Now I get what you mean, but... There's a huge difference between being a DIK (no pun) for having attitude and being bold and being a DIK for being a complete asshole.
Tommy is a complete asshole. The fact that he treats Heather should be enough for anyone to see what a piece of trash he is. He's also shown himself to be short-tempered, extremely rude, selfish and ungrateful (he wanted Rusty to threaten his own father for money).
In addition to not respecting the DIK code and people's feelings when, for example, Leon practically begs not to have his picture after losing the CUM-petition hung on the wall and even then he ignores it.
Did I mention he's a fucking drug addict? He wanted Jamie to plant marijuana inside the mansion... Sorry, but Tommy is fucking retarded. For drugs he's willing to screw over the DIKs and consequently the MC (I bet it would be a bonus for him since he's so jealous of the MC).
You mentioned playing with DIK MC, right? The question I ask is: Are you DIK cause you're bold and have a strong personality or are you DIK because you are an asshole? I believe that a DIK MC who is not a complete asshole will have a happy ending, but a human trash like Dawe and a cheater like Tommy deserve to burn in hell for eternity.
Yeah, I see what you mean, and I completely agree. Tommy and, even more, Dawe are what I call douches or, as you put it, assholes. Well... They're bullies. As they're portrayed in the game, they probably wouldn't be my friends in real life. If we had friends in common, I'd just barely tolerate them, keeping them at arm's length and treating them eye-for-an-eye: if they respect me, good—I do the same—, if not, I reciprocate.
On the other hand, I've met some Tommys and Dawes during my life—mostly in school because this behavior isn't really common in college, but college in AVNs is High-School 2.0—and, while some are truly irredeemable, others become decent people as they grow up. Moreover, most were not that black and white. Though some were 100% douches, some could be douches in certain situations—you know, teenage insecurity—while being good friends in others. I wish Tommy was more like this.
I think both Tommy and Dawe deserve some life lessons, and I think they'll get them—not because I believe in divine retribution, but because if you behave like a douche all the time, one day you'll find someone who'll beat your ass. However, I also think that the punishment must fit the crime, and I don't think they did anything harsh enough yet to deserve a life sentence. Vinny, on the other hand...
As for the game, though I tend towards DIK, I don't like neither extremes. I don't like, on the DIK side, when the MC is rude, childish, throws hissy-fits, and so on. It looks more like an insecure guy than anything else. I usually end up being 3/4 to 2/3 DIK. The problem's when we don't have alternatives: it's either be a goody two-shoes or a douchebag.