Yeah that was a issue that bothers me from the start... the whole maya-loan thing is not plausible if you know just a little bit about these things.
I shrugged it off... cause, well... this game is pretty much a soap opera with a lot of porn. And DPC made many little errors here and there in his two games logical wise.
Many movies, series, books whatssoever make the same mistakes over and over again being unrealsitc in some ways, just for the sake of drama.
Or they go the easy way like the movie "Ronin" (the one with robert de niro) where they chase a coffer... just a coffer, nobody knows anything about it... something like that is called a "macguffin"
The maya predicament is just that... a "Macguffin" and those dont follow logical rules.
I think DPC doesnt care if its in any way realistic or not. This is a issues with many theories around here too... way to many people are thinking way to "realistic" about what is going on in the game (including me, many times)... the whole sex-circle thing for example, there is NO WAY this thing doesnt go to the authorities one day... all it needs ... Mona calling the police, and plop thats it, there are more than enough witness and documents already, no way burke can hide this shit if somebody would REALLY investigate only two minutes on campus. But no, she left the college in silence... this is of course not realistic.
I mean, just watch one epsiode of ANY soap opera in TV, only one... you will constantly smash your head on the table cause every minute its just way to unrealistic and not plausible if you dont "oversee" those things.
I think, regarding this game... (and i include myself) we have to learn to "oversee" many things cause otherwise the game and the story doesnt work, problem is, we dont know which things we should "oversee" cause DPC made an "error" just to make it easier for him or he didnt care...Or if he actually exactly knows what he was doing and set up a false track for us... the problem is, we cant differentiate here, cause we dont know what is going on in DPCs head.
For example the theroies about with whom the MC is related... i ruled it out that it can be the burgmeisters, burkes or royces, cause the surname of Lynette HAS to be on the inheritance or at least known by Neil... if it would be burgmeisters, Burke or Royce, neil or MC would have mentioned that... but i can be wrong here, cause what if DPC just dont care about this problem? It just slipped his mind that something like a surname is present on a inheritance latter, or should be in the mind of Neil... DPC can pretty much decide "ah fuck it, i pull out that the MC is indeed a Burgmeister anyway, dont care if it makes sense in a logical way"
and like that it can be pretty much with every theory we have. For many things DPC could have just decided to do things his way and doesnt care if something is realistic or plausible... and cause nearly every soap opera out there operates like this, it would be a big suprise if this isnt the case with this game
Its fun to build theroies, and to say "whoa that is not possible, cause it isnt realisic" but everytime we hit this wall... DPC can just decide "well fuck realism, here you go"
And of course, there is real freaking much unrealistic shit going on in the game so far, starting by the enormous dick of the MC, ending with that he has more hair on his head AFTER a haircut than before...
and yeah... storywise too.