VN - Ren'Py - Being a DIK [v0.10.1] [DrPinkCake]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Really Good game. I played this game since the begining and until now is amaizing. I really like the idea for being a Dik in my life I'm always very relax and this game allow me to see what happen if you are more dik.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    the game hast brilliant 3d character and surrounding artwork. There is an exciting story packed in different styles of narration, like vn or sanbox. The gane shas funny and entertaining quest. Being a DIK is the most enjoyable adult-game i played so far and sets standards.
  3. 5.00 star(s)



    My first Visual Novel. Do you even know how much time I spent spending my time playing this game? 54 hours within 3 days. that's 18hrs of playing, 3hrs of sleeping and 3hrs of wasting time not playing this game EVERYDAY

    And I'm not stopping till I complete those sweet gallery. After I get my first paycheck, I'll definitely pledge to be at least a Mini Dik.

    In terms of the gameplay. As I said, it's my first game and I'm already hooked. Good Narrative, Great Storyline, Great Chracters, Great CGIs and even I dream of getting some gwak gwak 9000 from Sage.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    What more do i need to say. This game was one of the first vn's i had ever played and got me into the world of avn's.
    - Good music and lots of it
    - Good LI's and lots of them
    - Story gets kinda boring in later chapters.
    worth a play.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    The best AVN, period. It's an amazing dating sim with very impactful choices. and strong writing. Hell, it's not just a great adult game - it's a great game, period.

    The only bad thing about it is Dr.PinkCake's reluctance in hiring help. Updates are WAY too rare.

    The only reasons we don't forget about this game is because it's the best one and DPC is a romantic genius and amazing writer. But going 6 months without thinking about the game is not a great to keep an audience engaged and, really, a missed business opportunity regardless of how well he is doing (he's doing VERY well).

    I've personally forgotten about the game for like 2 years before going back to it. Didn't even really miss a beat.

    Seriously, hire a some staff, bruh...
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    First VN type game for me, saw it was popular on steam and decided to try it.

    Some people say "Came for sex scenes, stayed for the story", I dont know why I came for, but I definitely stayed for the story.

    This games story is actually very very good. I mean way better than some games from big studios. Didnt expect that at all.

    It's really impressive that it's coming from only one person.

    Had a very good time playing it, looking forward to the next season.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    The renders and scenes are good, but the story is also very engaging and it's hard to play without getting invested in the characters. Even the side characters get a lot of personality in this. There are also scenes where I laughed my ass off.

    Amazing game!
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Best game ever!
    I've played many dating genre games but this is a masterpiece, from the artwork, sound, to the animation, the storyline is not yet completed but it has so many twist and path for you to chose, your choice will make the different. This is the best game I've played so far in this genre.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    This Visual Novel has absorbed me for the past 3-4 days, the timing of reading this amidst the pandemic, and me missing my own college life has truly made me feel this akin to something filling a little void in my chest that the goddamned covid shit has left there.

    The story, despite it being of-course having inevitable sexual relationships that I would have strived to have if I were to have a normal college playthrough irl by myself, has really left an impression in me, to the point of me leaving this review here. Taking time out of my day to write this.

    I simply have to appreciate the time and effort put into this not being a solely sexual-fantasy adventure, with only females as the cast aside from you ofc, as is with most Games/VNs similar to this style. Really capturing the essence of "to have fun times, you must also appreciate the times where it's not." (Yeah I read it in the game too, or something along those lines.)

    I love the bro relationships had by all of the DIKs, especially of course Derek, providing the much-needed comic relief, however when necessary at times, is the guy the protagonist relies upon, giving much more to his character than just being someone to laughed at when given screen-time.

    Just a dislike though is Tommy, doesn't have that much redeemable qualities shown through the available episodes the series has, however I think that's just how he just is in service of the story. That unlikable asshole to contrast all the homies in the DIK frat.

    On the topic of the female leads, personal two favorites are Isabella and Jill, Isabella for the taboo-vibe, and Jill for that innocent high-school romance (pasted along with sex and shit.) I'm saying this though because I haven't bothered to read through the other three's story plots.

    Although Jill's story I just have to mention (and including the whole DIK frat story) have given me genuine laughs and smiles.

    I don't do reviews much, but have to say I feel lucky to have played/read through Being a DIK with two seasons out already. And that's it, hope Dr. PinkCake delivers another interesting/intriguing story for us all. Thanks guy.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing game; came for the porn, stayed for the plot. Didn't play it for the longest time because i was turned off by some of the themes and thought i would just bounce off the american frat stuff but it was honestly not a problem at all for me.

    The game's called being a dik but all of the 'true' choices and routes, to use VN lingo, don't feel like they focus on that aspect. Good minigames and collectables to boot.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    i fallow this game from the begining

    it becomes certainly one of the best game ever on this site..In my top 3

    intrigue, hummour, good eveloppement constent caractere, and of good sex

    renders are more them good and if there s suite after the university college it will be great i fallow the dev

    Excellent works goes on, need more
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    The best writing, the best characters. Just finished Chapter 2 (episode 8) and I can't recommend this game enough. So well done. I had to play the end of the chapter multiple times just to set myself up for Chapter 3 because I don't want to miss where it goes from here. Best game.
  13. 2.00 star(s)

    Wide Boy

    Don't get me wrong, the overall quality is good:
    • Good renders
    • Great music
    • Good UI
    • Good writing (stylistically)
    Though it does have some flaws, I'm ready to ignore them and would not lower my rating because of:
    • Character design have some problems: unrealistic waistlines looks ugly and Sage's super long legs also make her look weird, not sexy. Oh, and can't forget Jill's face, which looks alien from most angles! Out of the main girls Maya is most realistic looking one. Maybe Josy too.
    • Free roam while useless, is tolerable first playthrough, but when you played once already it is a pain in the ass to repeat it each time.
    But things I really can't look past are:
    1. DIK/CHIK alignment being useless. The game should be called being a CHIK, since MC is one. Your choice doesn't matter, you will be a girlfriend to main female characters. You basically will friendzone yourself to them for no apparent reason. And if you try to be a DIK, all that changes is that you will get into few fights and will fuck every slutty whore out there (which is turns me off, I mean if those girls are SO EASY, what's good about doing them? Unless you want some free AIDS or syphilis, I can't see anything positive about fucking them. Even small sex encounters should have some meaning, but here they are all meaningless.(excluding Jade(never tried Kathrine))) Oh, and almost forgot, as a DIK you'll get blocke out of most girls routes. So there's that. Nowadays, the masculinity is under such a massive attack by mainstream culture, and it would've been good if someone explored theme of masculinity in some positive way, but it seems that Dr. PinkCake is a feminist or just shares their views, since not only MC acts like a girl most of the time (some girls even outright tell MC that they feel so comfortable around him because he's like a girl) but also the only way to be masculine here is to be "toxic" by getting into meaningless fights and fucking every whore you can. No meaningful conflicts(for social status, for example), no "spinning plates" (cause last episode MC is like: "I need only one!"), not much in terms of brotherhood. I think it is because either Dr. PinkCake is a girl or an effeminate man.
    2. Writing, story-wise sucks. Beside what I mentioned in previous point, story in general seems to go nowhere. All the drama is pretty girly and soapy, and consist of all kind of "ass pulls". Two (forced) main LI just happen to date eachother (and you can be the third girl in their relationships), Derek happens to be Maya's brother, Sage happens to be adopted by Jade, Jade happens to be the mother of Tybalt, who happens to force Jill into dating him despite your choices. Everyone seems to be connected and all that by accident. And in the end of season MC's first GF comes to his home by an accident. Some many fucking accidents and no meaningful conflict (the one with jocks pretty much dead), MC has no plans, no ambitions, just goes with the flow, like a good little girl. He just reacts to things. He made only two somewhat manly things: Made guys restore the mansion, and decided to date just one girl and let go of the others (while I consider it manly, it is still forced on player, true DIK (the way they portrayed in game) would've spin dem plates). Other than that it's just reactions.
    3. Love interests: Josy and Maya not only forced in the begining, which is a turn off by itself, but also you can only have them together. So if some fucked up lesbo relationships (and it is not a harem by any means, they're just two lesbians and you're just third wheeling) are not your thing, then they're off the table. Bella is too old, plus I can sense that her hubby will come back sooner or later, and there will be some more stupid drawn out drama about that. Sage is good, a bit slutty probably, but great. And Jill, if not for her ruined face, is good. But she doesn't like DIKs. It seems that most girls here are lesbians and don't like daring men, they prefer touchy-feely guys. So what do we have? Something like 1,5 love interests? If you're a massive DIK it is only Sage, like it or not.
    So in general, this is my opinion of the game. It is not to shit on Dr. PinkCake, it is mostly due to feeling personally attacked by game telling you do what you feel like and then punishing you for feeling not the way it wants you to. Why give a choice when one is discarded? You can make this pretty much a kinetic VN called "Being a CHIK" and no meaningful content will be lost.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Yo ^^ sorry for my dumb english i'm just a dumb lost french and translators arn't always enough to be clear enough , well , i discovered the strange world of "adult" porn games recently , since only a few months by dreams of desire wich were on skidrow website amongst classic other games , so "mon avis ne vaut pas un penny" wich means that my opinion is not worth a penny , but damn i have to say DR PinkCake is a real master on the genre , honestly this game is huge compared to the others i tried , and hi everyone im new and i post a lill comment to participate , your site is a real goldmine for the genre , it's kind of new to me and i never thought a game could be so "exiting" ^^ ok i wanted to be short but as always i wrote to much to say not so much after all oO .... Mmmmmm ... Bye !! ^^ (*triple backflipp , smoke bomb , pshhhhhhhhh) :*
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    What is there to be said about this game that wasn't said already? It is a masterpiece in the making. A prime example of come for the "plot" and stay for the plot.
    The constant twists and turns keep you always guessing, although, knowing the author's previous work, I can't help but clench my butt cheeks every once in a while :). It's the first game I ever play were I start making theories. The character development is great. And the sheer amount of content is tremendous.
    My only regret is that I have to wait for the next episode.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Downloaded only as a sex game. But it's much more than that.
    Great characters, the animations are fantastics , and such a great trama.
    The dialogues deeply build some characters and helping us to feel identify to them.

    That's a masterpiece
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    The decription didn't engage me much at first, so I didn't try the game for a looong tme. Big mistake.

    Beautiful renderings, great soundtrack, fun gameplay and most important of all: fantastic writing that actually makes you feel with and care for the characters on their turbulent college journeys.

    And plenty of sex that's actually sexy due to this.

    Not a game for the quick fap but one with an actual emotional impact.
    Made me laugh, made me cry, made me horny. Easily on of the best if not the best "porn" game I ever played (and I played many over the years).

    Would buy it on Steam or GoG in a heartbeat if the bloody stupid legislation of my country allowed it...
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    After finishing season one , i can only repeat the ending words of our MC


    What a journey this was , from the setting down to the writing i was hooked.

    I cannot wait to see what season 2 brings and what choices and consequences follow us.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Easily one of if not the best game I've ever played. The story is extremely well written, and the characters have individual and truly human personalities that evoke emotional connections to themselves and the story. The renders are stunning and make the sense of immersion that much better. I love that the characters are properly consistent in their personalities and don't switch personalities like a light once you're on their relationship path. Bella especially.. I've played a lot of games that have a character with that sort of "tsundere" -for lack of a better word- personality and its always annoying when they suddenly switch to this lovey dovey all over you character once you're on their path. This game does a really good job of maintaining the characters integrity in who they are and it makes them feel all the more realistic. the game is only 0.8.2 so far and it has days worth of immersive and enjoyable content, I can't wait for future updates.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Wow, that's some above the best stuff in a field of xxx-games. After all cringe other games here bring up usually (especially those sis-SIS-mom games) this one is a pure gem. I mean it has minimum of cringe the pron-game may contain and the scenario being unrealistic as fuck still keep your attention and entertain you even without pron stuff be involved.