I agree and disagree with this. I think I expected more for my Others path, but I think this update's focus is on individual paths instead. So for those not on Others path, I think they're good because they make meaningful progress of becoming official couple.
But for the Others path, the party didn't feel anywhere near wild enough. This is really disappointing because this party is the first big party with pretty much all the girls, and somehow it didn't get as wild as some previous parties. Nothing sexual with the new girls, the body shot contest didn't go too far, the cumpetition was private, can't do anything with Bianca (weird to have the option to grab her ass only on Jill's path when that path is probably meant to be the most goody-goody path). Heck, Elena didn't even get naked!
The update did a great job of making the MC felt like the party planner, busy checking on everyone, and not enough spending time to enjoy the party itself.