MC's Group Chat: Full Edition
Maya: "Movie Night People!!! Who's in?"
Josy: "ME!!!"
Maya: -Facepalm-
Jill: "Can I come over?"
Maya: "Of course you can Jill. You always welcome."
Josy: "Yaaaa! Can't have a movie night without the best pillows in the house! @Ubersoftie"
Sage: @Softie1: "Dafuq you saying?! Some of us have some pretty awesome pillows as well!"
-Sage inserts a picture of Riona and Camilla laying their heads on Sage's breasts- @Softie2: "I'll bring the whiskey!"
Josy: "How dare you steal our kitten?!"
Maya: @FuckBuddy "Just try to keep your clothes on this time? Not that we didn't mind you and MC having a bit of fun, but it was kinda early for that kind of fun babe."
Jill: "Don't mind her Sage. You have an awesome set of pillows too.

Sage: @UberSoftie: "I'm just messing with her. Though I may have to test out those pillows of yours sometime

" @Softie2: "No promises."
Jill: @GrumpySoftie: "Bella you coming?"
Bella: "Raincheck. Try not to have too much fun girls."
Josy, Maya, Sage: "No promises."
Quinn: "What about the rest of us
Maya: "Well everyone is welcome to come
Mother. By the way... How's the new hair color?"
Quinn: "Not gonna lie... kinda grown on me. Think blue suits me."
Riona: "Yeah it does Sugar Tits! And I'll be there for sure Maya.

Camilla: "Mona and will be there. What's the movie?"
Maya: "Secondhand Lions. Pretty solid movie."
Sarah: "I'll bring the food."
Melanie: "Where's MC? Is he coming?"
Zoey: "Oh he is coming. That is for sure

Melanie: "You slut. Tell him he should come over."
MC: "Whats in for me if I do @Buttslut2?"
-Very long que of topless pics from all the girls.-
MC: "I'll be there."