
May 14, 2023
I think he just sees it more than just a porn game for people to masturbate. And as a guy who doesn't do it either I can see it that way. This game has a lot more focus on building the story and character arcs in a believable way (as much believable as you can do student fucking a teacher, or 5 girls in one night).

It is really frustrating for fans following the production more closely but I think it's gonna be received well when everything is finished. I have the same opinion about episode 9. Tragic episode to be the last one before "no more content" screen but it's gonna be a great change of pace once further episodes get released.

It's also the topic filled with many shades of gray. DPC does everything because of huge support from the community but the community isn't a game developer that created this IMO great game, DPC is. How much should their opinions influence the dev process? Wouldn't it make it worse?

I, for one, believe that SFW animations is one of the parts that make this VN stand out from the rest and feel more, professional, let's say.

I also believe that sometimes we humans only think we know what we want or need. And even thought sometimes there are excellent ideas here or on Reddit, I don't think it should be the best course of actions if the mind and the vision of one guy led us here, with this quality that we have.

As the saying goes: Too many cooks spoil the broth
Episode 9 indicated that DPC's lost the plot as regards to what feels right. The dude's long-ass animations were just pointless. He even had an animation of the preps coming to the Halloween party in their whatever-the-fuck-they-were-wearing costumes. No one gives a fuck about the preps, why include them in an animation that probably took a day to do?

If episode 10 turns out to be a DPC vanity-project (which is the direction this game seems to have started to take), I'll have pretty much lost interest. Sure it's polished and looks better than most games, but it's becoming bloated the way all good products go once they forget what they are doing...

Totally hope to be proven wrong!

Seriously hope none of these free-roams are DnG again. To each their own but the absolute low point of the whole game so far for me and DR P got me worried having Jill DnG on his Discord banner.
I loved DnG! It's long overdue for another one! :giggle:

DPC is very cyclical in his work. we have seen D&G in chapter 2 and 6, it seems to me very likely it will be in chapter 10
I must concur! Which is obviously a safer way to suggest I agree!

Yeah every episode after episode 6 i was afraid to encounter a D&G scenario again.

Perosnally, i like Pen and Paper a lot, played it myself with a group for over 10 years. But this is being a dik. I dont want to see that shit here, especially not if its just a "parody" and distraction. I dont need that, the game already has more than enough distractions. Yeah most of those distractions are creating more "depth" to the game, and most of the times i like them. D&G on the other hand was a huge annoyance, and mostly because it was made so big. Just a short funny encounter like the first time is more than enough i think.

But DPC was kinda in "awe" about the D&G session in episode 6 and wanted to create something like that again... only "bigger". Iam afraid we will see this in episode 10 too. And maybe he is going overboard again with it and MC and his "girlfriends" will join in on magnars group for good and we will see a D&G session in every episode from now on... wouldnt surprise me. Please... never ever D&G again. Would be very much appreciated.
I bet if the next DnG game results in Sally being "nicer" to the mc, and Magnar wondering what the fuck is going on (or just being nerdishly oblivious), people are gonna start changing their tune about the DnG game. It could lead to some "progression" after all, know what I mean? :sneaky:


Forum Fanatic
Nov 10, 2020
1. I disagree with you. Take BADIK for what is it. Adult visual novel with decent story.
2. This point I actually agree. I think ep9 will age well when looked at when season 3 is done. It felt short but it did plant seeds for future conflicts.
3. I mean he wouldnt be where he is without fanbase and patrons. I respect his vision for main story and plot, but in the end you need to give your fanbase what they want.There is a reason good guy always win at the end of action movie.
4. Once again we go back to point 1.Your average consumer doesnt really care about that.They bought the game to see some porn and thats it. Decent story is a bonus.
As many have I said I came for the porn stayed for the story. While writing might be DPC weakness which is funny because his better 98% of the other devs. The porn is great but it's nothing without a great story


Forum Fanatic
Mar 13, 2021
I didn't like it at first when episode 6 came out but I liked it a lot more while playing through EP 1 to 9. Great change of pace and also it's D&D hype because of Baldur's Gate 3. I love the fact he put such a love letter to this game. Also multiple endings are fun!
Well, I have the feeling that if DrPinkCake delivered a new interlude starring Madame Rose in a forbidden relationship with Tybalt it would be golden for you, because everything he does is pure gold in your opinion.



Devoted Member
May 17, 2020
Everyone loves badik's story, but then when they have to talk about it the only quality would be better than most of the other avn, which are often semi-amateurishly written by people who have problens with English. Good but not great :ROFLMAO:


Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2023
1. I disagree with you. Take BADIK for what is it. Adult visual novel with decent story.
2. This point I actually agree. I think ep9 will age well when looked at when season 3 is done. It felt short but it did plant seeds for future conflicts.
3. I mean he wouldnt be where he is without fanbase and patrons. I respect his vision for main story and plot, but in the end you need to give your fanbase what they want.There is a reason good guy always win at the end of action movie.
4. Once again we go back to point 1.Your average consumer doesnt really care about that.They bought the game to see some porn and thats it. Decent story is a bonus.
Personally I have to push back on some of this. Not against your entire post because I think you're correct on point #1 & 2, but to make sure we're all still grounded on firm footing. DPC is writing a visual novel. How this works is not "Let's see what the ppl want to read about", it's his idea and his story to tell. Fact people are getting lured in by the lewd content is simply a bonus for him as far as revenue is concerned.

I get what you are trying to get across, but your argument would hold more water if it were about a regular "WASD" FPS game or MMO. But in general most non sandboxed VN's typically have a storyboard to follow no matter what the reader thinks it should be like. Most of my criticisms on VNs are generally grammar based and DPC doesn't have issues with grammar. But some other VNs though, it's like you'll have a very competent programmer at the helm, but it's like the fucker never opened a book in his life.

If the fans aren't happy with how Ep9 turned out, well that's just tough cookie. But DPC owes no one anything outside of his contractual obligations with other publishing platforms. To any of us? He doesn't owe anyone anything no matter what people would think the story should be like.


Forum Fanatic
Jun 19, 2022
Everyone loves badik's story, but then when they have to talk about it the only quality would be better than most of the other avn, which are often semi-amateurishly written by people who have problens with English. Good but not great :ROFLMAO:
Honestly, it's also quite on par with plenty of YA novels, including some of the acclaimed drivel.


Devoted Member
Mar 25, 2021
I'm probably in the minority but I have not jacked off to this game ever
I have other lesser games for that
I have played a lot of games on here and I find this to have some of the best relationship building and writing around
That's why I think of this game as a work of art not just porn

Geralt From Rivia

Forum Fanatic
Jun 15, 2022
The are three things in life that are sure to happen: life, death and waiting for DPC to finish his animations
I wasn't here until the Ep.9 development cycle, was that crap with waiting for animations to finish rendering at the end not in every cycle? It seems there was another person who did statistics like mpa71, but with graphs.


Forum Fanatic
Nov 10, 2020
I wasn't here until the Ep.9 development cycle, was that crap with waiting for animations to finish rendering at the end not in every cycle? It seems there was another person who did statistics like mpa71, but with graphs.
I didn't start playing until after episode 7 came out back then there was like two or three people doing stats
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Mar 17, 2018
i started reading this post and was like, yes, this guy gets it. i appreciate the keyboard jedi........then the tybalt dare you sir! derek is a bro amongst bros! he gives you a roof when you had none, and a shirt if he had 1. we repay this act of kindness by defiling his sister, and hes still got our backs. when said backs are against the wall because mc wont bang a teacher, or wear a dildo on his head. derek, yet again, saves the day by dawning the helmet of shame like a majestic uni-moose, while fighting the good fight against femi-nazis, and diving on granny grenades. what does he ask in return? dont hurt my sis, and every now and then, help me revenge bomb a nerd. yeah, he gets overexcited, and when left alone you can expect to come home to find.....well that part is scary, cuz you never know, and its likely gross, but you could say the same about a puppy. in conclusion, if you wouldnt kick a puppy, you shouldnt bash derek.

this public service announcement was paid for by the moose lounge. wanna cut loose? visit the moose!
And there is no option in ep 9 even to thank derek, where he ask us to help with camilla. Feel sad for him. its not that big of the ntr. She is not main li(im not a ntr fan)
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2023
As expected animations are biggest bottleneck at the moment. I dont know why he has such a boner for sfw animations, because 90 % of players dont really care. We know you are great producer PinkCake, but whatever really.

He needs to deliver with this one, because he overhyped episode 9 so much, and reviews were mostly negative.

By 2025 nvidia will release 5000 series, so I fully expect cutscenes and development will take 18 months. :ROFLMAO: He cant help himself.
He doesn't care what the players want. He has routinely said he wants to do what he wants. Hence the sfw animations. Which, to be honest, I don't mind having. Adds a bit more life to the game visually. But, to each their own!
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