I don't it feels like changing the meaning of what is, is

Take season one yes Josy had very little screen time but clearly she stood but no maya til the end. Josy doesn't need drama if you take Maya out of it things still work the same she stills has insecurities which with her going into modeling this ep will or can be over come. Maya I don't think you can say the same unless you like broken woman that bitch all day long about there shitty life while resting in a spa
Josy and Sage mirror a lot yes they differ in area but it pretty much the same story one is just younger and tiny
Ultimately though, If you take Maya out of the equation.... what are we left will
Bella - her story would continue regardless, we would have her and the MC falling for each other over seasons 1 & 2 we still have her husband mystery, we still have the fact the two shouldn't be together and such
Jill - her story would continue regardless, we would still have them falling for each other over seasons 1 & 2, we would still have MC bringing her out of her shell, and we still have the mystery of who MC and Jills parents knew each other if at all
Josy - She would never have had Maya holding her back with MC at the very beginning, MC would have not felt bad at the meal she prepared therefore guaranteeing he slept with her, and they'd probably be together by the time she got to B&R - there's no drama going forward, Yes she insecure and MC can help with that, but there's no drama, no mystery
Sage - Without Maya, the story would continue, Sage would still recruit MC to spy, MC will still teach her how to play guitar, and Sage will still fall for MC the only difference here without Maya is there's no longer any reason to go the Burkes house and find out Sage is a Burke, again like josy there's no real drama or mystery here. you could argue that there can be drama with banging Jade, but without never heading to the burkes' house would it be there?
So yes I can see your argument about Josy and Sage having similar stories, but Sage has a bit more Drama left than Josy does
Ultimately and I like Josy, I just wish she didn't come with Maya... I don't think there is anything left to tell there.