Totally disagree. Maya is an awful character, that spend the time whining and waiting that someone fix her problems, and DPC pretends that she's a positive character and players should care about her drama. Chad and troy are awful characters. Chad is a violent guy that fools Sage and treats her like shit, and attacks MC. Troy treats MC like shit when they are roommates, and DPC pretends that the player feels sympathy about them because they are gay, instead of making they a couple of Tybals or Dawes, only good for some laughs.
What I meant was not that gay characters are great and positive but they are just humans, I do not see their personality and deeds based on they are gay or not... The reason I do not like Maya too has nothing to do with her being lesbian, she is just terrible friend and malcontent person.
Totally disagree. Love and hate are different sides of the same coin. After being cheated and fooled for at least two years, the most logical reaction from a girl like Sage, that has pride, is to hate Troy, not to feel empathy. Why should she feel empathy because he's gay, and not if he just were found another girl that loves more than Sage?
Yes, you are right that she should be angry as much as it would be a girl. The point here is not her being angry anymore that he cheated her but what comes after that. The feeling that she is not pretty enough, that she was not sexy or attractive to him, that she was boring or something else what made him to cheat and be with other girl. I would say it was more relief in that moment and she was pitty of him knowing he had to hide himself all the time from everyone. That's why she was disappointed when she confronted him (basket scene), told him he can trust her and tell her and yet he did not. Because of her empathy she was more pity of him in the end but it was her closure and could finally move on.
What MC should be worried is about Sage's feelings and well-being. She's his friend or his lover, and Chad is nobody for MC. The guy that attacked him in the middle of the night. But he's worried about Chad, if Sage's reaction is going to be good or bad for Chad. That's absurd.
He attacked him because he thought that MC wants to publish his secret what would destroy him. This is not absurd, clearly you are lack of empathy... MC do not care about Chad in way that he is not his friend but it does not mean that he will enjoy destroying his life or him being in troubles. Dude, we are all humans, all different, all make mistakes, there is no bad blood between them especially when you know that all he did was just acting to cover his true face. You can be vengeful or forgiving here.
Yeah, she's a good person with great empathy... That's why she blackmails MC with her stolen guitar to make him spy for her a dangerous guy like Chad after seeing the alphas attack MC in the corridors. She knows that MC probably will be hurt but she just doesn't care. But suddenly, she remembers that she's adopted, and wants to help someone... What about the other HOTs? She's living in a sorority in which the girls are prostituting themselves... Doesn't she know that some of her sisters have serious money problems? She's so good person and has so much empathy, that she didn't realized that some of her sisters, girls that she knows for years, have money problems... But suddenly, she's totally worried about Maya... It doesn't make sense. DPC made an awful presentation of Sage, and all the subplot of her helping Maya is crap. It would been better to skip it and go directly with Jill's help. She's the good girl in B&R and she knows Maya via Josy.
She was sorry about that blackmailing, if you refuse she told you that she would give you it back anyway just needed help with Chad and as he was cheating her with another girl (as she thought) there was no one she could trust. And again, Chad is not dangerous, she didn't make him spy Vinny on his way for drugs in night alley but to go to campus gym to see if he is with any girl...
Not sure if you know that Sage has no idea about Quinn restaurant. If she knows that they do sex it is their free will, she does not a thing about prostituting and free tuition. If I were her I would expect them to come to me for help, they see each other everyday so it is easy to overlook things like that. It is easier too notice problems of "new" people. As far as I see DPC good job here, I also agree that in general it would make more sense if it would be Jill helping Maya, I guess it was just part of big plot-twist with Jade.
I think you are really young or naive. MC is in total danger. He's not fucking superman, and she doesn't even know that he can fight before the fight with Dawe, and he's injured in that fight. Of course he's in danger, and Sage doesn't care about that after she sees the consequences of her acts: MC injured because of her. MC agrees to help her because she blackmails him with his stolen guitar. Again, that's and awful presentation of Sage's character. DPC should redone all those scenes.
I see your point yet I see it from the whole different side and even for second I didn't thought Sage is bad because of her actions. I guess it is just different life experience and character perks.
Sage thought "My dad is the guy that gives scholarships, so I'm going to get one for my friend, deserves it or not." And of course didn't think if she's avoiding that other person with real needs (Maya comes from a wealthy family) is not going to get a scholarship next year. Obviously, if you give scholarship to one person, another one won't have it. And why Maya? She has been living with Riona for at least a year... With Sarah, with Mel... Camila has at least the same problems with the tuition. She's doing blowjobs in bathrooms for money for god sake! Does she never talked with them about how she pays her tuition? Since she's so emphatic and good person... Its what emphatic and good people do.
Why Maya? Because she whines more? Because she's a victim of "heteropatriarchy"? She didn't give a shit about Maya when she was a "daughter" and Quinn was torturing her, but suddenly... DPC needed for the plot, that Sage would feel deeply concerned about Maya even if it doesn't make sense so... suddenly Sage is a good and emphatic person... Again, I love the character, but a lot of things are awfully written. She's a bitch the first few episodes, and then she's a "good and emphatic person". It doesn't make sense. Actually, there are a lot of things with Sage that, sadly, doesn't make sense. Like to continue being the girlfriend of an impotent gay man for years, being a girl so interested in sex, experienced and adventurous, even if Chad is the "popular guy" of B&R and being her girlfriend was a matter of status in campus.
More like "My dad is a guy that gives scholarship, so I will offer that option and suggest her to my father" and believe me or not this is how the whole real world works. You either know someone or not, if you have connections you make sure to make good use of them. She is not making her dad to give her tuition but to give her a chance to present and apply. She does even know what are criteria etc so she just arranged meeting as her father agreed. What is wrong with that? If your mother would be manager in shop and your friend would need job, wouldn't you try to get it to him? Not blackmail mother to employ him, just give CV and arrange job interview? This is how it works.
Maya because she noticed she need help and was MC's friend and felt guilty with this whole HOTs pledge situation. She was sorry Maya for giving shit about her when she was "daughter" because of her own problems. She has no idea about prostituting and even so, none of girls seem to be bad about it, more like they do enjoy it and a little extra cash. They do not sit alone depressed in dorm but party and have fun all the time. Sage being sometimes bitch is an extra point to her character because life is no 0/1, people often act contradictory and this is fine, it makes her more real and human and this is the way to recognize good from bad character writing.
I think we both made all our points, at least I did. I do not intend of making you change your mind, I enjoyed discussion but if you insist you can reply to that too, I will not tho. Thanks.