
Engaged Member
Sep 20, 2018
View attachment 815917
So not to derail what people were talking about previously but i have a question about the above scene. This was where Quinn was filling Riona in on getting Sage to make the deal with the Preps. (I think) But who is it that Quinn is supposed to be pointing to? I figured it was the MC but unless there is a little bit of continuity error or i'm just not getting this scene, the MC is across the road on the other side of the street while Derek is busy getting his ass chewed out by Jade at the feminist rally.
So if Quinn was supposed to be pointing at MC, have we seen yet what she's planning with MC by the end of Ep5 and did she mean planning something with MC in regards to Sage knowing they're "Close" or? (Basically in case i've missed or simply misread something) Cheers (y)
Interesting. You are right that as staged, Quinn couldn't be pointing at the MC et al by the front entrance. The question now is if that is deliberate misdirection or an error on DPC's part.

I'm inclined to chalk this up to a blocking error. If Quinn is pointing to something entirely off camera throughout the scene, that rather defeats the purpose of foreshadowing; we'd have no way of knowing who it was and the link would be just as obscure even after the eventual reveal.

As for what she is pointing at if it's something on screen... I originally thought Quinn's next move would be after the plan with Sage played out. But looking back in the wake of Episode 5, I've changed my mind. Quinn is pretty devastated when after the preps party is terminated, which suggests the plan to get "right back on track" has failed.

I think the Preps were the second move. Quinn wanted to open up a big, rich market by using Sage's connection to Tybalt. In her mind, asking Sage to set up an invite for the HOTs was a move in its own right. The money Tybalt paid them would go to the HOTs as cover for step two: a chance to make her sales pitch to Tybalt in person. Quinn though she could use Sage to secretly open up a lucrative new market for her. So I think she was pointing at Jade - Tybalt's rich mother.

Obviously, this plan turned out to be rather short on details. Or a basic understanding of the desires of her would-be customers. But she herself admits it wasn't the best plan.


Engaged Member
Sep 20, 2018
Haha of course we can't avoid it, but the restaurant stuff paved the way for some of the girls to meet MC. At least for the first time, they did it because of the money.
I'm pretty sure it's voluntary, Quinn just asked if Mona will be a problem about spilling the beans. We will find out on Ep 6 obviously.
But Camila and Riona still spent nearly the entire time monologuing about how awesome the MC is! Camila even IDs him based on his infamous baseball bat! Sarah is the only one who keeps it 'professional' (go figure!), and even she is talking about how sexy he is when he wins the shot contest.

I do agree we will learn a lot about how Quinn views her girls by how she handles Mona in Episode 6. Hopefully we'll finally get some actual details on the business, too. It's long passed time for them, IMHO.
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Sep 2, 2020
This right here. I really wish we get more Camila stuff in later episodes, I've really taken a liking to her. Also Sarah, there's something about her I really like.
Out of the side girls there seems to be a little more to Camila when you interact with her. Although it could be that she just have a thing for MC and DPC made it that shes easier for the MC to talk to.
Riona is pretty cool too she just seems alil wayward behind following Quin. I can see them eventually being on the outs for a while then she gets back to dealing with her out of loyalty unless some intervention or something uber-dramatic happens. It almost seems like shes Quins friend and lackey.
Melanie is the one to worry about.... I believe feel shes the one backstabbing Sage with Chad based off if you go down Sages path and stay at their dorm. Its almost like Melanie wants to be next Quin or shes Quins under boss.
Sarah is just out having fun competing with Melanie, she also kinda follows behind Melanie and she also may know about Melanie and Chad but i could be wrong. We will see what DPC has in store for each char.

Note: We may get a Quin path seeing how shes only one that doesn't have her secret photos revealed in game yet. So Episode 6 my be hers.
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Active Member
Feb 9, 2020
I don't know why people are acting like Tommy is the same on both routes in my DIk playthrough he seems like a good friend to all the DIKS and is even nice to you at times even though you are a maggot
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Active Member
Jul 29, 2017
i mean yeah? that's basically what it is
Well that makes him a good friend about as far as you need someone to cheer you on for being an asshole. But if you need him to man up and do something - he bolts at the first sign of trouble, as seen at the end of Episode 5.


Sep 2, 2020
View attachment 815941 View attachment 815942 View attachment 815945
Riona on the right side of the road, van in the back ground on the left. Fems', Derek, Jade, MC on the right also.
Quinn comes from behind the van on the left, yes? I could just be reading these images wrong, that is entirely possible! lol
What if Jade is some how involved in pulling the strings. It would seem too farfetched for an upper echelon to have their hands in it just to make sure it doesn't get out and keep the University from getting exposed. I'm sure her husband shops at the restaurant and he really has no real power at the campus.
Also i could see Quin trying to get the MC in on it maybe for protection or maybe she wants to add men to the menu for lonely fems on campus or the rich lonely teachers/staff and MILFS of the students.


Sep 2, 2020
Interesting. You are right that as staged, Quinn couldn't be pointing at the MC et al by the front entrance. The question now is if that is deliberate misdirection or an error on DPC's part.

I'm inclined to chalk this up to a blocking error. If Quinn is pointing to something entirely off camera throughout the scene, that rather defeats the purpose of foreshadowing; we'd have no way of knowing who it was and the link would be just as obscure even after the eventual reveal.

As for what she is pointing at if it's something on screen... I originally thought Quinn's next move would be after the plan with Sage played out. But looking back in the wake of Episode 5, I've changed my mind. Quinn is pretty devastated when after the preps party is terminated, which suggests the plan to get "right back on track" has failed.

I think the Preps were the second move. Quinn wanted to open up a big, rich market by using Sage's connection to Tybalt. In her mind, asking Sage to set up an invite for the HOTs was a move in its own right. The money Tybalt paid them would go to the HOTs as cover for step two: a chance to make her sales pitch to Tybalt in person. Quinn though she could use Sage to secretly open up a lucrative new market for her. So I think she was pointing at Jade - Tybalt's rich mother.

Obviously, this plan turned out to be rather short on details. Or a basic understanding of the desires of her would-be customers. But she herself admits it wasn't the best plan.
I agree of possibly Quin trying to rope in Tybalt's mother Jade as i stated in my post upon before reading this one. She would be the perfect go between the HOTS and wealthy. Im sure she would know their wants, desires and needs because she would have spent some time around the alums, the parents and their family.


The Freakiest of Lemons
Oct 24, 2018
On a different note I'm just wondering if later the MC's ex Zoey is gonna show up and wreck his life.
I feel a more likely scenario is that Zoey's reappearence, should it happen, will be to serve as a reminder of what happens when the MC fails to make a commitment to someone, ie he loses them and help to finally do that with on the LIs.


Sep 2, 2020
I feel a more likely scenario is that Zoey's reappearence, should it happen, will be to serve as a reminder of what happens when the MC fails to make a commitment to someone, ie he loses them and help to finally do that with on the LIs.
I just don't see him fully committed to anyone except maybe Jill. She seems a bit too innocent though yet she may have somewhat a mischievous side (some of them looks she gives off...man...ex: when taking pic of the pancake making).
I'm just hoping we don't find out that they are related like his mom was her sister or her parents sibling. That would totally fudge things up. I doubt that (incest) would be part of this story/game.

If Zoey does return it would probably be in either another best friend roll, bf/f*** buddy, or LI roll. I don't think she will though.


Sep 2, 2020
Ok, you mean they think about the dildo hat, maybe the only one Arieth doesn't fuck, with MC's too!
Hmmm seeing how she likes to mess with Maya and Derek is her brother...i don't think she was pointing at Derek unless she wants to get him out of her way for her objectives with Maya. Hmm then again she had an immediate disdain for Josy up until she found her step-brother was Tommy. Then it was mess with Tommy mode. They did say at one point that she likes to mess with people...i believe it was Sage that said that.


Apr 26, 2020
I just don't see him fully committed to anyone except maybe Jill. She seems a bit too innocent though yet she may have somewhat a mischievous side (some of them looks she gives off...man...ex: when taking pic of the pancake making).
I'm just hoping we don't find out that they are related like his mom was her sister or her parents sibling. That would totally fudge things up. I doubt that (incest) would be part of this story/game.

If Zoey does return it would probably be in either another best friend roll, bf/f*** buddy, or LI roll. I don't think she will though.
Don't worry, the game will never have (in any form) incest in this game. For sure, Jill has many smiling expressions, some of them tend to be odd more than the others, but I guess DPC wants to see if some suits her better or not, but I would like it if he is, let's say, more consistent about it.
On the other subject, I don't expect Zoey to return anytime soon and if she indeed returns, I hope she won't behave like a bitch, and act more as an understanding friend but it will probably be the opposite of that though, an ex in a VN usually act as an antagonist until they found a resolution.


The Freakiest of Lemons
Oct 24, 2018
I just don't see him fully committed to anyone except maybe Jill. She seems a bit too innocent though yet she may have somewhat a mischievous side (some of them looks she gives off...man...ex: when taking pic of the pancake making).
I'm just hoping we don't find out that they are related like his mom was her sister or her parents sibling. That would totally fudge things up. I doubt that (incest) would be part of this story/game.

If Zoey does return it would probably be in either another best friend roll, bf/f*** buddy, or LI roll. I don't think she will though.
Right now he's not ready to commit to one LI (or go steady to employ late 80s/early 90s vernacular) but in chapter 14/15?


Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2018
Before folk keep coming up with wild theories, as I've asked before, anyone care to extrapolate on exactly why Zoey would come back?

She isn't enrolled at college, where would she stay, who with, why would she come back? There is no 'logical' reason to ever see her again....especially anywhere near B&R and our only forays outside of college are either to go home or to the club. or are we going down a random mindnumbing trope of bumping into her with Tommy and Envy?
I think the only way Zoey would appear is some kind of bad ending where you fuck up your chances with all the main LIs in the game. Kind of like what happens with Ana from acting lessons.


Apr 12, 2018
Before folk keep coming up with wild theories, as I've asked before, anyone care to extrapolate on exactly why Zoey would come back?

She isn't enrolled at college, where would she stay, who with, why would she come back? There is no 'logical' reason to ever see her again....especially anywhere near B&R and our only forays outside of college are either to go home or to the club. or are we going down a random mindnumbing trope of bumping into her with Tommy and Envy?
Some were speculating that perhaps she is Quinn's supplier. Short answer for her return would be.... because more drama.
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