I hope banging Jade doesn't come back to bite me later with Bella. It would suck to have to reject her for the sake of not fucking up with Bella in the future.
Yeah, I was thinking something like that a couple days ago... I have the feeling that sooner or later all my DIK decisions are going to backfire on me...
By the way dudes, I remember that Tommy told to Derek and MC that the maggot who performs more task of the Hell's Week, would have a reward. Will be a major one or relevant to the story? Speak your mind everybody.
Coming from Tommy and the DIKs, I presume it will be something sexual...

Perhaps a free ride with a lady from The Pink Rose, I hope! I'd choose Brandi, if possible. Already fucked Nicole/Envy and also Rose in Derek's path... Yeah, Lily is a succulent Loli and there's another tattooed stripper if I remember correctly, very yummy too... But I'm eager to fuck Brandi! Beautiful sexy panther...

Even tho, now that I see her, the other tattooed stripper is fucking beautiful too... Oh, so many options and just one dick!
I hope that's the reward. What else could be? I think I already ordered everything from Quinn's menu. And the rooms should be already destined: janitor's closet for Derek and the ruined library for the MC. I don't think we can choose a better room. And anyway, if I had to choose between a big, clean room at the DIK mansion and a free night with Brandi or another sexy stripper, I know what my dick will choose...