no how will the story progress from now on . Oh, as it turns out, this incident literally has no effect on the story other than acting as a catalyst to hastily conclude the game. (Also acts as a reminder that this ain't no harem game)
    -Oh no the record deal is getting sabotaged by some jealous guy!! No worries, all is fine and dandy, MC is just going to go ahead and talk with the big boss and everything will get solved.

    2. The characters.
    Characters were fine enough I guess, the dev went through the effort to give atleast some of the characters a personality. The "main" LI of the game was not interesting at all and arguably the weakest LI in the game, the dev tries to give her some depth but failed miserably. The LIs with actual depth on the other hand are inaccessible. One of them is only available in throuple route in which you have to first go through the "main LI" route and even then she is given somewhat of a low priority in the relationship.

    Another LI with depth was the father's former employee and her route is so hastily closed off it's actually irritating. MC basically hooks up with her 2-3 times and at the end she says they shouldn't be doing it and they should stop and that's the actual end to the route. Not a result of wrong choices either, that's legit the actual ended to the route.

    There are basically 2 decently satisfying routes in the game, one of them starts off a bit shaky but the ending is good and wholesome.
    You get the jist, it's as if the dev just straight up lost the motivation and gave up on the game but instead of abandoning they concluded it.

    3. Visuals.
    The renders and lighting are good, the female models are also good looking, those are about the only attractive thing in this game. The MC on the other hand is a really ugly looking motherfucker, his face screams "spoiled beat" for some reason.
    The lewd scenes are TRASH, I'm not even gonna bother explaining what's trash about it, I'm pretty sure a lot of reviews in here have already covered it. If you're building an AVN, take this game as an example of how not to design a sex scene.

    4. Writing.
    For most part the writing is pretty basic, nothing extraordinary some dialogues can get cringy. The dialogues during sex scenes are ultra cringe don't even bother reading them. Overall writing gets the job done.

    5. Gameplay mechanics.
    A lot of continuity errors in this game, it's as if the dev didn't actually bother playing the game before releasing the updates. Characters literally change clothes on a frame to frame basis, the lighting of the entire scene changes and it just doesn't make sense. For example during one slide leading up to sex animation, the LI is wearing a red dress or something like that and then it shifts to the animation, the entire lighting of the game changes, all of a sudden she's wearing some sort of laced lingerie or something (I don't remember too well but it's not something that goes unnoticed), and then right in the next slide she's is back in her original clothes.

    Also a lot of bugs in the game, one specific bug I came across changed the entire ending for me to the "bad ending" despite my choices proving otherwise.

    So in summary, the only thing I can think of that the dev put effort into were the renders , everything else felt half assed.
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    I give this game a 3/5, and I shall tell you why.

    Let's start with the obvious, and the good.
    The renders are the first thing anyone sees, and they are well done, crisp, and it is clear that thought went into the crafting of them, so that deserves praise.
    The ladies are also very attractive, all of them, I suppose the dev wished to sell the game, huh?

    This is where I shall leave the positives and head to the neutrals.

    The story is... fine. Nothing too exciting, but definitely not bad either. though I do feel that the timespan in which the story takes place is a bit too short. A month and a half and they already have a major contract deal lined up. I would have liked to see the dynamic of the band touring in a small van to make a name for themselves that way. could've brought up some nice interactions with the girls if you ask me, no to mention some more Jacob time, since I feel that he is kind of sidelined.

    Now... the "bad".

    I've come accross some UI errors, that don't exactly impact the game, but still worth noting, since this is meant to be constructive criticism. in Selina's epilogue, she had one line where Anna's name was in place of Selina's in the text box.

    the other thing, which i feel is more major, is that some scenes have chronological errors in them, while others have complete wardrobe errors.
    With Chornological i mean that for instance, a character has their shoes removed, but in the next frame, the shoes are back on.
    and with complete wardrobe errors i mean that a character swaps outfits completely as a scene is going on. at one point they are wearing a red shirt, and then they are wearing a blue one before going back to red in just 3 frames.

    As for the scenes, you're not going to convince me that a guy can cum, get it up in 2 minutes, cum again and again all within 40 minutes. This just feels like poor transitioning through sex scenes and multiple positions. It would have been much better to just swap positions without having the MC cum in between. it's just more realistic.

    These negatives pull down the rating to 3/5 which would otherwise have been a solid 4/5. It's totally doable to improve on, and I am interested to see where the dev goes next.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    Who knew being a rockstar could be so eventful?

    Honestly I didn't know what to expect when I started this game. Aside from one small spot, there are no musical mini-games. You won't be picking song lyrics or singing to your fans. But you will definitely see a group of outsiders grow into a band if you let them.

    Renders look good, definitely serviceable for the story. In my opinion the sex scenes seemed a bit bland, but then again MC isn't that much of a lewd figure - so it fit within the story. The characters look fine and it's great to see Jacob being there as your fellow bandmember. The band feels like they grow together with each step and while family matters happen in your life, the band helps you hold it together when you can't. This is about the relationships, not about the music.

    Playing nice with everyone will get you nowhere as the women will learn of each others influence and it will affect how your game plays out. Ironically, your sister is one of the hottest characters in game (which the game hints towards), but the game cheekily steers away from industry tropes to keep your desires within the family. I could have missed one or two characters in the game for extra minutes with the characters we've come to love, but it helps in building a world for the MC - where Naked Park rules the arena. Would have loved to have had this get more out of hand with the band. But things get out of hand with the family.

    I love how the game tries knotting up what ends there are by hinting at a future with the characters. There are clear signs the dev wanted this story to round and that's commendable for your first game.

    4/5 for me.
  19. 5.00 star(s)

    Queen Carmel

    I am giving 5 stars, but it is more 4.7 stars
    this game has amazing animations, and a story that really grips you, there are even repercusions of your decisions, especially if you try and be a stud and get all the girls, this game is almost perfect, and I say almost for a few reasons.
    1, it feels like it needed to be slightly longer, the game pacing is perfect to about 80-90% in then suddenly the end of the game feels rushed, like it was rushed to finish it, it needed a little more depth towards the end I feel, but on the whole it is still great.
    2, a few of the girls feel like their path is "unfinsihed" now I get they may not be the main girls, or just side characters, but still, one or two charaters feel like they got the short straw.
    3, no lewd content with the sister, yeah yeah some or against that, but there are hundreds of games that do have content with sisters, so it feels like it should be standard by now.

    these are all only minor flaws, more like nit picks, hense why I only removed 0.1 star for each one, giving an overall score of 4.7 stars, highly recommend to get this game
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Fantastic game with a great set of story lines to follow. Each one is well written and worth a play through. The renders are top notch and the animations are well placed and smooth. I would rank this in my top 10 AVN's personally.