Can you really? I was trying to remember if its possible, but doesnt Quinn fuck you regardless in the CUMpetition? Or is there a choice?
Yeah, just stop her before that... nothing will happen, and you lose the cum-petition...
There arent many "forced" lewd things in the game... which is a plus, there is only Zoey, which is the background story of the MC, until the game start Zoey was the only girlfriend the MC ever had and they took their virginity each other.
The next "forced" lewd thing (in the timetable) would be the kiss with Josy, you cant avoid that... and than the dry humping and kiss with maya. Both are really big faults in my book DPC made. I hate this forced relationship with those two and how this played out later on til episode 4 ending... its maybe the biggest flaw of the whole game.
But i think DPC learned out of that, nothing like that happened again, but he is kinda stuck with it throughout the whole game, cause the "friendship" if you are not in the love-triangle with Maya and Josy just feels odd.
To summarize, you can play the MC without any sex in it. Only exception will be the Zoey background story... but its not possible that she is pregnant, cause she went to san dieg half a year BEFORE the Mc went to college... so she should have carried a child underneath her arm by know.
So overall, its ruled out that the pregnancy test has anything to do with the MC. However... it is possible that the pregnancy test will be from a girl the MC could have intercourse with of course. Some HOTs are very likely.
To me the most interesting choice to get pregnant would be Jade. (by Burke or maybe another student? I know she thinks she cant get children, but is it really for sure? Maybe its Stephen Burke who shoots with blanks?)
Ashley would be kinda annoying... cause it would force drama on Derek, i dont like that idea. But yeah i agree with the common opinion around here, that Derek needs more focus and more depth to him... not just the funny sidekick. But you can do that without adding pregnant girldrama.
LEaves the HOTs... for that, i think camilla and Heather are best possibilities here...
Well, i will not do any bet on that anymore, but i would like the Jade option very much.