Buy your workers lunch and do some to become more popular than javier, mikaela quest
Buy your workers lunch and do some to become more popular than javier, mikaela quest
Don't need it, just copy the relevant section of the cracked version into the uncracked 1.61 version using notepad or notepad+. Search holiday to find it, should be everything between lines 19753 - 19779.Has anyone found the cheat codes yet?
I tried doing as the guy in the cracked post said, but it ain't working. Replacing the entire line with what he posted just gives a "wrong code" response. I'm an absolute tool at this stuff so I'm sure I'm doing something wrong.Don't need it, just copy the relevant section of the cracked version into the uncracked 1.61 version using notepad or notepad+. Search holiday to find it, should be everything between lines 19753 - 19779.
Don't complain you are getting this for free, next update contains 3 new characters and more than 40 new videos + we are bringing our anniversary event back.great 2nd patch in a row where we wait 1 month for 6 gifs
I don't think I ever played the anniversary event, but as long as you popped by I have a question: are there plans for taking this game in a new direction (i.e., a new challenge/threat that can add a whole new era to the game) or are we in the stage where we're finishing up routes for existing characters? Personally I'd love to see a big new setpiece to add new worlds to conquer, on the level of running for mayor or such.Don't complain you are getting this for free, next update contains 3 new characters and more than 40 new videos + we are bringing our anniversary event back.
This doesn't show any images at all, not even the map.Cracked Version UPDATED for 1.61
Just replace index.html with one that i provided
It only works for 1.61 and wont work in the future (i might update it idk) if you want to cheat just go to "cheat" tab and use one of those cheats:
Light - Light cheat
Medium - Medium Cheat
Hard - Hard cheat
Platinium - Platinium cheat
Diamond - Diamond cheat
Cash - Money cheat
Holidays - Holiday event
Gallery - Gallery unlocked
should i be happy with mediocrity? imagine if i was a patreon and i payed every month just to get 6 gifs twice in a row. its just lazyness and frankly a big stab in people paying for this. I rather get no patch at all and wait for something proper instead of getting half assed work that could have been done 2 months ago in just a couple minutes of more effort cos i know how long this would take you to do and the anniversary event is just old content reused same as with the christmas stuff that u keep bringing back and removing. for some reason in your eyes thats content. crazyDon't complain you are getting this for free, next update contains 3 new characters and more than 40 new videos + we are bringing our anniversary event back.
Those events have been updated almost every year, we use them as a way to make players have a reason to come back every so often to enjoy with us key moments of the year like many other games do. The strip club events were requested by paying users and they have been happy to get more content, they are by far more than 6 gifs twice in a row, but you are probably so clueless that you prefer to just criticize without knowing. We don't care about what you want. Like you said you'd never donate. You are not a customer you are just some random guy on the internet with an opinion that does not matter. The christmas event was by the way updated this year too, again proving my point that you don't even know what you are talking about.should i be happy with mediocrity? imagine if i was a patreon and i payed every month just to get 6 gifs twice in a row. its just lazyness and frankly a big stab in people paying for this. I rather get no patch at all and wait for something proper instead of getting half assed work that could have been done 2 months ago in just a couple minutes of more effort cos i know how long this would take you to do and the anniversary event is just old content reused same as with the christmas stuff that u keep bringing back and removing. for some reason in your eyes thats content. crazy