they are in need of windows, so probably after august and before halloween what is october. september or october should be at the end of ep8
I'm doing this from memory so please correct any mistakes, but here is my understanding of the BADIK timeline:
Episodes 1-5: The first two weeks of school. Presumably in late August and early September but no dates are specified.
Episodes 6-8: Third week to midterms. At least one whole month, probably closer to two.
Episode 9: Halloween and flashbacks of the week before.
Episode 10: From first of November to Thanksgiving Thursday.
I'll list some key clues.
1) After midterm tests the MC remarks that he'll be free for about a week. Lessons resume after Halloween so the Burkes' dinner and Zoey's return happen on the last week of October.
2) During the clean up free roam of episode 10 there is a cluck from Lily asking if they can leave the cleaning to Monday so it must be the weekend. If you click on the study notebook on the MC's desk he remarks that classes start tomorrow. So I deduce that the clean up happens on Sunday Nov 1st. Thanksgiving Thursday would then be Nov 26th. If BADIK matches real world calendar the year would be either 2015 or 2020. Or any year where Nov 1st is a Sunday. If it follows real world calendar.
3) During his lunch with Bella on Hell Week the MC remarks that he cut his contact to Zoey 6 months ago. When he reunites with Zoey he says it was almost 8 months ago. Thus it would have been early March and Hell Week in early September.
4) From MC's description of the early March weather and Sage's reaction to snow in November, we can deduce that the typical climate sees first snowfall in December and most of it melts away by the end of February.
5) The MC's birthday would be about mid to late September so Lynette and Neil would have been breeding around Christmas.
I'd like to pinpoint when Zoey actually left, but if there are clues on that I've missed them.
Oh and we know that Maya's and Derek's birthday is May 5th.
All of this of course assumes that DPC has an actual timeline in mind and isn't just pulling dates from his ass.