VN - Ren'Py - Being a DIK [v0.10.1] [DrPinkCake]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I have seen this game pop up many times over the years, and I actually have given it a try before. The thing that kept me from giving it a real chance is how content gets locked by a certain playstyle. I usually don't like to have locked content, because I usually don't have the patience to go explore all paths. With a lack of anything else to play, I decided to give this another go, and my god thank god I did. This has easily become my favourite AVN, it blows Supernatural, Eternum and all my other favorites out of the water. It doesn't seem particularly innovative or different in it's premise compared to some other AVNs, however, what it lacks in uniqueness, it more than makes up for it with it's quality. Quality in the writing, quality in the animations and renders, characters, all of it is excellent. If by any reason you've been ignoring this game like I was for years, put all of that aside and give it a real try, because this is, by far, the best AVN I have ever played. I spent some 10 hours a day for 4 days straight playing this (I basically did nothing else), and I'm left wanting for more. There is a HUGE amount of absolutly top quality content at this point, it will keep you occupied for a long time. My biggest problem is that now I have to join the rest of the fans in anxiously waiting for the next update, that won't be fun xD. If there's any AVN that deserves to have a 10/10, it's this one. Not only that, but it's only ONE guy that made all of it? Many congratulations to Dr PinkCake, you can tell he's very passionate about this game and he is very active in giving informing the community about the next update, he really has done an amazing job.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    one of my first games, and I'm glad I found you. I really came to appreciate the highly varied game formats and a deep plot, really stood out among the few games I played. I fear I've been spoiled after this haha
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm actually enjoying the writing for this VN - sure there are parts that are corny as fuck and some unrealistically low levels of inhibitions but as a whole, the story has drama, comedy and some pretty good emotional touch-points that feels human.
    Renders are top-notch and episodes are quite sizeable.

    Best AVN all time without a doubt.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I won't bother going too much in depth because chances are there are already other reviews that do that, plus as you can see, the amount of views and ratings alone should be enough to convince you that this is worth playing.

    Models: Superbly designed 3D models that are leagues ahead of most other RenPy VNs. These aren't just generic Daz 3D models, someone put work into these girls.

    Sex: When it comes to the writer of this VN, he tends to focus more on story first then sex second. As you progress through the game and develop your relationships with girls, more sex scenes will be accessible as long as you aren't pissing everyone off. That being said, it is a slower burn that most other VNs admittedly. Either way, all scenes are animated and will usually have multiple camera angles, poses, and a climax that lets you choose where you're finishing (unfortunately, the climaxes are not animated).

    Story: Hard to adequately describe with so few words. It is the perfect kitschy college coming of age story. It's goofy, dramatic, and exaggerated in all the best ways. Is it very romanticized and glorified? Yes, this is not what college is obviously, but in its own world, Being a DIK is great.

    Why this over other VNs?
    I think a lot of it has to do with the graphics, which improve after each chapter to represent the writer's growing skillset. So many other VNs have the same graphics and sometimes even the same models, but everything in Being a DIK is personally designed. The story is incredibly relatable despite its High School Musical environment. Every character has their own story, and its up to you for which one you want to explore.
  5. 3.00 star(s)

    Sneaky Heresiarch

    It's one of the classics of the genre. You definitely can't go wrong playing it, but at the same time it's no longer at the top, since it is unsure of where it wants to head (story, gameplay variety or visuals) and it is a bit lost trying to maximize all of them.

    While the models are somewhat generic and a few of them annoyingly unrealistic (with chest balloons the size of watermelons - looking at you Isabella), they still have a great story line to them and go into enough depth. Plus the renders are otherwise great. And there is enough main LIs and side LIs. Players who hate harem-style games will appreciate the extreme exclusivity of playthroughs.

    Given how old the game is, there is sufficient story development up to this point so it is immersive and offers varied playthroughs. That's the biggest selling point in my opinion. The overall story setting is not the most interesting one, but it adds enough backstory to not make it a generic college story.

    One major negative I have that reduces the points - this is especially the case in latest episodes - is the crazy amount of repetitive free roaming and trying to find what to do next. At some point, the combination of heavy path branching and repetitive free roams turns the game into a chore that you need to push through to progress the story. It seems to me that less emphasis on trying to find a beer bottle in a freezer and more focus put on story progression would return the game into a 5* territory. But right now, I didn't even finish the game on all playthroughs because I couldn't stomach finding keys in the dark 10 times in a row. Not to mention that playing without cross-checking the walkthrough is kind of impossible right now.

    Still worth a play if you haven't already.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    One aspect I dont like is the possibility to choose different paths, and missing other ones. It's so frustrating, if you want to see or collect everything. But its a great game.. Maybe from Episode 9 onwards it should be called Being a DIK 2 and something else. Or ells the game feels to long for me. I wished Riona would be one main character, but yeah. Its just my personal preference.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    It's perfect, the best game ever!, not only de animations, the history is great and the girls are impressives. I started to play long time ago but I couldn't continue until now. I have not tried yet the season 3, but I expect as much fun as with the others.
    Thank you very much
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Dr.PinkCake don't miss. Everything about this game is amazing... The story, characters, animations, render quality, comedy, writing. The best thing you can do is VISIT his patreon give him your money, kick back and LET HIM COOK.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    one of best vn game if not the best. i like that the choices are not only for show they actually matters. Also with every characters backstory they feel more alive. The game can be funny and also deep when it want to be so its awesome.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Easily the GOAT of the +18 games. I remember that before this one, I played many others games but any of them was capable to keep me awake a whole weekend playing til' this one. Being a DIK is the perfect example of a what a VN mixed with a sandbox should be. The design of the characters - appearence, personality and their roles on the plot. The way you can build up your own MC personality. You can actually choose what paths of the story you want to follow, with who you want to be, what you actually want to do, this game puts you every single choice in front of you and that's what it has to be. Being a DIK has perfect animations and art, a complete storyline with very interesting events and a relationships scoreboard that really works thru your actions and words. Is an excellent game that really put the bar so high for the other games... every single time when we play a new one, we thought on Being a DIK and we established a comparison because this game has everything what a +18 game needs to have. My favorite character for the MC is Isabella, but this game has so much others characters that you can pick... I'll repeated it over and over again. This is the GOAT. If you haven't played it I don't know what you're waiting for.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    The best game by far.

    • Amazing renders,
    • Amazing animations,
    • Super realistic,
    • Great story,
    • Good side games.
    • Pretty girls...

    Thanks for this great game....

    Keep the amazing work...
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    This is the best lewd game in the world. Even if it ended at Ch 9 I would say as much.

    Elite renders that keep getting better. Mini games that keep getting better. A branching structure that matches the top stuff in terms of amount of branches and depth.

    But you know what I think makes this the best game, the most popular game? This game has like.. 5 main girls, maybe 5-10 side girls of depth, maybe 50-100 other guys and girls that act as supports or foils. Other games have that too.

    But the difference regarding character development: this game just NEVER MISSES. So many threads are opened in early chapters that make a call back in later chapters. One little act in one chapter gets a heartwarming callback through a phone text in a future chapter. It might be a text, an open roam sequence, a musical transition, a flashback.. there are so many devices employed in this game that create your connection to these characters. There is no wasted moments.. everything serves to develop characters and/or create an energy about a scene or situation.

    It's why fans of this game pine for like the 10th side girl to have more scenes in the next chapter.. it's the complete immersion that fans have in this college-campus-frat-party universe that has been created, and trust that fans have of the maker of this game to create interesting situations in the future for characters that up until that point, have relatively nothing. THAT'S CRAZY for a lewd game to accomplish!

    The maker of this game won't outsource most of the game creation to anyone else even though there's plenty of money and it shows. Besides being A+ at all elements of a lewd game, this is a labor of love and a singular creative vision, which is why all these characters are so lovingly crafted, I have to think.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Love the game, and checking frequently for updates. Engaging storyline, lot's of paths to take. Alot of li's for every preference. But i mostly play these games for the story, The "Adult" part of it is just a fanservice in my head like in TV-series like got etc.
    Josy is my fav.
    One of the best AVN's out there by a mile.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Joined the site specifically to play the new episode. It's easily one of the best games of it's type.

    The main character is ok, pretty typical porn stuff everyone wants to fuck him on sight, can fight, super popular and has a third leg. The women and the stories arounf them are what stand out. They're pretty universally hot and all are likable. Not every girl will be liked by everyone but you're almost guaranteed to find one you like. Only real complaint is that some of the bodies are modeled weird to the extent it almost looks like amateur surgery was done. Their faces with the exception of one girl are really well done though.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    What can be said but Dr. Pinkcake has done it once more, I dont know how many playthroughs I have done with the various girls and affinity combinations and just love the content.

    My man has a gift and support him on his Patreon as I have been because we need him churning these out!!! (imagine 2 or more dedicated systems processing animations) the true bo0ttleneck on his gifted work.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    This is just the best adult game i have played, the amount work effort this game have is unbelievable.
    To me, this isn't just watching sex scenes and jerk off. Because there is actually story in this game and it is intriguing and it's always nice when new episode come to see where the story goes.
    Yes wait between episodes are long as sin but to my opinion it's always worth the wait and DPC in one man so it is understandable.
    Love this game
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I tried to avoid spoilers, but there are still small spoilers.
    Nothing serious though.

    Played through 0.8.2 several times.
    I will not describe in details how great this game is.
    It is 9.5/10 at least!

    But this "honey pot" is not without a big spoon of ashes.

    Maya! One of the five main girls.
    The same white-haired bitch you'll see every fucking time you launch the game.

    She was just kind of annoying at first, but after going through 2 seasons a few times I can't even describe how much I hate her.

    I thought Quinn was «evil», but now I LOVE Quinn. Quinn has risen from the bottom of my favorites list right to its peak. Thanks to the white-haired cunt.

    They say choices are very important in this game.
    Well not with Maya!
    I specifically followed the walkthrough so that I wouldn't accidentally get relationship points with Maia somewhere. At the end I had a -5 relationship with Maya. For understanding with Sage it was +39.


    I think you can almost rename the game to Being with Maya.
    Almost every episode ends with Maya´s face on the screen:

    Episode 1: Maya!
    Episode 2: DIKS
    Episode 3: Maya!
    Episode 4: Not Maya, but the key scene and choice is about Maya!!! And the scene itself is mega cool, the music is great... but once again, Maya's fucking face is all over the screen and it makes me want to vomit!

    Episode 5: DIKS
    Episode 6: Maya!
    Episode 7: Second-to-last scene is once again about poor Maya where she gets lets say a very generous offer from someone and still have that sort of stupid arrogant face expression like "i dont know if it is enough but it is something"
    Episode 8: Even here it ends with us going to help MAYA!!!

    Why do I hate her so much?

    Let's start at the beginning.

    She lies to us, even though she asks us to be 100% honest with her.
    However, this is a small thing, compared to the rest, not even worth mentioning.

    In the first episode she says that the HOTs are just whores, but runs to join them because according to the rumors they have free tuition.
    (This btw is not a spoiler, at the very beginning of the game it will be mentioned!)
    At the same time she herself is a feminist.
    «Oh it's bad when girls use their bodies to get things done».
    But when you use your body to get free tuition it's fucking fine because you're in some fucking troubles and the player should fucking feel sorry for you because you're so fucking suffering.
    Two HOTs were absolutely correct in saying that Maya is a hypocritical bitch.
    Sorry Derek, but it's true.

    Once again she's a feminist. Ptui!

    She blames everyone else for everything, but never herself.
    She did something stupid? Oh, but I did not know, they told me...
    She hasn't even worked a day in her life apparently, at least when Josy told her that she was selling strawberries over the summer to make some money. Maya was like, "I didn't do this job, my dad would've objected.
    Lazy bitch.

    Then she signed something without thinking, but it was her father's fault again. Dumb bitch.

    But my asshole finally went on fire because of this: Free tuition!
    I am not from USA myself, so I do not know exactly how much tuition normally costs, but considering the fact that the father of MC can not afford it, and what I heard in generall - it is very expensive. Google showed me some scary figures of $100k for 4 years. Holy shit.

    Anyway, Maya has to pass the Hell Week to get accepted into HOTs, but she hasn't even done her first task. Something happened and the party was ruined, so she just sort of skipped her first task.
    The rest of the lick-suck tasks she did with someone she loves, or just faked it so she could go to the dumbest HOT to show fake videos and get away with it. But it's all presented as a fucking tragedy and suffering for poor fucking Maya.
    Cut the bs, this bitch just wants money. But she ain't going to work, she's going to use her body and pretend to be innocent, feminist and all this shit at the same time. And of course judge others from time to time. Fucking hypocrit.

    What does being in HOT actually give you?
    The most important thing is a place to live (you don't have to pay for a dorm), HOTs own huge house. They've even got a pool and a sauna inside.
    And of course they have the best parties and all this.
    Well, it seems like they have some small fees and sometimes they have to work, but in any case it's a fucking great place to live almost for free.

    It's not really a spoiler, it's just the obvious stuff.
    Maya says that HOTs are mostly just whores and there are rumors about free tuition. Well, add 2+2. Make a conclusion.

    When Quinn told Maya to forget about free tuition, like there's no such thing here. Maya freaked the fuck out and started screaming like a slaughtered pig, "What the fuck!? Have I been doing all this nasty stuff all week for «free»?"

    No fucking way! Stop-stop-stop-stop. So Maya was expecting to like flash her boobs a little even though she didn't even do that and after this «challenge», the girls get $100k out of nowhere to pay for her tuition? Is she fucking crazy?

    This is fucked up! I really wanted to get in the screen myself at this point and fuckin' beat the shit out of Maya.

    And besides, Quinn didn't promise her anything, she just sort of asked if she was interested.

    But the funny thing is that besides Quinn, somehow everyone feels sorry for Maya, HOTs try to talk to her and even apologize(although for what????).
    While Maya is sitting here with another stupid-arrogant-little-princess face expression like they at least killed her mother or something.

    MC is always feeling sorry for her, too.

    Only Quinn is just pure gold. Ready to sign on every word she says about Maya.

    «She has a handful of victim cards, and she sure loves to play them.» (c) Quinn

    And furthermore Maya is not only annoying on her own, she's always sticking her fucking face in other branches. You want a branch with Josy. Haha.
    You'll have to endure Maya. You want a branch with Sage? Haha. Sage suddenly decides to help Maya.

    Once again, a brilliant comment from Quinn.

    «She is not your pity project.» (c) Qiunn

    I really-really hope that Quinn doesn't change her attitude towards Maya.
    I really-really hope the author stops throwing Maya`s face on my screen or at least gives me a choice to tell her to fuck off.

    Quinn/Riona/Lily as main girl... well there's no harm in dreaming :)
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    I think that this VN has amazing work put in to it. It has great models and animation. It also has a great story and sub stories. I highly recommend at least one playthrough. It has enough branches multiple playthroughs will definitely give you some different experience.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game to play :)
    I have been enjoying playing this game for quite some time and look forward to seeing it grow in the future.
    Thankyou for all the hard work in making it.
    Please keep up the hard work and don't go listen to anyone complaining about anything in the game, if they find a bug, they should report it, not complain about it.
  20. 5.00 star(s)

    M I N T

    Amazing writing, amazing cast of characters, and definitely not an exaggeration to call this the king of all AVNs 10/10 Jill Best Girl
    I really don't have much else to say apart from what I've already said but to fill the 200 character limitation, I'll just go ahead and say that this game rocks. It really helped me when I was my lowest and it definitely makes you feel invested in the story.