Hi guys !
First of all, don't be too hard with my english, I'm french and school is deffo so far !!
I have discovered BADIK few weeks ago, and I think I'm addict ! And I can see that I'm not alone, that's great ! Even if we all know the unrelieved suffering of waiting the next episode...

Also, for some time now, I'd really enjoy to try something in this VN universe. I always had a bit imagination and some skills in music and drawing...
As I can consider that I'm an old-fashioned guy now (I'm 55...), I've always had the passion for female body, the most important, awesome, incredible, unutterable, and finally wonderful thing in the world. It's my only religion, my universe, my hope, my reason for being...
I've always loved the artwork of Luis Royo, Franck Frazetta, Boris Vallejo, Julie Bell, Wojtek Siudmak and so on ; I have already tried (with more or less success) to draw some of their works with pensils or paintbrush, but I want to go further since I discovered 3D art.
When I see all the amazing artwork in these pages (Coriolan, you're really mindblowing !! And some others too : Arcanjo Fel, Le Phew, Mr. Vargas, Dumitas, DarkHorizon and so on...), I wish that some of you could maybe give me some information and advice. But I have a lot of questions...
I have exactly the same feeling that Mr. Vargas :
Taking BADIK as a model :
1/ The main software : I think it's DAZ studio. Ok, it's free, and we have to buy the 3D models (characters, items, outfits, animals, outdoors, indoors, settings, ….....), so :
a) whithout speaking of artistic talent, is there any chance I can master this tool before year 3522^^ (even if I'm stubborn !) ??? For instance, Coriolan, how long have you been working on Daz studio ? Maybe you did any artistic studies (I didn't...) ? b) Have you any suggestion for me to begin (tutorials, essential starting 3D models bundles, ...) ?
c) with any model, is it possible to create any gest, position, move effect, light effect, ...
d) If I need to modify something (any shape, color, inscription, lanscape, …), will some software like Photoshop or TheGimp be needed (example : take the HOT's outfit, and replace the inscription « HOT » by « YES ») ?
e) Is mix possible (for instance put the model A's head on the model B's body) ?
f) Can animations be made with Daz studio ? I have seen Maya (the software, not the lovely BADIK caracter^^, even if Josy is my favorite

), so... ?
2/ Now let's suppose that we have the pictures (exported from Daz studio in jpg format ?) and the storyline, how to build the VN ? With Ren'Py ?
a) does it manages menus (« Save », « Load », « Main Menu », « Preferences », …), texts, items to click on, bonus pictures that we have to unlock by clicking on items into the game for instance ? Same thing for the file tree (folders « game », « lib », « renpy », file .exe and others) ? What about if I want to put some music (I am musician) ?
b) is it easy to build different choices (and so different paths) ? Programming is needed ? Ren'Py language ? Python ? Others ?
c) in BADIK, there are some mini-games. Have they been made with Ren'Py, or otherwise how ?
3/ The hardware. I bet this kind of stuff (especially animations) needs at least some power. Speaking about CPU, RAM, graphic card, HD, is there any bottom line ?
I usually work on Windows 10, but I like very much Linux Ubuntu. Is one better than the other ?
Sorry, that's a lot of questions (and I'm sure I've missed a lot of them^^). Thanks for your time to read me, and I hope to guide and help me in my never-ending quest of the Graal : female body.