Ep 1 - ~1400 renders, 51 movies
Ep 2 - ~1800 renders, 77 movies, ~4 months
Ep 3 - ~2300 renders, 99 movies, ~3 months
Ep 4 - ~3000 renders (counting the phone app gallery), 134 movies, ~4 months
He's getting faster with the game production side, and he's generating more content. My guess = 4 months (about April/May). But there are no holidays, and he's full-time now, so maybe he'll start producing faster?
As for making the time pass more quickly, let's figure we have about 18 weeks to fill before next release. That's what, 2 girls per week? Focus on 2 different girls each week, play the game focusing on them, see what you find.
Or, you know, just focus on Envy
for the remaining time and be happier, but to each his/her own.