Status update Episode 3
It's almost been one week since the release of Episode 2.
I'm thrilled to see the response from you guys.
Thank you for reporting bugs to me and giving me feedback. I've decided not to patch Episode 2, since the bugs you found were minor.
There is sadly one bug that affects the gameplay slightly, but if you encountered it, I would still recommend to continue on your saved game.
The bug happened for "Massive Chicks" during a special Maya scene and the wrong variable got set. It would show in the relationship report that you got that scene, even though you didn't.
These things happen when a game is in development, that's why it's so important with beta testing and player feedback. I'm doing all I can to make each release polished, but once in a while these pesky bugs pass through quality control.
Development of Episode 3 has started and it's currently in the writing/planning phase.
I'm not going to reveal a lot of details about it, aside from the usual previews, but be prepared that the upcoming Hell week will be split into two episodes.
It's not because I'm aiming to make a short episode, it's the contrary. There's so much stuff I want to do with Hell week, that one Episode won't suffice.
Today the poll for Character in the upcoming threesome ended. It was a very close poll, but the winning option won marginally in each tiered poll.
The winners with 24% of the votes are:
Quinn and Riona
View attachment 300070
Sarah and Camila came in second place with 21% of the votes.
Camila and Melanie came in third place with 20% of the votes.
I'll have to prepare the poll for clothing and I will post it sometime during the weekend.
I'm completely sure of how to design the scene, so the choice of clothing will be limited and they are likely to come off completely sometime during the scene.
Have a great weekend, maggots!
Dr PinkCake