One thing about Beth that you guys aren't discussing:
She's a fucking angry, vindictive, grudge bearing cunt.
I mean, you crack one joke and this bitch can't let it go!
The mc didn't explicitly say the food was shitty or that it smelled bad, he said
Chad smelled worse, that's all.
And it wasn't even said to her, he was talking to Sage, trying to be funny, you know, hoping to get laid.
Then this bitch took it personal and went on a vendetta, I mean, maybe you can say she was drunk at the party and she overreacted when she spilled the drink, and then you know, like a fucking civilised person, she might have apologised the next time she saw him, but no, the angry cunt doubled the fuck down, saying she'd do it again.
So imagine if you fucked her and didn't ring her the next day or some shit (you know, the kinda shit a DIK would do)... that's the kinda shit that results in houses burning down.
Just saying...
Plus her hair's, like, kinda red. You know, a reddish-brown, or maybe a brownish-red... I mean, it could be red if it wanted to be...