if you so called Father in the Diks Rule and shit Got hit by Trunk Would you fight it For me No need we All Know that guy
if you saw Growing ass Man Crying would you pip talk him or Would let him sink
if you say no to Drugs Because you hate The Fucking smoke anyway
if you volunteer to help The House and old people
if you Didn't Hit your Rome mate because u saw that he already try it to fight
if you didn't hit a nurd because you know that all he could do
Now does that Makes you Pussy
Now For the Diks Move that they call it so
if someone Slap you HIT HIS FUCKING ASS
if some Bullys trying to Lock you in 3 standing and one you already Kick it what to do FIGHT YOUR WAY
if someone offer you Fake id You could use TAKE IT
if someone invite you to Strip club YOU DDD DRINK DANCE DOG IN THE HOUSE Like
if someone try to make your Fun Not fun You Find a way out To get rid of them Simple No ONE Spoil your NIGHT
if your so Called Father and his NOT hit you What would you do KICK HIS FUCKING ASS
So if Being a Gentleman who know what's right and What's Wrong to me What I Pick is What I see Right if you got lied twice from a lady she's no good for you if you Got bulled you Fight Like Lion Don't Run like Cat
if you someone need a pop talk Give it to him, it's Memory for him that he will remember it for the Rest of his Life
if someone think so High of himself Let him but if he Tries to push you down Show him You're not The one to miss with
so Idk about you But That How I roll anyway