I was thinking... it would be so cool if "in the moment of decision" during the breakfast at DIK's the MC could choose... Becky! Not because she's my favorite or something (I like her just as a member of The Others, and not even as part of my top list), but just because it would be such a fucked up twist... The MC chasing tail all the time/playing pikuseru boifurendo (depending on the path), and then, lo and behold, dazzling the crowd and setting them all agape, he states: "Guys! I wanna be with Becky!" Elena spills her coffee; the guys incredulously laugh; Heather yells -- "Why not me!?"; Tommy looks at her -- "What!? Do you wanna bang Tremolo!?"; Johnboy retorts -- "What's the problem? I wanna see Tremolo bangs Elena!"; all hell breaks loose and the MC sneaks out to confess his love and ask Becky for her hand.
Cut to the scene of the marriage and the story concludes -- Becky already pregnant, though they're yet to consummate their union, because she saved MC's sperm in her mouth and impregnated herself --, possibly the only path we'll see concluded, since, for the others, making all the calculations, considering we took about two and a half years to get to the midterms of the first semester, and college is normally eight semesters (16 midterms), it will take 36 years and a half (deducting one year that has already passed). Or, if some theories are right and we only have two more seasons ahead, i.e., eight episodes (what doesn't make sense to me unless the story ends in the first semester), by the pace of development, it will happen in eight years (four in the best possible scenario, if DPC retakes his previous rhythm). So, DPC, please, give us the Becky ending at Season 2 finale so, at least, we'll have a conclusion.