VN - Ren'Py - Being a DIK [v0.10.1] [DrPinkCake]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    So I'll preface my review with two things
    1. I'm no where near up to date, the last version I played was 5 I believe
    2. 3D models (such as the ones used in this game) do absolutely nothing for me, they're just in that uncanny valley for me

    That being said I still think this is a great game and even though I didn't achieve the main goal of beating tf outta my meat with this one I did sit there and play the game for a bunch of hours because I found myself just having a good time with the story and characters.

    Should also mention that even tho I'm biased against 3d models I can still see and appreciate that the models in this game are a cut above all the other 3d game drivel on this site, so if you can get off to them go buckwild here.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    This game really amazing from many aspects in my opinion. From storyline, character story, sexy & cute character XD Jill is my favorite female character. Really hope can look Jill and MC get married and have a child lol
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    At time of writing there are almost a thousand reviews of this game, and a cursory look tells me they're almost all very positive. I have nothing to add to the fact that this is a great game, or VN - it has lots of elements of both. It's possibly the best constructed, highest-quality creation on this site.

    Furthermore, if you know the dev team's previous work, and you paid attention to Jill's warning at the beginning of this one, then you know that there is very likely going to be a major plot twist that will have a huge impact on the tone of this game, and how people feel about it.

    So, what I wanted to do is just talk specifically about the elements of this game that set it so far above the herd, in a way that other creators can consider how they can best learn and apply these concepts.

    First, the artwork is great, but it's not alone at that level. Where it excels, I think, are in the little dynamic touches. An animation of a car window going down, revealing a beautiful woman inside. The way another woman slowly, reluctantly, but inevitably reaches for a man's penis in the sauna. Or, my favorite, the look Quinn gives the MC just before she leaves his room. A little dynamic moment like this can really spice up a string of static images. And these great examples of using images as elements of pacing, creating a sense of things slowing down, or speeding up, giving energy and dramatic focus.

    Second, the plot. Great plot is character-driven, people do the things they do because of who they are. Here, all the characters are differentiated and have clear needs, concerns, things that drive them, and what they do tends to be consistent with that. So the plot moves forward without magic or ghosts or random wtfs. Real life isn't like that, of course (except for the magic and ghosts, but more than makes up for it in wtfs), but if plots were true-to-life then they'd be boring.

    Third is tone. So, there are four moods that alternate in this work. The first is humour; a lot of the game is funny, silly funny, although some of the humour is PC-bashing, which isn't that funny or difficult. Second is companionship. There are a lot of friendships in this game; they give the characters depth and real stakes in the choices and actions people make. Third is tension. This is the dark undercurrent, the threat of nasty things coming up from the depths, and this is what keeps the game from just being "MC at Uni, try to fuck as many girls as possible." If you check the discussion thread, you'll see that there's a huge amount of speculation about what this dark thing will turn out to be. The fourth mood is the sexual one. It's great.
    It's this variation of tone that makes this game seem so rich.

    Fourth is characters. There are a lot of characters in this game, which is very hard to balance, but they are all differentiated, and over the course of each episode they get their opportunities to reveal depth. Sage is a great example. She's the hot Queen Bee, and most creators would leave her like that. But here, she's also an insecure young woman who finds escape from her personal demons through sexual ecstasy.

    Fifth is dialogue. So, I think this is a weak point, but only because the other elements are so strong. But the dialogue is, for the most part, naturalistic and non-narrative. A lot of VNs use dialogue as a way to narrate the story, which is really stilted and dull. None of that here.

    And, finally, the MC is not cringy. He's actually likeable. Yes, he has a magic penis, but, hey, what kind of game did you think this is?

    Anything I don't like? I hate the mini-games. That's a design choice, and some people like 'em.
    But yeah, you should definitely check this out. And if you're a creator, pay attention to what makes it work.
  4. 2.00 star(s)

    Barry Nyle


    A game emulating the raunchy college comedies of the 80s. It nailed the raunchy but whether it's a comedy probably depends on your taste in jokes. It didn't match mine. The renders are good though they look like RealDolls in the close ups. The music is ska and punk stuff that I'm not into. It's a competently made game that matches none of my interests, and doesn't hit the sex scenes fast enough to get me interested. But hey, other people like it. Check it out.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Kinda hard to make a review when over 900 people already shared their thoughts about this game, what else can be said about it?

    Yet, after finally playing it recently, I feel this review is owed, this project is really something else and it deserves all the praise it gets.

    Since this game lauched I knew it would be at least decent, the creator made a good impression with me with his last game, however I avoived this game like the plague since as we all know, waiting for updates sucks.

    My plan was to wait for 2 years after the first release and then play it, unfortunally I couldn't wait the last 6 months, however....

    Holy shit, this game rules!

    It didn't just justified all the hype, it surpassed it easily. Amazing renders, great models (different body types!!!), interesting plot, funny side characthers, good music??

    Sure, the game isn't perfect but the point I'm trying to make here is that it's fucking close to perfection.

    Let's think about the bad things about this...

    Well, it does take a very long time to update, but that's about it, and so far every update was massive and worth the wait.

    Now I will have to suffer with the rest and wait for the next update, but that's ok, this is the best adult game I've ever played without a doubt.

  6. 5.00 star(s)


    This is the best AVN there is. It's unmatched in almost every aspect. The story, writing, renders, art, music, and animations are all top-notch. There's so much depth to the characters and attention to detail, it's unbelievable. The ending of Ep 7 left tears in my eyes.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Being A DIK is the pinnacle of adult visual novel. Developer pays attention to the smallest details of the story. There are many people with rich characters even if they're just secondary or tertiary character. The production is simply amazing. Phone mechanism helps massively in world building with apps such as messaging, rooster and Swyper. It took me 10 hours plus just to finish one playthrough even with minigame turned off. BaDIK also influences many other of my favorite AVNs in this site
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Without a doubt the most detailed game in this platform. The plot, the characters, the quality of the renders, coding, everything is just spot on, can't wait for it to be finished.
    Outstanding work from the devs.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    one of the best if not the best overall games available.... looking forward to see this game finished! if there is any kind of complaint it would only be the length of time between updates, however when you see the quality of the work and the obvious time and attention to detail Dr. Pink Cake puts into this i think it is one of the few that is worth the wait!
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    10PM - "OK, let's finally start this game. Been postponing it for months since I don't like title. Sounds like MC is total douche. Ugh, ok, let's play"

    11AM following morning: "Fuck, my wireless headphones are empty and I'm starving."

    Seriously can't remember when was the last time I spent night without sleeping. 13h of non-stop playing. Do I need to say I liked it?

    Characters are amazing, interesting and varied, girl models and sex scenes are ridiculously good, story is fun, everything is top notch. Chapter 5 at the time of writing.

    And best of all, can't wait to do it all over again, except this time doing it differently. DAMN IT, I LOVED THEM BOTH! Alas, it was not meant to be.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Best VN that you can play out there. Came for the scenes, stayed for the story, left with the tears...

    Dr.PinkCake deserves all the support and i hope more creators see him as their role model. Good job my man.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Finally played this (up to chap 7). I found the MC easy to identify with and was completely swept up in the story flow (my blind choices gravitated toward the DIK route after staying neutral at first); the (often) good quality of emotion animation on character faces helped with that a fair bit.

    There were a few moments of conflict between different girl routes that felt like good tension for the overall story. It felt funny to be forced into a certain choice by my own head-canon: as much as it pained me, my version of the MC would never abandon a sick friend.

    The prototypical "phone menu" and other common VN UI elements are very well implemented into the story. I rarely felt pulled out of the narrative when I needed to interact with stuff (haha, crooked paintings).

    The random and sometimes unexplained asides into NPC events with MC off-screen make this story world feel like it has a lot of room to grow. At this point in the story, I can't decide if I want this game to end in a bang after another 7-15 chapters (as a certain UI element suggests) or spend many times that in pain-staking detail over an entire college career, making it a real VN soap opera--albeit with meaningful plot development.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    First off, let me mention that the renders in this game are fantastic, some of the best out there. The writing also seems to be very good. So, why the low rating? I felt like I was being forced down a route I didn't want to take. It seemed to me like you could play as either an asshole or a marshmallow. If neither of those appeal, you seem to get locked out of an awful lot of content. Granted, I didn't make it very far in, I was just sent to steal panties to get into the DIKs. At that point, nothing other than the renders had made me want to play anymore, so I called it a day. Perhaps I'll look for a CG rip, but there are other games on this site that are more fun to me.
  14. 5.00 star(s)

    Anomander Cake

    Simply the greatest all-round adult VN ever created.It doesn't skimp on any aspect required to make a game like this great.

    First off, the story is great- it's deceptively simple to hook in a new player but then more and more plot points start coming up and progressing/intertwining seamlessly which makes the experience very enriching. There are outrageously funny moments and dialogs, mixed with some truly heartfelt moments, the occasional twist thrown here and there, fun minigames that can be turned on/off, an amazing game design of being able to use your phone for texting/calling characters and using an Instagram app etc. There's parties and sex, there's characters suffering from controlling parents, there's frat rivalry, a drug and prostitution ring, and so much more.

    The renders and animation are top notch. Arguably you can tell the earlier episodes while still good aren't the greatest visually but by episode 5/6 the developer gets newer hardware and the output is truly sensational. The main and side girls all look distinct from each other, and you'll find something interesting about all of them. Unlike some VNs where you basically read for hours before having to make inconsequential choices, here your choices bear consequences, you can make the MC a very kind hearted, romantic nice guy or a man whore looking to bang anything that moves.

    The music/songs in this game are fantastic, every scene is elevated thanks to the soundtrack, and it all fits the mood of the particular scene brilliantly.

    The most impressive thing BaDIK does however, is pull off the balancing act so many games fail to do. It progresses the plot and character development while not skimping on the sex scenes. At the end of the day it is a porn game, and your investment of time will be rewarded with some extremely memorable lewd scenes, however you'll also be left wondering what happens next in the story. Neither comes at the expense of the other- no matter the choices you make, any playthrough is guaranteed to get you a healthy mix of both. Unless you're on a solo Jill path lol, but that's fun too.

    This game is the standard by which all other games on this site will be measured. 5/5.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Holy shit! After playing the "Acting lessons" and the fucking bullshit with dying of some main protagonists I told myself to never touch PinkCake's games again. And now, after more than two years after first release of BADIK I've tried it for the first time... And I have to confess - I'm in heaven. This game looks like a creation of fifty people team. Story, fantastic graphic, animations, immersion into daily lives and problems of college students, teachers, employees etc.. is unbelieavable. I've been sitting several days glued to computer screen. I haven't finished the current release (0.7.2) yet and I have the same feeling like after finishing The Witcher 3. I don't want the BADIK to ever end! Not many creators can express such a deep emotional situations through imaginary characters. You will believe they're real. I just hope with my whole heart that nobody dies during the story and there will be only good endings! I know - this is life, but that's whay we play games - to escape daily cruel reality. Keep up your fantastic work, Dr. PinkCake. I still can't believe you're doing that tremendous amount of work alone.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    I simply love that game ! Yés but why ? ( Also i never played Acting lesson so i don't know if there are some links between the two story )

    Well first as anyone who played the game i saw that the animations and the renders are incredible , the expression of the characters in the game feel so real
    The story is exceptional and you're not only playing to see the sex scene, it's almost as if you were reading some kind of novel. Also when you pay attention to some scene in the game you can see funny,intriguing,strange details that sometime have an importance in the game (to understand the scenario)

    my point is that i love it and i can't wait to see the next update.

    ps: i can't help but Derek is one of my favorite character XD
    (the jokes with him are so stupid that you can't not love him).
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing, love the character development and the character models are superb (especially josy)! Great graphics, one of the best game i ever played! Great gameplay also! If you have never played this game, go for it! I really love this game!
  18. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 18676

    This review is for Season 1 of Being a DIK. I had played through the developers previous game and decided to give this one a shot. Suffice to say, it was so good that I decided to buy it on Steam to support the developer further. Not only are there sexually pleasing scenes, but also a fun and quirky story that keeps the player engaged and wanting to learn more about the characters. Great game!
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    I love this game. Beautiful stories (MC and LIs), I believe I wouldn't need lewd scenes because of the stories. Graphic is amazing, characters are unique. I've become one of the patrons and I don't regret it. It deserves support! <3 Good work DPC!
  20. 5.00 star(s)

    I rape mommy's

    Best VN game i ever played
    Great renders and mind blowing animations
    A complete package of fap animations
    This game story is also so good
    Every single renders are very good
    I think this game dev lived has mc and he created a game
    Coz it was that good
    Overall a perfect game
    A marvelous creation from this game dev
    -No cons in this game