Too many comments to keep track of here, but I'm sure more than a handful have questioned why the fuck this episode was called "Vixens".
Was it called the "Vixens" because they are three girls the mc never fucking says a word to (ok, he did lick Tiffany's cunt up on stage, but that was almost like a passing glance)? Were the three titular characters of any significance at all?
If anything, they were probably all fucking other people, and not the mc.
So why call the episode "Vixens"?
My theory - oh you knew I had a theory:
The mc has just committed to his LI by the end of episode 8, and the "Vixens" (symbolised by the three girls but not specific to them), are all the temptations the mc faces after he commits.
Now before this episode even began people had already surmised he'd be getting tempted left and right, but it has been consolidated with the "cheat tally" (tc), the counter that increments every time the mc strays from his one and only (or two in case of the throuple) love:
- Grabbing Mel & Sarah's ass when they show off their costumes: That'll be one (1) warning. But then not grabbing their asses indicates you don't have a pulse.
- Kissing Cammy back when she greets you at the beginning: Another single (1) warning. But seriously, the girl already had her lips on the mc's lips, to emotionlessly stand there, you just don't do that the our beloved Cammy!
- Enjoying the alcohol swap too much with Becky: Another (1) warning. After all we've learnt about Becky this episode, it's easy to forgo this penalty.

- Enjoying the alcohol swap too much with Tiffany: And another (1). This one's harder to pass up than Becky. Tiffany's definitely a little vixen!

- Greeting Tiffany's hole: She invites you too! Another (1) transgressions!
- Gently grabbing Bianca's ass: Oops, there goes another (1) warning. It was just for the photo, I swear!
- Going for the full grab on Bianca's ass: Ok, you're pushing it now, that's a two-pointer (2) there! Come on, you're on Jill's branch and your full on groping her friends ass in a photo shoot standing right next to Jill? Bravo!
- Telling Josy you sometimes think how the two of you could have ended together: Yeah, that's a point (1). Stop living in the past bro!
- Telling Josy you always think how the two of you could have ended together: You know it's gonna add two (2) to the score. What are you thinking, you've chosen some hot ass but you're always looking over the fence? Yeah, the grass is always greener.
- Getting disappointed when Sage takes you to your room to... take a picture: That's a single (1) hit. Stop thinking with your dick, man!
- Posing sexy with Sage for the shoot: Yeah, another (1) warning. I dunno, it's all for John Boy's album, just a little fun.
- Going for the double ass grab when posing with Mel & Sarah: Only one (1) infraction point for this. What do you expect, not everyone can be Keanu Reeves with the hover hands. My motto, if a girl is cool with you grabbing their ass, grab their fucking ass! And I don't need to say what you do when you've got two girls down for it!
- Grabbing Nicole's ass when chatting with her and Lily: Another (1) point for the collection. There's an option to not grab her ass. Can't say I know how that pans out, never clicked on that one.
- Grabbing Lily's ass instead of Nicole's: And another (1) point, damn!: You only get to do this if Nicole doesn't like your mc. Interesting that Nicole takes precedence over Lily here. Interesting. I would have liked to have a choice.
- Enjoying Lily tits on display: And... another (1) point. I'm sorry, when a girl flashes you her tits, you don't fucking try to change the subject!
- Making out with Riona: This is a double (2) penalty! Oh sweet, sweet Riona. When a girl so candidly tells you, "I like making out with you." what's a faithful guy to do?
- Asking Heather for a rain check: Sorry, but that's a (1) penalty. Kinda harsh, the mc's just keeping his options open. I mean, preparing for a relationship failure is surely a healthy attitude...
- Letting Heather use you: Yeah, dos (2) penales right there. But it was therapeutic I swear!
- Touching Mel & Sarah's tits when they are "auditioning" for the costume contest: Two (2) points for two pairs. I guess that's fair.
- Suggesting you'll only fuck Sandy when she's working: Just one (1) point. I mean, that's keeping it professional right?
And there we have it. A fuck load of temptation, only moments after committing to the girl of your dreams. Ok, not exactly moments, it took a fucking year actually, could anyone really be blamed for succumbing after being blue balled for nigh on 13 months?
So how'd you go? Did you stay true?
Worst case, I scored a
14 on my DIK M&J run - yeah, my dude was a Neutral during that throuple library scene back in the day, then the wheels fell the fuck off and he's been whoring it all over. Nah, he'll be fine, ain't nothing gonna happen, I'm sure...
The tally is only created and increased in this episode, but you can be sure its gonna be lurking in the shadows, waiting to castrate the mc when he gets down on one knee and takes his commitment to the next level!